Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hello to all my followers, I am enjoying reading about your Christmas celebrations! On Christmas eve and today we had snow!! And of course I was on the alert with my camera. I happened to capture some multi colored flakes, a rare occurrence, indeed! I bet none of you had snowflakes like this! They may set a record for size! So here are some pictures reflecting my day in the house. After the snowflake reflections, we have our tree reflected in the living room window. And Phil with the tree superimposed in front of him. Looks like it's all outside, doesn't it? Actually, I'm inside with the camera, our Christmas tree is inside and Phil is outside, standing in front of the reflection. Reflect on that awhile if you can figure it out. In the last picture, I thought I would finally show you our whole tree as it really looks, because I have been showing you nothing but bits and pieces and reflections of it all month. As to reflections, when we follow Jesus, we become transformed and our own reflection is truly beautiful.

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit."

2 Cor. 3:18


Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Ginny. I love the alien snowflakes. Cool that they landed on your window. I must admit, I had my nose against the monitor studying the pictures and trying to figure out who and what was where. I just about had it. Thanks for the solution.

Reanaclaire said...

Gosh Ginny.. your blog is different today, i have to highlight your post in order to read them.. so you have snow on christmas eve? That is wonderful.. what is the temperature there now? Hope it is not minus.. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What a pretty Christmas tree and a beautiful verse today. Phil is to be commended for braving the cold as a photographer's model! The reflection photos are fun.

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, your snowflakes are enormous and multicolored! Very rare indeed.

Great reflections Ginny, they are so much fun to play with. You got some fun ones. The giant snowflakes make a great header photo.

Fred Alton said...

Love this creative post, Ginny. You reflect the goodness of the Lord through your thoughtful descriptions of your lives. Keep up the good writing and great photography.

Dawning Inspiration said...

How nice to have gotten some snow for Christmas.... (though I honestly am glad we did not!) A couple years ago we had so much snow my car got stuck and I had to try and push it myself!

Neal said...

Now those are large snowflakes. :) Poor Phil....has to go stand in the cold so Ginny can get a picture. :)

We've had snow on the ground since the 1st of December. I'm ready for spring. :)

Tracy said...

I had to laugh Ginny at your snowflakes as we also have those on our front door but as you saw we got plenty of the real stuff!

I like your reflections theme and the tree photo is exquisite! I read yesterday's post also about your grand-daughter and boy, what a cutie she is...I love her smile and the sparkle in her eyes! and it is so true that we stifle our encouragement of others...

From the Kitchen said...

I get the whole reflection description. What I don't get is how you talked Phil into going outside in the snow to pose!! You can bet I'll be watching for those amazing colored snowflakes in our next snow and will post photos straightaway!! Your tree is beautiful. I've enjoyed discovering it little by little.

Keep warm--and keep Phil indoors!


Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, your tree is gorgeous and your photos today were a great deal of fun. You make magic with that camera of yours.I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...May

P.S. You asked about Connor - we get to see them 4 to 5 times a year. Not nearly enough.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I took some very similar pictures on CHristmas day,I just need to put them on the computer so I can use them.Sometimes it's fun to see things different than what they are.

George said...

You have a very beautiful Christmas tree and I like your reflections. Phil is a good sport to go out in the cold so you could get that picture of him in the reflection of the tree.
Your snowflakes are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny

I hope you and your family had a Wonderful Christmas celebration.

Happy New Year from Southern California. No snow but a lot of record breaking rain!

God Bless You, ~Ron :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow on the size and color of the snow flakes and the header. verrrry interesting shot of Phil. glad you explained it. you did what i love to do, entertain myself inside the house with camera in hand and i love all your reflections

Karin said...

Just imagine the kind of snowplows, blowers and shovels we would need if all of our snowflakes came in the sizes that your neck of the woods received! Wow - incredible! They look like they were lovingly created for your joy and delight and you gave them the honor they deserve! Love your reflection post! May we all reflect the SONLIGHT in order to overcome the darkness.

DawnTreader said...

Beautiful header, Ginny, and it seems you got some of the regular white stuff on the ground as well. I heard about that on the news, that there had been snowfall in southern states of the US as well. The weather seems to be extreme all over the planet just now.

Stephanie V said...

I like those colored snowflakes. And some real snow at Christmas is a bonus!

Your tree is so pretty and bright.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Great reflection pictures....Who needs outside decorations when one can just 'reflect' them from inside????? ha ha

I've caught up on your posts... Love the pictures of Anne Marie. AND ---LOVED your Christmas card this year... I also love seeing your beautiful Christmas tree....


photowannabe said...

Very clever post and I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas. We did too.

Glenda said...

I love beautiful reflections,too, Ginny! Your earlier post certainly captures the joy of the season with little Ella waving the bright paper! Priceless moment!

Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wonderful decorations - funny about the snowflakes! Yes, the goal is to reflect our Savior in all we do and think. Hard at times, and joyful at other times, but that is what our lives should be. Have a wonderful rest of the day and thanks for sharing your decorations. Great Scripture, too!

Chatty Crone said...

I love your snow and blue snowflakes.

Hey I am feeling better today.


Ann said...

You sure had fun with the camera. I love all the pictures. The one of Christmas tree man is very
Your tree is just beautiful and I really like the shadows it casts on the wall.

S. Etole said...

That is a beautiful tree and I enjoy your reflections.

TSO is Trans Siberian Orchestra. I left a link in my comments section if you'd like to check it out.

Kerrie said...

Love the reflective pictures, you are sosoooo clever!♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny...enjoyed going through all your reflection pictures. Your snowflakes are gorgeous! And I love the superimposed picture. Pretty tree!

Jenn Erickson said...

Ginny, what beautiful photos! I love the way you used the whimsical snowflake photo for your banner, and just love your creativity!

Kilauea Poetry said...

What a beautiful tree..yes, I can see that- and a blessing to have a snowy Christmas!! I still can't believe that's a post office above..they'd never do that here (lol). Funny, New Years they go all out (not the 4th) Pretty snowflakes too with the verse-

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was a wonderful play on reflections. Ginny! You are very talented with taking unique photos like this and your bible quotation is always a perfect match! Wonderful!

srp said...

They don't look like the snowflakes we had here. Great pictures... and a Happy New Year to you too!

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