Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dwelling In The Dust

We have gone to a local orchid show each year for the last two years. Of course I took many, many pictures. These all seem to be the same type, so I have collected them in this post. To me, there is something vaguely creepy about this type of orchid. Some look like they have tongues with veins running through them. Orchids are the largest family of flowering plants, with more than 100,000 kinds of purebreds and hybrids. About 800 new species are added each year. They are from a very ancient group of plants, and related to lilies. Vanilla comes from orchids. The largest can reach way over 25 feet high, and the smallest only 1/4 inch. There was one that lived over 100 years. All this, and their seeds are the size of dust.

"But your dead will live; their bodies will rise. You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy. Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead."

Isaiah 26:19


George said...

These are beautiful orchids. Thanks for sharing these with us. It's hard to imagine that things so beautiful can come from seeds so small.

Mom Daughter Style said...

you would qualify to be a professional blogger. i like how i see the colors of the orchid. just beautiful

Karin said...

Wow, those are amazing orchids. I'll have to listen around to see when we'll have a show like that around here. That sounds like fun! Life - in dust - what an awesome Creator we have!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Some of these remind me of the venus fly trap! I know what you mean..they look rather lively against your background! My sister has the vanilla..and there are many beautiful varieties growing here! The ones I can attach to a tree do real well for me! Generally I don't have trouble with plants but certain orchids that require indoor life can be touchy!

Annie Jeffries said...

Dear Ginny,

I found this post to be especially beautiful, not just for the photos (which really are sublime) but also for the scripture you found to match the mood and the life of the orchids themselves.

I understand that orchids are actually very easy to grow. I've thought of giving it a try but I have the palest of green thumbs and I would hate to be the instrument of death for something so fine.


SquirrelQueen said...

Orchids are such amazing flowers, it is hard to believe such beauty springs from such tiny seeds. I especially like the one in the fifth photo down, it is gorgeous.

Debbie Taillieu said...

Amazing photographs! I received my first orchid from my boyfriend last year....and now I'm learning all I can about them. Thank you for the great information.
Happy Holidays!

Neal said...

Wow, those are beautiful. I can't remember where we were but we went to a place that had orchid after orchid and they were soooooo beautiful.

Jane said...

Beautiful orchids! I have two, neither of which are in bloom right now. The last one outdid himself and managed to stay in bloom for about 5 months!


LC said...

Your "vaguely creepy" description gave me a laugh! I guess beauty, even creepy beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Thanks, once again, for sharing your good eye and your good heart!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shots, ginny. orchids are kind of like alien looking flowers to me. selby gardens has a tropic forest full of them. I am a daisy or wild flower person. and the one orchid i tried to grow died on me. maybe it KNEW i thought it was strange looking

From the Kitchen said...

I love orchids even though they are different looking. In Hawaii they grow like wildflowers. I was amazed at the many, many varieties. Beautiful photos.


srp said...

My mom is trying to grow orchids. Some are doing better than others and I don't know how long this phase of her interest is going to continue. Actually, the one she got from Sams Club is doing better than all the others put together. It only stopped blooming once this whole past year.

What Karen Sees said...

You have photographed these beauties so well, and I agree, these do have kind of an alien look about them. nevertheless, they are lovely!

Stephanie V said...

Very pretty. My daughter grows orchids and I think they're very fussy. Like a lot of beautiful things they take a lot of care.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love the promise of this verse as much as the pictures.Thanks.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Gorgeous is the word! Great post

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What super shots of the various Orchids! Nicely done! Have a wonderful Friday!

Tracy said...

These are just so stunning! you know they almost look artificial and plastic because of the shine and the luxurious did good, Lady!

S. Etole said...

I had no idea there were some many different kinds of orchids ... you've captured them well.

Ann said...

Great set of orchid shots. Wow a 100 year old orchid, obviously one would never last that long in my care, it would be lucky to make it through one season with
I knew there were tons of varieties but I had no idea there was such a range in size.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I love Orchids... I recognized them immediately. One of my good friend's mother used to grow them in their sun room. They smelled SO good.

George and I saw some also when we were at Biltmore.. I haven't blogged about that yet....

Thanks for sharing... I can almost smell though... WOW!!!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I find orchids very strange as well. My mother has quite a green thumb and has several that flower at her house.

Fred Alton said...

Exquisite photos of the orchids, Ginny. Thanks for posting.

DawnTreader said...

These are beautiful. I never thought about the seeds. I have one still in bloom which I bought early in the autumn; and two old ones of which one is about to go into new bloom soon, and the other one I've had for 2½ years and it has bloomed 3 or 4 times.

Chatty Crone said...

Great pictures Ginny. They are an amazing flower!


Rose said...

so unusual photos thanks rose

Doris Sturm said...

Amazing photos! I love Orchids. They are magnificent! I've never been to an Orchid show, but would take a lot of photos, like you! Thanks for sharing them with us :-)

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful, Ginny! we do have flower shows but never ones that are exclusively for orchids. You're right. They do look alien...but beautiful!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My dad and mum used to grow the original orchids, and they took a lot time to bloom. Thanks for memories.

Re: bridge, they really have to make the sign bigger, no body could see it.In fact all three of us missed the sign, It was at a little short pole at the right of the bridge. I saw it only because I was looking around to look for places to take my photos.

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