Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You Decorated My Life

My Christmas tree ornaments not only reflect my taste, they reflect ME! Can you see me in them looking out at you? I'm waving! This year, two very special little girls helped decorate my tree. The second, third, and fourth pictures are the ornaments our granddaughter Anne Marie made for us. She did this by taking the top off a clear ornament, pouring paint inside, and swirling it around. It makes a rainbow effect around the ball, so pretty. The last pictures are little Ella and the ornament she made for us in school. When we picked her up and brought her home with us yesterday, she was so excited to show us and hang it on our tree! These ornaments are the most special ones on the tree, but I have others that I will be showing you later. Here is something else that has decorated my lfe. YOU, my faithful followers!! You have decorated my life with your wonderful uplifting comments, the gift of your friendship, kindness, and loyalty. And in some cases, your cards, presents, and very helpful advice. Merry Christmas, you guys are the best!!!! But here is the best person in the world to follow, who has an out of this world giveaway!

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." john 8:12


DawnTreader said...

Lovely post, Ginny!

Annie Jeffries said...

And you decorate mine, Ginny. In fact, you have become one of my crown jewels this year. Love, Annie

aspiritofsimplicity said...

you are silly...waving to us in your reflection.
And, you are right Jesus has the best giveaway of all.
merry Christmas

SquirrelQueen said...

Both of the girls did a great job with their ornaments, all are lovely. You have decorated my life too Ginny, you are a bright spot in the blogging world.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those handmade ornaments from the little ones are the most precious.I have a couple on my tree as well,and I cherish them.
Thanks to you for adding beauty to my life.

Arti said...

Those decorations are wonderful...
And I too cherish your friendship and your support to my blog, your comments...
Thanks to you and have a lovely day:-)

Neal said...

Nice touch Ginny. You had good help ... it's so nice to see the excitement of young kids when it comes to Christmas.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those are truly special ornaments and the plus is the fact they are very beautiful also. you have decorated my life also, so glad we found each other in blog land. your tree is great and as i opened the blog i was grinning like crazy at the sister madsnapper in the ornament. LOVE IT

Anonymous said...

It has been a real pleasure to meet you through blogging Ginny. Your ornaments from the sweeties are lovely. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

Kerrie said...

All things beautiful and sweet!

Karin said...

Blessings to you as you continue to 'decorate' the lives of others and mine. May Jesus be reflected in all we do!

Reanaclaire said...

The deco on your tree is shining brightly.. let your life follow suit.. you gave me an idea.. tomorrow i will take a pic of my own humble christmas tree.. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Lovely ornaments! I think it is fun that you shot pictures of yourself reflected in the ornaments. Have a super day & stay warm. I enjoy your creativity with regard to your blog, too!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Peek a boo.tThe bulbs sound crafty and pretty to look at- lovely tree. It's an exciting time for kids and so much more meaningful with Christ in Christmas. (The feeling is mutual-hugs)~

Harry/Sally said...

Merry Christmas Ginny! I've been lurking lately - much going on - but I enjoy your posts and pictures every day!

Bobbie said...

You light up my life, Ginny! I love following you as you share your wisdom and everyday life.... you are a beautiful lady and a true blessing. Love the ornaments> Ella and Anne Marie have done an awesome job decorating the tree.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your tree is beautiful Ginny! It has been so nice getting to know you this past year.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and may 2011 be a year full of continued blessings, good health and happiness!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Fun !!!

Remington said...

I saw you! Did you see me waving back? Great post! Love all the neat pics!

Together We Save said...

Beautiful!! Just stopping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

very cool. seeing you through the christmas balls is a neat idea....Merry Christmas Ginny..

Glenda said...

Merry Christmas, Ginny! Hope it's the best ever for you and your family! Love your ornaments! And Happy Anniversary to you and Phil!

S. Etole said...

You are a treasure as well ...

{tried really hard to see what kind of camera you are using in your reflections}

Tracy said...

Amen to that loving lasting gift...I'm so thankful I was a recipient of those blessings!
I love the reflection of you in the ornaments; so very, well; YOU!

I am thankful for you as well...thanks for all your visits and kind words...Merry Christmas!

Ann said...

Beautiful ornaments and beautiful reflection. We did see you waving. Did you see us waving back :) You may have heard us coming though with those jingle bells on Duke
Finding you and your lovely blog has been one of the best gifts I've received.

Deborah said...

Ginny, I love to visit you to see what you posted about and also to see what your header is! I love how you change it everyday...kind of like a gift to us XXOO
That is a good idea about the paint in the clear Christmas balls. I never thought of that!

srp said...

These are lovely and such a great craft for little ones!

Fred Alton said...

How unique that you took pictures of your reflection in Christmas Tree Ornaments! You do reflect the love of Christ with this blog. And the children are extra-ordinaire! May Your Christmas Be Blessed.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Good reflection of you. Are these very big baubles?

I haven't seen my friends for a long time. We so of drifted, for three of them that winter was the last time I saw them.

I am more interested to find my room mate from Kingsville, Ontario.

What Karen Sees said...

Ginny, I am slow to comment on this post, but I still wanted to tell you this is the perfect post and expresses what is really important! Your wonderful blog with uplifting words and scripture has blessed the lives of so many this year. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I wish you and your sweet family a very Merry Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, and a New Year filled with the blessings of love, joy, peace, health and many,many more wonderful photography moments!

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