Thursday, July 29, 2010


No, these are not mine. I spotted them driving around town and was completly enchanted. So was my camera.

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.

Henry Beecher

Earth laughs in flowers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Dawning Inspiration said...

What gorgeous Zinnias! Love the little orange flecks with the pink. Soooo pretty!

srp said...

Sometimes I think God might have known that flowers would be even more narcissistic than man... it's hard enough to handle us in that respect. ;)

Reanaclaire said...

Can I just pluck it out from your blog, Ginny? It looks so real :)

DawnTreader said...

At first I thought these were Dahlias. Because I was taking photos of Dahlias of much the same colours and shapes just the other day... ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

zany zinnias by a zany photographer. I LOVE< LOVE the one with the moth in the center. these are great photos ginny. do you ever wonder what people think aobut you when you stop and start to click away? i have seen people stare at me like WHAT is she doing? in the middle of a store in the middle of a mall i was taking photos. now that i think about it, i need to find them and do a post on that story.

Arti said...

Amazing beauty!
Loved the shots:)
I too was enchanted..and what a beautiful quote by Ralph

Melanie said...


Remington said...


Stephanie V said...

Don't see too many zinnias around here any more. I wonder why not since they are such beautiful flowers. Love your Emerson quote!
Really nice photos, Ginny.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, your flowers are just lovely. You have a photographers eye and make that camera do good things. You asked about the grandchildren. We have four of them all boys. The older boys will be with us as well, though the visits will have only a short overlap where we are all together. The little guys will be here the early part of the month, the older guys will join us mid August. We will being going to China, Nepal and Tibet. We'll be gone for about 5 weeks depending on how long we are allowed to stay in Tibet. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Love Zinnias... We don't grow them--but my mother used to. They are a pretty summer flower though--and many people do grow them.

Love the one with the little pinwheels in the middle...

Have a great weekend.

Kilauea Poetry said...

These are gorgeous captures- each one..beautiful shades of pink! They have to be one of my favorites- (I did find that picture of the patch of zinnias from that calander in my old backup)! Anyway, I can see why they caught your eye..hope you have a wonderful weekend-

Glenda said...

Love the close-ups especially, but all the shots are beautiful! Isn't the color so pretty?

S. Etole said...

Gorgeous, gregarious zinnias!!! what's not to love ... they are beautiful.

George said...

In many ways these zinnias are now yours since you got such beautiful pictures of them. I love the color of these flowers.

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are gorgeous zinnias, I can see why you were drawn to them. I love that color. All of your photos are beautiful Ginny but my favorite of course is the one with the sweet little Skipper.

Annie Jeffries said...

Such a lovely and old fashion flower. This makes me think of my grandmother's garden filled with petunias and pansies and zinnias. I have some bare spots in the back yard that would provide a nice sunny home for some zinnias.

Unknown said...

Ginny, these are all stunning! WOW! I would love to spend hours photographing them. :o)


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