Friday, December 3, 2010

A View From The Screen

My followers are starting to post their Christmas trees! But I have just not been able to tear myself away from the computer to photograph mine. So I decided to snap it while on the computer, this way I could multi task! Phil was walking by and I nabbed him to be in the picture, as well. All these photos are of my laptop screen, the tree is behind me reflecting in the screen. They are all computer screen reflections. Perhaps if I can tear myself away from the computer I will show you a non-reflective picture, and even some of my favorite ornaments. But I just can't stop bloggin'!!

Thus says the Lord God: "I will take also one of the higest branches of the high cedar and set it out. I will crop off from the topmost of it's young twigs a tender one, and will plant it on a high and prominent mountain. On the mountain height of Israel I will plant it; and it will bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a majestic cedar. Under it will dwell birds of every sort; in the shadow of it's branches they will dwell. And all the trees of the field shall know that I, the Lord, have brought down the high tree and exhalted the low tree..." Ezekiel 17:22,24


Reanaclaire said...

oh gosh... i havent put up mine yet.. though going to, goodness knows when.. hahaha....

by the way, Ginny, thanks for your consolation! You are priceless!

SquirrelQueen said...

I don't have mine up either! The reflections are great and so is the new header photo.

Arti said...

Loved the new header Ginny...
Thats a very novel way of multitasking!!
Lovely pics nonetheless... Will wait for the pics on decorations...
Have a lovely weekend:)

Ann said...

Oh Ginny that is too funny, it sounds like something I would do. I actually did have a post in the summer that I took a picture of my reflection in my laptop screen. Your husband is a good sport to pose for you. Mine hates my camera and threatens to hide it from me all the time. I still don't have my tree up, I'm hoping this weekend

Bobbie said...

I love these pictures! Your tree is very pretty- Great idea to get the picture from the screens reflection. Ok, enough about that... now get back to your blogging!! :) :) :)

From the Kitchen said...

You are such a hoot! And, I must say, very clever. It's the first Christmas photography I've seen viewed reflected in a laptop screen. I think the images would be perfect as a "bloggers Christmas card".

Good to see you, Phil and the tree.


Nature Rambles said...

Ginny, your tree's pretty! But the fact that you can't take the actual picture when it's behind you...the bloggin' bug bites real hard!!

Nature Rambles said...

It's me again! I forgot to mention the's STUNNING!

Neal said...

Ours always gets put up right after Thanksgiving. I really like your header.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, thus saith Fred: Behold, thou art hooked on blogging! And thy blogging friends loveth it too. ☻ ☻ ☻ How unique you are!

BTW - Squirrel tastes a lot like chicken! Really. It does. Fry it, and serve it on the plate with a couple of eggs and biscuits with molasses and butter for dessert. Boil it and serve it with rice. Make dumplings with it. Cook it about anyway you like it and it's good!

Tracy said...

I like your way of thinking...a multi-tasker :)
We don't even have our tree up yet, despite the pleas from Nicholas...we get a live tree and don' want to purchase it too early or the needles are all over the house.
The header you have is gorgeous! very stunning!
Enjoy your day blogging...I'm like you I love to blog and writing is such an outlet for me!

Ruth Hiebert said...

This is such a cute idea.The tree looks fabulous,even in the lap top screen.This has reminded me that I should take a few pictures of my tree and share them.Hmmm,perhaps today.

Rachel Cotterill said...

I think your reflective pictures are really striking - it's imaginative and looks great :)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and creative shots Ginny. Hope you have a grand weekend.potecli

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am laughing like crazy!!! you are a nut and so is Phil for feeding your fetish. Love all the reflections, get busy girl with that camera. realy really really LOVE the header, is that on your tree it is goregous

Stephanie V said...

Your tree looks lovely in the reflection. You are definitely having way too much fun!

Veggie PAK said...

The Scriptural quote is wonderful. No other book ever written can be as inspirational and intense as the Bible.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha Ha Ginny.... I relate to that!!!!! Love your reflection pictures from your computer... Your tree is gorgeous... Can't wait to see more of your Christmas Beauties.

Have a nice weekend.

Mary Bergfeld said...

The tree is lovely and quite stylish, Ginny. I hope to put mine up this weekend. Have a fabulous weekend. Blessings...Mary

Kerrie said...

I love the new header, too! And this post was such fun!

Remington said...

Very creative, my friend! You certainly come up with some cool ideas!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow..your header bulb is fabulous!! Looks fun and your tree's pretty! I don't have one friend told me she was heading down to Home Depo last night as they had only one more matson container they planned to unload- that is as far as I know, they didn't order anymore (everone else is already out)? I'm not sure about the West side of the island? Sniff

pam said...

We're not doing a traditional tree this year...just not in the mood for stuff. This was a fun post...

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a great idea, taking a photo with your screen

Karin said...

Is there a BB organization in your neighborhood? If this keeps up you may need to join - Bloggers Bananymous to get detoxified. You have a great sense of humor and enjoyed your post!! Love the heading and the photos. I'm not going to share a picture of our tree -- because we won't be having one, lol!

Jane said...

Love the shots - looks like you guys were having a great time. My tree will hit the stand next weekend,


Doris Sturm said...

Ha, ha, ha, you are addicted LOL I know what you meant, though, it's really easy to get carried away. If I let myself, I could spend on the computer pretty much all day, but I have a Gizzy who waits for me to walk him and besides, the weather is so nice and cool now that I have to take advantage of it. I love this time of year and do spend a lot of time outside.

I love your tree - it looks a lot like mine! Have a great weekend, Ginny :-)

DawnTreader said...

Is that a big Christmas tree or a small one? I can't quite figure that out from the reflection pictures - if it's a small tree standing close by, or a larger one further back in the room!

Here we don't usually put our indoors trees up until just before Christmas (only in public places). I just have a small one (60 cm high) but I won't be putting that up for another two weeks at least.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You are so fun to read about! I so enjoy your entertaining and inspirational blog! Have a fab. day tomorrow!

Sarah said...

I love your header photo! And we are loving our tree up for the first time early this year.

Delighted to meet you. Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. No worries, if I make a mess I'll make sure to clean up.


Glenda said...

Your tree looks beautiful on the computer screen! I'll be looking for a "screenless" pic!!

Have a great Sunday . . . and thanks once again for all your meaningful comments on my blog!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these shots are very cool..and we don't have our tree up either..we keep saying tomorrow...tomorrow always comes and goes..:(

srp said...

We have weekend reflections here have we... stay warm... it's snowing here!! Well, just a bit for now.

What Karen Sees said...

Very creative and fun. I understand completely about not being able to tear myself away from the computer! HaHa!

Chatty Crone said...

You're funny girl. I'm with you - just can't get off the computer!


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