Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spreading Light

I thought I would show you just a few of my Christmas decorations before I put them away. I love my little singing angel, she turns colors as she sings. I found her a few weeks ago for under $4.00. The wooden reindeer I got many many years ago at a craft show. There is the tiny Chinese girl holding a lantern and standing in front of a pagoda. This makes me think of my granddaughter, and her mom has one too. It is a Christmas tree ornament, but I removed the hook and have it on a table. And the last very special one is from my blog friend Doris, isn't it beautiful? Have you ever seen a candle with a flame all in crochet? Doris made it, and I just won it on her blog contest. Her blog, Crocheting In Georgia, is so sweet, and she shares it with her cutie pie dog Gizzy. She is a real pleasure to visit and read. And now she has given me an eternal flame to look at and think of her and Gizzy. And I'm all about light... whether it's from a singing angel or a crocheted decoration, but even better when it's from within ourselves!

"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
Edith Wharton

"Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel. but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house." Matthew 5:15


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love your angels! So cute. I always say, I love your photos, but I do!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how cute, Ginny. I'm so glad you shared.. I love them all--but my favorites are the wooden reindeer. How GORGEOUS.....

Thanks so much for sharing more of your Christmas with us.

George said...

I like the crochet candle. I've never seen anything quite like it. The little Chinese girl holding the lantern is almost as cute as your granddaughter.

Reanaclaire said...

I love the last one.. so beautifully knitted!

Karin said...

Congratulations on your win Ginny! My mom and my friend also made countless of these beautiful candles and sold at our craft sales! Love those wooden reindeer - so cute! Ok, I guess you'll put them away now until next Christmas. It's only 361 days until then!

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Miss Ginny,

Love the little singing angel and its ever changing light. It reminds me of some Frost the Snowman figures Don picked up this year. You set them on a base and a light comes on that changes colors and remains lit until you remove Frost.

Doris' little dog is a sweetie. I enjoyed exploring there. Her crocheted candel is pretty impressive.

SquirrelQueen said...

That little singing angel is so cute, I really like the way it changes colors. When I saw the Chinese girl with the lantern I thought about Anne Marie.

Doris is very talented, that candle is so cool. I'll have to check out her blog.

MaryMoh said...

Lovely post. Yes, let God's light shine through us each day. May you and your loved ones be greatly blessed in the coming new year!

Anonymous said...

Very special treasures you have shared with us Ginny. Wishes for you all to enjoy many blessings in the new year.

Rachel Cotterill said...

I especially love those reindeer - so cute!

Fred Alton said...

Shine on! Shine on my friend. I love the many ways you let Jesus shine through your blog.

From the Kitchen said...

Ginny, you've been lighting up my mornings for a long time now! I'm looking forward to that light in the new year!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

well you blog today is definitely spreading the light. that firey sunrise or sunset is perfect with the flames. cute little angel and all of your ornaments are sweet. i like the birds they are really cute. i am warming my hands at your blog now. headed off to Selby gardens today with friend Judy. see you later on today

Tracy said...

How lovely! I truly enjoyed the singing angel; how cute! and the wooden dignified actually!
You spread light whenever you leave a comment on my blog. I appreciate YOU and look forward to a new year together :)
Have a blessed day!

Arti said...

Oh! So beautiful... The colorful changing doll and the reindeer...
And yes the prize, it looks lovely... Congrats!
Have a nice day:-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each of these are precious,but I think the crocheted candle wins the prize in my heart.Prpbably because of how you got it,but it is just so unique and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So glad you have that Chinese decoration ornament. A nice reflection of your family's multi-ethnicity. I also like the bird decoration (little wonder, huh?). Have a super great day!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely assortment of "light." They are beautiful, Ginny, but you spirit shines more brightly than any of them. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

DawnTreader said...

My favourites among these are the wooden reindeer. :) Happy New Year to you.

S. Etole said...

your love shines through ...

Doris Sturm said...

What lovely decorations (I adore Angels) and sweet words in my behalf. You are an Angel to me and it is a real pleasure to know you - if even just a little, through our blogging friendship. God bless you and yours.

Happy New Year, my friend!

Bobbie said...

I love the singing angel... and the chinese girl! So adorable. Everything is so nice. It's sad to say goodbye till next year, but also good to start anew. I love the "spreading light" title. Once again I missed Candlelight service this year... and it grieves me to miss it... lighting of the candles is so symbolic of what we are to be and do... thank you for this nice post.

Ann said...

What a cute angel that is and the crocheted candle is awesome. Congrats on winning that. All your decorations are so nice, love those birds.
I'm going to head over to crocheting in Georgia and check it out. I used to do a little crocheting but haven't in several years.

Remington said...

VERY COOL! Love the little angel -- she makes me smile....

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Such a sweet little angel. I love the candle as well.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Great that you have a little Chinese girl and her home to remind her of her roots. Traditionally, all Chinese houses were like that. For pagodas, they just have a few stories.

You are a very thoughtful grandma. I know some people who have adopted children from another country, have nothing to do with her birth country.

Re: the tower at Mariner, I asked my husband who designed part of the marina, it functions like an airport tower,and directs all sorts of traffic.

Kilauea Poetry said...

It's hard to wrap stuff back up! Very pretty crochet work and angels- the deer is cute too! I didn't even get a Christmas post up this year! (sniff)

pam said...

Those reindeer are fun!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I meant to come back to you about the crabs. Our other computer broke down just before Christmas, and we have 3 persons now sharing one computer. Fortunately my husband fixed it this morning.

Back to the crabs, the New Zealand crabs were live, swimming in the big tanks. They cost a lot, males for $75 a kilo, females $85, I paid more than $170 for the two. I only bought the two.

I remember 22 years ago, the last year my mum was alive, I bought 2 large Australia mud crabs, and they cost $220. It was worthwhile as I always remember that. Shall post a photo of an australian crab next time.

The American crabs were cooked and frozen. They were much much cheaper.

I will always remember the San Fransisco crab, they were so big.

Velvet Over Steel said...

I love all your decorations & actually have the 'candle' ones. A set of 3 from my boys great-grandmother.. from before they were even born. Treasured for sure!

I Love your Angel and the great bargin you got! Awesome!

Have a Very Safe & Happy New Year, Ginny!!!
Hugs & Many Blessings,

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - your blog is a light that makes things shine for others too.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Very pretty decoration, Ginny! I love home made ones so that candle is very special ..just like you!

Happy & blessed 2011!

Nature Rambles said...

Love the quote and the verse! I've never seen a crochet candle like that. Wow, Doris is so talented! I also like your decorations. The angel with the changing colours is truly special!

srp said...

It is that time of year to take down and put away. It seems such a shame to have the beautiful decorations up for so short of time. Perhaps we should put them out in September and keep up until February. Oh well. In town there is a big house that reminds me of a gingerbread house in style. They have a full size, huge really, wooden wagon in the front yard and it is always full of large decorations for the seasons.... Valentines, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, 4th of July, Halloween, Fall Harvest, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love driving by there. I imagine the Valentine's will be out by the end of the week.

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