Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Peaceable Kingdom

In just a few hours, a new Chick-fil-A will be opening in our city. Whenever a new store opens, the first one hundred people get one free sandwich a week for one year. So at least one day ahead, people begin to camp out in the parking lot. I went there today and walked around, taking pictures, trying to figure out what kind of person would go to this extreme in 95 degree weather, just for some free chicken sandwiches. And I found out. First of all, I did not feel out of place with my camera, or that I had to be very careful with it. Everyone seemed to have cameras, and they were all laughing and taking pictures of one another. They would gladly stop and pose for me, and even apologize if they got in the way of a shot. There were babies, teenagers, very old people. They played games, chatted, laughed, danced and sang. Young and old together, enjoying the moment and each other. It reminded me of Woodstock, the Age Of Aquarius. These people had already been given a gift, and it wasn't chicken sandwiches. It was what I was looking at right in this parking lot. My eyes were popping out of my head. Was I dreaming? Could chicken really have the potential to bring world peace? Who knew? So then, I will leave you with their slogan, uttered by a peace loving, spelling challenged cow "Eat Mor Chikin".

"Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Cor. 13:11


Dawning Inspiration said...

Looks like a great party!!!! How fun!!

Reanaclaire said...

wow.. i thought u all were having a family camp or church camp.. so it is for the free sandwiches for a year!! wow.. that is attractive..

Jesson Balaoing said...

i love it, very nice... magnificent.... i think i have to learn eat chicken instead like what cows said,...

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh how funny..sometimes after reading the news you get the impression people are awful..but I find the opposite to be true- as well (ha ha)Seriously though, there are so many sweet hearted folks out there, and nothing like food -especially free to draw a crowd like this! Nice to just loose yourself for awhile! Thanks Ginny for your encouragement and thoughtfulness! (Hugs)

Melanie said...

Mmmm. Chick-fil-A. One of my favorite restaurants.
Looks like everybody was having fun!

From the Kitchen said...

Leave it to you to capture a perfect event in "the valley"!! The joyful simplicity of the day is just amazing. It is about much more than free chicken sandwiches (although they are pretty tasty).

Love seeing "my" rolling mountains in the background. Miss them.


Deborah said...

OH, I love that! I was wondering, what are they waiting for but they were having a great time too! Great pictures and lesson..maybe all we need is chicken!

Us bloggers do think a like...I was going to blog about the recipe then the story got even more daughter just smiles and shakes her head. She thinks it pretty funny that I would post about my stories like I do.

Have a nice day Ginny!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Tell me when they are coming to New Zealand, I will camp over night too. LOl

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the thing that blows my mind completely is the tents. I can see standing around for a couple of hours, but camping out?? who knew? it looks like everyone was having a wonderful time plus it gave you a great post. I know you had a blast just clicking away. wish I were there to click with you. can you imagine what we would find if we were together in one place?

George said...

It looks as if everyone is having a great time. Isn't it wonderful that people can just enjoy themselves and the moment? Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience with us.

Remington said...

We each have our own way of making an adventure!

Stephanie V said...

It looks like they're having a great time. Maybe the chicken sandwich is just a the bait to get folks to get out and get together? Community can be in short supply sometimes...we get it where we can.
This old mouse wouldn't fall for the bait but then, that's it, I'm old.

ruthi said...

very interesting... well i am not surprise that this happen... i know people would do the same to get their hands first on the newest electronic device available in the market or just for the regular "black friday" sale. great way to go camping... you don't have to pay for the campsite... i'm just concern about the bathroom though. wink*

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Our favorite food from Chick-Fil-A is their Chicken Biscuits... When we go to Hendesonville to check on George's parents every couple of weeks, we always stop there and eat one of their biscuits for breakfast. And we take some to Mom and Dad since they love them also...

I love the idea the Chick-Fil-A stays closed on Sundays so that the people who work there can worship that day...isn't that amazing???


Beverly said...

Those are great photos! I love the fun that it shows. Chick-Fil-A has provided many young folks with good careers. A lot of the young people from here have worked there and then gone to Berry College in Georgia where they have a "wing."

Like the previous commenter, I believe God has honored them with their closing on Sundays. We have an Amish style restaurant here in town that is closed on Sundays too. One would think it would be a killer for them, especially during tourist season, but they do just fine.

Glenda said...

What an event! I saw a news story not long ago about the opening of a new store. I'm amazed at the family-oriented, party-like atmosphere!

Jesson Balaoing said...

thanks for the magnificent comment! happy blogging

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, it is a giant party. Everyone looks like they are having a great time. In this day and age it is good to see groups enjoying themselves. I can't help but wonder however if they will have the same attitude when the doors open.

I love your header photo, that is so cool.

Together We Save said...

Wow - looks like fun!!


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