Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Come along and share our trip of this evening, way into the country to visit the tiny Trinity Lutheran Church. The graveyard actually existed before the church, as far back as 1740. In 1794, a log church was built beside it. Then in 1838, the log church was replaced by a brick building. In 1880, it was rebuilt again, and is the church you see here. There is still no plumbing or electricity in the church. See the lanterns hanging on the ceiling that serve as light when needed? Of course this is not a "working church". But for a few weeks during the summer, they have Wednesday night services. You can sit by the window to catch the breeze, or use one of the hand fans provided. Look out over the fields and listen to the cows moo along with the hymns. The only electricity is to the wonderful pipe organ, so when they have picnics, they have to plug the coffee pot into the organ. This gives the term "organic coffee" new meaning! Besides the obvious trinity, so many things in the bible happened in threes. Jonah was in the whale three days, Peter disavowed knowing Jesus three times, Jesus was in the tomb three days before he rose. There are many more, it can be fun to find them. I think Trinity is a good name.

"For there are three that testify; the spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement." 1 John 5:7

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor. 13;13


ruthi said...

Hmmmm what a nice walk to history path. thanks for sharing your trip with us and providing us some lessons on the past.

Anonymous said...

Yep, everything on free cycle is Free :)I can get you a link and all you do it look up your state and town :)

Anonymous said...

you can look here

Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH Wow---I LOVE that old church... Somebody needs to get it on the Historic Buildings Registry. Did they play the pipe organ???? I love to hear the old pipe organs in the little churches....

The stained glass window is gorgeous.. I cannot believe that it's not used as a church much anymore... That's sad..... Is it in an area where there aren't any people???

I loved your comment about organic coffee.... FUNNY!!!!! Made me laugh outloud...

Great post... I'd love to see that church sometime.


Glenda said...

I'd love to visit this beautiful little church and enjoy that peaceful setting! Is it in your state? Love the amazing stained glass and the pipe organ.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a lovely little church, it reminds me of the old country churches I used to see growing up in Georgia. The pipe organ must sound wonderful on the rare occasions it is played. I love the stained glass window in your post and header Ginny.

Reanaclaire said...

3 times yes.. Peter denied Jesus also 3 times.. trinity..God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit..

Kilauea Poetry said...

You did an excellent job with your post! I love the threes with the verse! The stained glass is beautiful..such an historical place and the fact that the cemetary came first. Well, church in the open field with the cows and coffee sound nice to me (lol). I'm not feeling so inspirational? Seems what I'd like to post would take some thought. Sandra' been an encouragement..she's going see what I said cause she hasn't been here yet (ha ha). Anyway, I think you do a nice job!

DawnTreader said...

That is a beautiful stained glass window in your heading and I'm glad you put in the actual post too so that it will remain there.

I think there is something very special about old churches, just to know that this has been a place of worship for centuries back sort of connects one to all those people of the past.

I loved the comment about "organic coffee", that was funny. It also tells me the present-day people in the church are practical people! All-year-round services in a church without electricity and plumbing would not be practical... ;)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

There are not many churches here with stain glass windows, and the cemetary kept so clean.

Thanks so much.

I used to take church photos, but lately, my themes of the memes don't call for one.

I was married in a very old church.

srp said...

I adore stained glass windows and this one is so beautiful! Shouse Chapel out in southern Illinois was my dad's family church and it was in the late 60's before it had indoor plumbing. Many generations worshiped there before the termites finally won out. Now, only the cemetery remains.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

still chuckling over the "organic coffee". what a shame it is not in use any more. it's beautiful. i love the hymn books in the back of the pews, we used to have them just like that and the hand held fans. we did have lights though. is it like a museum? is that why they don't use it? why did you go? for a church service? did you hear the cows moo? was it candlight only? hugs from sister

Remington said...

GREAT post! I love the church! Beautiful!

From the Kitchen said...

Organic coffee--you are a hoot! I love this post. It reminds me of my mother's family church in Sandy Level, VA--Liberty Christian Church. Many family members are buried in the adjacent graveyard. We used to have the big family reunions right at the church so all the relatives, living and dead, could attend.


S. Etole said...

A most enjoyable trip through time ...

Melanie said...

What a pretty place. Everything is so well-kept. Looks very peaceful. :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, it is a lovely church. I especially loved the tale of the coffee pot. From what you've said I'm assuming that the church is not used in the winter at all. It's a shame so few services are actually held here. It is such a serene and pretty place. I hope the day treats you well. Blessings...Mary

George said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful old church with us. I think it would be wonderful to attend a Wednesday night service there.

Glennis said...

Lovely old Church, such a beautiful stained glass window, and all without electricity, wow, and the cattle a lowing!.
It should still be used regularly its so perfect.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Beautiful church - wow - and I can just imagine the sermons there... wonderful!

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