Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rainbow Moments

Rainbows have been showing up all over our house, only they are inside, not outside! A couple weeks ago, Ella asked me to paint a rainbow on her face. After each color, she looked in the mirror and decided what the next color should be. And who was I to stop her when she wanted black and white? The next picture was a lovely surprise for me. A rainbow at night!! Yes, my friends, you are viewing the rarely seen midnight rainbow, an amazing natural phenomena! Gotcha!! No, not so, this rainbow was really on my kitchen counter, I think it may have been from the sun hitting the water tank of the coffee maker. It was bright mid-day, so I have no idea why the background came out black in the picture! The counter is pale beige. Life's little rainbows are what we live for, aren't they? The small moments that make you stop and just take your breath away. That color your life. Here is the rainbow moment that tops everything, I wonder if it took Ezekiel's breath away?

I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radience around him.

This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell face down, and I heard the voice of one speaking. Ezekiel 1:27


SquirrelQueen said...

Your kitchen rainbow is quite the catch, it turned out great. Of all the rainbows my favorite is the one on Ella's cheek, that is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

So true about life's little rainbows...they make everything worthwhile. Loved the pictures...your header too! And the kitchen counter photo looks like a natural phenomenon! You almost got me there!:D

RoeH said...

So true. Rainbows amaze me in any form. It's kind of one of life's little miracles!

Ann said...

What a ray of sunshine you are, growing rainbows on your kitchen counter :) You had me fooled for a second there with the midnight rainbow thing.
Love the rainbow face painting, that's so cute.

DawnTreader said...

Yes. True... Rainbows have to be caught and enjoyed "in the moment", since they rarely last long. Except, of course, the camera allows us to cheat a bit ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all three of your rainbows are magic to me. sweet little ella bella with a rainbow on her face is once again a priceless memory. great job on the kitchen rainbow, don't think i have ever seen one indoors. now i will keep an eye out for one. header rainbow is awesome

Ruth Hiebert said...

Rainbows bring a smile,and so did this post.Ioften have rainbows in my house,you see I hang a couple of crystals in my window and let the sun do its work.

From the Kitchen said...

A nighttime rainbow? O.K., you had me going for a minute there. I can just imagine Ella checking out her rainbow and deciding on the next color. What better entertainment could she -- or you-- want for an afternoon together?


From the Kitchen said...

P.S. Love the glasses on Ella!


Bobbie said...

I just love your posts!! I love how you always pull scripture and apply it to life's happenings and bring it altogether for something to think about. Our newspaper used to have a Bible Digest where they'd have a Bible passage, then a commentary on it. Then they dropped the commentary and just had the verse. I always liked the commentary, because I believe that God does speak to us through chosen people.. and it often gives us something to think about. Thanks for another great post!! ( I love rainbows)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Ginny, Another beautiful post and little Ella is so sweet. Enjoy your day ~ it's even cold in GA today!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how I love those Rainbow Moments in life.... For me, it doesn't take much... It might just be a little birdie eating at the feeders.... OR--maybe seeing a deer in the back of our property... OR--maybe seeing some snow flakes blowing around in the air.... OR--a fire in the fireplace.... OR--a nice warm bed (since we have an electric blanket and love it) when I go to bed... I could go on and on and on.....LOVE 'EM....

Have a Rainbow Moment Day..

Reanaclaire said...

I love rainbows.. i m like Ella but only that that cute.. hahahaa..

Karin said...

Love having rainbow moments! Up north here we even have snobows. Don't believe me - feel free to google it! Enjoyed that little Ella is quite realistic about life's rainbows by putting just some ordinary black and white into it. That midnight rainbow should be reported to some scientific organization - a new phenomenon, lol!

S. Etole said...

That little girl is so precious.

Tracy said...

I love the photo and raainbows remind me that there is always hope...thanks for the post!

Unknown said...

I love your rainbows!

Ella looks like a real cutie and you're right - if she wants black and white in her rainbow, then so it shall be. ;o)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Rainbows are almost as amazing as that child :-). She is such a sweetheart. Have a wonderful weekend, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Neal said...

Cute! I like rainbows in any form.

Yeah, I believe I have some pictures inside the church on my blog.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love rainbows. They just make everyone so cheerful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wonderful and beautiful post! Yes, the rainbow is a reminder of God's love. Have a super good day!

What Karen Sees said...

I love your photos of this little beauty! What a joy to be able to photograph and keep these wonderful childhood memories!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The last photo is so clever.

How are you celebrating your Christmas?

Remington said...

Very cool! I love rainbows too!

Remington said...

Sorry your husbands favorite team lost to the Giants. That is who we play next week....

Fred Alton said...

Yes, the rainbow is a good reminder of God's promises of bounty. One must take advantage of opportunities as they come or else they, like the rainbow, soon disappear. God promised a bounty of squirrel meat! You cook it just about any way you want to. There is fried, boiled, roasted, baked, cooked in rice to make pilau (pe-low?) or served up with french fries, or just debone it and make a squirrel sandwich. I think most hunters I know have sorta given up on squirrel because they are small - but they are worth the effort! One must possess a hunting license to take them in our state. They can be trapped or harvested with a .22 or even an air-rifle. I have an idea...Come down to Tennessee and I'll have Frances show you how!

Anonymous said...

Gotcha! Yes you did! :-)

The lady across the street likes to paint flowers and such on the little kids in the neighborhood. They love it.

Have a great week


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

In Auckland, we have the rectangular boexes.

Dawning Inspiration said...

LOL - how fun - Rainbows are my favorite thing ever!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I love rainbows - I think about God every time I see one. And I love your two rainbows! Great picture Ginny.


Glenda said...

I love what you said about the little moments making our lives beautiful! And they do!! Ella is so cute and brings lots of cheer to your home, I'm sure!

Kilauea Poetry said...

I think the job you did on Ella is cute- she is adorable- I love rainbows..
have a great evening-

srp said...

I love those crystals that have a solar panel attached and they turn when the sun hits them. It sends rainbows all over the room.

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