Sunday, July 25, 2010

Distant Thunder

My blogging friend REMINGTON alerted me today that tonight's full moon is called The Thunder Moon. Rem knows all about all the names for the moon. Unfortunatly, it was too cloudy tonight to get a picture of it. But last night I had taken some pictures of the moon, so I am showing those instead. I am cheating by 24 hours, so instead of a Thunder Moon, this one is Distant Thunder. The Norse God of thunder is Thor. He was the god of the common man. He ruled over the air, thunder, lightening, wind and rain. He is drawn as having a red beard and eyes of lightening. He had a terrible temper, but he was actually the protetctor of both gods and humans. When it stormed, Thor was riding his chariot through the heavens. The chariot was pulled by goats, which he vented his anger on by throwing his hammer at them. One strike of his thrown hammer would make lightening flash and kill his enemies, then the hammer would return to him. His greatest enemy was a serpent, which he finally killed. But Thor then died from the snake's poison. Funny how it always seems to be a serpent that opposes God. To find out all about the real God of thunder, try reading the books of Psalms and Job.

"Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth. He unleashes his lightening beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth. After that comes the sound of his roar; he thunders with his majestic voice. When his voice resounds, he holds nothing back. God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding." Job 37:2,5

" faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?" Job 26:14


Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a gorgeous moon picture, Ginny.... So it's called the "Thunder Moon"???? That's neat... I had no idea.

George has been taking moon pictures this week also... Right now though, it's cloudy here.... BUT--that's okay since we'd love to see some rain and THUNDER....

Interesting post.

SquirrelQueen said...

I just came from Remington's blog and saw his photo of the moon and now your great photos. I missed it last night but hopefully not tonight. I read a lot of mythology in college, Thor was one of my favorites from Norse mythology.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Gorgeous moon - lately I've noticed a very bright and large star (planet?) naer the Western horizon. It's spectacular - though I haven't tried to click any shots yet...I just might have to try.

srp said...

When the full moon came up tonight, it looked red for quite a while. Then the clouds came and the lightning and thunder and it sounded like a stampede for a while. But the rain was not blowing but almost soft and gentle.. such a contrast from the rumbles.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we too had a full moon. My camera wasn't good enough.

Thanks for your lovely comments. To every mum, their offsprings are good looking. LOl.
Yes, I posted Sam's birthday photos on Sat night, and P & O liner on Saturday.

From the Kitchen said...

I've never heard that term for the moon. But, we have been having lovely views of that heavenly orb around here.

I think you'd love The Publican. They know how to do pig for sure. We've also been there for dinner and it was equally as delicious.

Have a good week.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

super duper photos of the moon, i have yet to get a really good shot like these. could be because i go to bed before it rises. ha ha
love the Thor story.

S. Etole said...

I saw the moon peeking through the trees last night ... those are great references from Job.

George said...

Thanks for educating me about a Thunder Moon. I hadn't heard of that term before. You got some wonderful pictures of the moon.

RoeH said...

I got up this morning early and my moon looked like that also. Isn't it wonderful??

Anonymous said...


Kilauea Poetry said...

Your shots of this thunder moon are terrific! We took a drive up in the mountains and it was hudge!! My camera wouldn't behave it was cold outside and I was hopeless!! I may post a coulpe shots just because it was so mysterious and pretty out. I want to try again..fantastic header - really nice job Ginny!

pam said...

thanks for popping over...I'm still taking a blog hopping break...just need to document what He is stirring in me but not spend so much time popping around to all the blogs I follow....

Remington said...

GREAT pics! I love the full moons! Howling here in Minnesota!

ruthi said...

I learned about that term too from the News, the Meteorologist mentioned about it. Thanks for the additional info.

DawnTreader said...

I never heard about thunder moon, but I do know about Thor... ;)

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