Thursday, December 16, 2010

Out Of The Frying Pan...

First, to all of you who asked if we ever made it to see the lights after our adventure getting lost, the answer is yes!! And we got some beautiful pictures that I will start posting tomorrow. After getting lost, we stopped at my favorite restaraunt, The Olive Garden. I wish we had one in our city. Here is my dish, the Italian Sampler. Three different entrees one one plate, all smothered in cheese! Then this morning we woke up to this snow. We had to pick up little Ella from school, and our neighborhood had not been salted or plowed. As we crawled along at a snail's pace, we watched cars slip slidin' away! Ella was, of course, delighted with the snow. So for her sake, I actually managed to stifle my screams of terror as we headed back home, especially after watching a car slide all the way down our hill backwards. This morning was certainly more frightening than last night's adult fantasy store. I really need to go looking for that wine the doctor told me to drink! Especially if the week continues to be like this.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though it's waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging." Psalm 46


Doris Sturm said...

Life's a roller coaster - and you're on a good one right now, Ginny! Hang on...

Doris Sturm said...

p.s. love that snow!

DawnTreader said...

We had a really bad snow storm again yesterday. Luckily I did not have to go out. On the news they kept telling everyone to stay in unless it was absolutely necessary to go out; whether by car or by foot. The ER in Gothenburg was over-full of people who had slipped and fallen in the icy streets and broken this or that.

SquirrelQueen said...

Out of the Frying Pan ..... into the snow storm?

Your snow is really pretty, looks like we will be getting some this weekend. I drove in snow for so long in AK that it doesn't bother me any more. Ella looks like she is very happy to see all those white flakes.

Glad to hear you got to see the lights.

Tracy said...

Ginny, I think I heard your screams here in NC...sorry, couldn't resist! albeit scary, it is still beautiful! I can see why Ella was so delighted :)
Have your knuckles gone back to their original color?

RoeH said...

Looks so pretty. Love it. Glad you had a good time at Olive Garden. I'm not a big fan of Italian food (yes I know..I'm the only person in the world with that thinking) so whenever I go with somebody for lunch there, it's hard to find something on the menu. I usually get a salad or something.

Neal said...

I like Olive Garden also. There's one not far from us but it's been ages since we've been there. We go to Fazoli's pretty often.

That snow picture is beautiful!

From the Kitchen said...

I heard you had snow! We keep having it but that's expected in the Chicago area. People just go on as if it were a sunny day in June--until the ice starts to fall. Streets are pretty much kept well cleared always. Parking lots can be a bit of a problem. Be careful out there--and enjoy the wine.


Fred Alton said...

Ginny, I Loved your new headliner picture of the mirror! What a great shot, clearly showing Phil sitting at the table. And of course that picture of your little Elf Ella is fabulous. We are far enough south that we only had just a trace of sleet out of the latest storm to move through. We've had a few days of below freezing weather, but no serious snow here in Cleveland.

Melanie said...

Hi, Ginny~
Olive Garden is my favorite restaurant too! I got an Olive Garden gift card for my birthday that I haven't used yet. One of our church friends gave us one for Christmas, so now we have two! Yay! The sampler looks delicious! We have to go shopping tonight, so I'm hoping we'll go to Olive Garden if the wait isn't too long.
We're out of school again today. The roads are still just a mess and it hasn't gotten above freezing, so they're pretty bad right now. We're going to wait to go shopping until later today.
Have a great weekend. ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was smiling from ear to ear at the header photo of you in the mirror and phil in the back ground saying OH well i am used to it. beautiful resturant. THEN i started to gain weight drooling over our plate and then i started to shudder with cold looking at the car in the snow and then ella bella made me colder. does she have on a mini skirt in the snow? great shots of all of this and glad you are home safe and sound and not slipping and sliding. stay safe sister CL

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, We love Olive Garden also---and try to go there a few times a year. There's not one in Crossville but there is one 30 miiles away in Cookeville. I could fill up on their salad and bread sticks!!!!!

Glad you didn't get in a wreck yesterday --in all of that snow... I'm sure that Ella liked it though, just like Betsy would!!!!! ha

Hope today is a nice, calm day in your life.

Merry Christmas.

Debbie Taillieu said...

See Ginny, it's not getting's an adventure!
I guess the snow is everywhere....we woke up to it here in Belgium this morning!
Happy Holidays!

Harry/Sally said...

I like the Olive Garden too. Unlike Ella, though, I don't love snow! We had our first fall yesterday;just an inch but over ice & cars were skidding all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Snow pictures look beautiful but the slipping/sliding part sounds so scary! I love Italian food or whatever few dishes that are served in restaurants here. That plateful looks most delicious!

Karin said...

My fav at the Olive Garden is their Zuppa Toscana!! DELISH!! What a lovely header - looks a lot like our Olive Garden, hehehe! Lots of adventures you're having! We had a blizzard on Tuesday and today is the first I'm going out - to work. Looks like the streets have been cleared.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Certainly no lack of adventure in your life.Stay safe in all that snow.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm glad you made it safely home. I hope they clear the roads and you can travel without fear of harm. I'm looking forward to the promised picture. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Nikki (Sarah) said...

we used to have an olive garden here but they closed. I miss them. I love love love their salads. Boy did you get hit with snow.

George said...

I think a trip to Olive Garden made a few 'bumps' on the way worthwhile. I was glad to hear that you made it to see the Christmas lights.
Ella certainly looks delighted with the snow.

S. Etole said...

Love Olive Garden ... and your descriptive writing.

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, I loved your header and with your hubby looking in the background is great!

We have a new Olive Garden going in the next town. I can't wait because I love to eat dinner there!
The snow looks nice and cold! We are due this weekend for a storm.
Have a nice weekend!

Remington said...

Two of our favorite things....Olive Garden and snow!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love the pics, snow, dish and Ella!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I too, like The Olive Garden (their salad and breadsticks are great + I also like the various Chicken dishes). So sorry about your icy roads. Hard to deal with. Have a great weekend!

D said...

Ginny, soup and salad is our favorite! ;)

I suggest you ask Santa for a GPS. ;)

If I don't see you before Christmas ;)... many blessings to you and your family. It has been a wonderful sharing with you. God Bless!

Ann said...

I haven't been to Olive Garden in quite some time but they sure do have good food.
That sounds like a pretty scary ride, especially seeing the car slide backwards

Karen said...

Thank you for sharing these great pics and thanks for visiting my blog! Have a wonderful Christmas.

Joyful said...

Looks like Ella is enjoying the snow for sure. Oh to be a child again, lol. I like the ambience in the restaurant photo. Is it the same restaurant in your header photo? I want to close by wishing you and yours a very Merry and wonderful Christmas season.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay I wondered how you were going to combine - Olive Garden and all that snow! Hey you have good Olive Garden taste by the way.

Love, sandie

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow..I love this color! This is gorgeous and the snow looks spectacular -how pretty!! Ella of course looks cute, what an exciting adventure- maybe a tad too much with a car rolling backwards! one minute you too are looking for toys in the wrong place and the next your in an olive garden! I bet that was just yummy!

turquoise cro said...

mmmmmmMMM! Olive Garden! We have one about 30 miles away and I've never been there but I LOVE Italian food!! and the post about getting directions, been there, done that + my husband panics like we are going to get lost FOREVER! hehe

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, I forgot to say I enjoyed your pretty and clever header reflection and that verse- (a song too), is one of my favorites-

LC said...

Knew you were an Olive Garden fan when you mentioned the Italian version of beignets in a comment on my post! I love the salad and breadsticks plus anything else there. Snow beautiful but brrrr! Now have to go catch up on your posts I have missed. We have had a spell of sloooooooowwwww Internet and with accompanying symptoms of seasonal overwhelmedness! (Yeah, I know, an awkward, icky nonword.)

Velvet Over Steel said...

Oh my, we had a blizzard last Saturday and then Wed. & Thur. was NOT fun going to work or back home. Snow over ICE... I have to hold my 'screams' too as they increase my son's asperger anxiety. Oh it's so hard at times..

Very glad that you got home Safely and that your beautiful grandaughter gets to enjoy the fun side of snow! :-)

Have a Wonderful weekend & a Very Merry Christmas, Ginny!!!
Blessings & Many Hugs,

srp said...

We didn't get as much as you but here it took us 2 hours to drive the usual 15 minute trip from the mall to the house! Now it is melted and we are getting rain and mixed with sleet and snow. We'll see what the cars and roads look like in the morning.... right now, headed to the hot tub... no better place to be with snow or sleet... not sure about rain though.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh boy does she look cold - and hey - you are making me hungry!!! ;o)

The Spinning Wheels

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