Friday, December 10, 2010

If I Flee

If to heaven's heights I fly
You are still beside me,
Or in death's dark shadows lie,
You will stay close by me.
If I flee on morning wings
Far across the grey sea,
Even there your hand will lead,
Your right hand will guide me.

My friend Kerrie has some lovely uplifting and inspirational blogs. She has sung professionally, and we were talking about hymns the other day. Specifically, "I'll Fly Away", which Phil has played at funerals. That song reminds me of the lesser known "If I Flee On Morning Wings" by Fernando Ortega. Kerrie had not heard of this song, and I told her I would do a post on it this week. The words are above. It is just a beautiful ballad based on Psalm 139. I was hoping to post a video of it for you to hear, but YouTube only had one, and it was not an acceptable quality for me to post. However, you can go there and find it if you want. In fact, you can go anywhere, and He will still find you.

"Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139


Arti said...

Such beautiful words... Its so true that we cannot flee from His presence...
The pics of the hide and seek between conver and the sun is perfect...
Have a wonderful week:)

SquirrelQueen said...

That is a lovely verse from the song Ginny, I have never heard this one before. I will have to check You Tube for the video. Your photos are stunning and very dramatic.

From the Kitchen said...

The words are wonderful. I've never heard that song. The photos are wonderful too. What instrument does Phil play?

Waiting for rain, sleet and snow here today. Brrrr!


Jane said...

Beautiful words and photos to go along for a Saturday morning,


Ann said...

absolutely beautiful. I love it. The pictures that you chose to go with it are stunning.

Anonymous said...

Such reassuring words Ginny. Thank you for sharing.

Fred Alton said...

That's an absolutely gorgeous capture of the sun and clouds! And the song goes with it perfectly. As I read the song, I was thinking "This is a new version of the Bible"! I wonder how many song-writers would be guilty of breaking the copyright laws if God were the plaintiff? Just sayin'.

DawnTreader said...

I was thinking about that verse yesterday! :) A bit ironically, in connection with a discussion with someone about the impossibility of "getting away from Christmas"

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the words are beautiful and touching, i did go to youtube and you were right. i have not heard this song before but have been singing I'll fly away since i could stand up. one of my favorites. love you sky shots.

Karin said...

Your sky shots are so muted and give each photo such an interesting quality. Where, indeed, could I go but to the Lord. There is no place where He is not!

Love Fred's comment about copying God's Word and putting it to music being a possible violation of copyright law! Freely you have been given, so freely share!

Enjoy your week-end!

Tracy said...

The photos are gorgeous, absolutely breath taking...and the words/hymn made me think of Elizabeth Edwards being buried today...I felt like I connected with her at that very moment.
Thanks Ginny and have a beautiful day!

Remington said...

Amazing pics and beautiful words....thank you.

Kerrie said...

How absolutely wonderful! The words really, really touched my heart! Thank you so much for your lovely post! What a wonderful ray of sunshine this rainy S. Carolina morn! God Bless and big hugs, Kerrie

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Morning Ginny, Goodness---I noticed that you (from your comment on Sandra's blog), Bonnie, and Mildred seemed to stay up all night... Did you three have a party without me --while I was in dreamland???????? ha ha ha

Beautiful sky pictures... You know how much I love those kinds of pictures. WOW!!!! I do know "I'll Fly Away" --but don't know the other one you mentioned...

Thanks for a gorgeous post, my Friend.

Beverly said...

Wonderful promise!

Chatty Crone said...

Good morning Ginny, lovely pictures and song. And it is so true - we may not 'feel' all the time that God is there, but we are to have the 'faith' to believe he is.


George said...

I wasn't familiar with this hymn, but I must admit that it is beautiful. Your sky pictures are gorgeous.

S. Etole said...

Beautiful photos ... and I like the words to that song. I'll have to look it up.

mariel said...

i love psalm 139...your pictures are gorgeous, too!! very appropriate :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Beautiful post Ginny! I think your choice of this soft background is ideal for your series and gorgeous header! Psalm is a beautiful reminder!

Rose said...

fantastic pictures and love the words in your post thanks rose

Ruth Hiebert said...

Ginny.I needed to read this post at this moment.I know that God is ever near me,but sometimes the loneliness overtakes me.Thanks for the lift.
PS: The pictures are so beautiful.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

NZ dotterels live on sandy beaches in the northern half of the North Island, with a tiny population of about 60 on Stewart Island.
• They are endemic – only found in New Zealand
• Their total population is 1700 birds – that’s not very many!
• They are an ‘endangered’ species, meaning that they are likely to become extinct without our help.

Looks like the sun is hidden in the trough of the cloud

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, That was a nice post! I hope your having a nice weekend!

photowannabe said...

God's drama in the sky is so beautiful Ginny. A very comforting promise.
Great pictures of Ella and her program too.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Thank God for us always being able to be in His presence. These images are lovely - I love those rays in the last one espeically!

Your header is GREAT - what fun!

Anonymous said...

I loved the words of the hymn. And your images are haunting.

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