Monday, July 5, 2010


On Saturday, we got together with Ella's family.It was a combination Phil's birthday/Fourth Of July celebration. The first picture is us eating dinner. We were lucky enough to have a waiter who took a two year photography course. Then we came back here and Ella helped Phil open his birthday gift and we ate the yummy cake Sabrina had baked for Phil with his initial on it! Probably the best cake I've ever tasted. After that, we set off sparklers and colored smoke bombs. Remember the old song "Smoke Gets in your Eyes"? Well, smoke got in our eyes, hair , nose, and clothes!! It seemed like wherever we stood, the wind changed in that direction. But It was great fun! I loved the different colors just as much as Ella did! Gradually, though, the wind swept away the pretty colors till they were just a mist. Here's what God has to say about mist being swept away.

"I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have reedemed you." Isaiah 44:22


Reanaclaire said...

So the smoke gets in so many many eyes! LOL...
Even the poor girl closes her eyes.. smart!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great party! :o) Those smoke bomb things look neat, they remind me of a campfire, the way the smoke follows you like it's got a mind of its own. ;o)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny..this looks like a blast! The last colorful smoky mist from the fireworks and a nice cake to top it off! Everyone looks happy! I wish I could of watched the fireworks along the bay as I heard it was really nice this year-and no rain! As things turned out, my husband was driven to yank me and our dog on some isolated bumpy as heck road to the cliffs! Pizza and a balmy evening with the setting sun over a stretch of coast. I only had my cell phone camera- but was still decent. Was a pleasant evening. Anyway, I love pictures of fireworks (sniff)

SquirrelQueen said...

The colors of the smokes bombs are so pretty. I remember how smokey they can be, but they are fun. Ella looks like she is having a blast.

Happy Birthday Phil!

From the Kitchen said...

Do they make noise? Just smoke? I must say that Phil has that birthday down pat--keep celebrating. I think an entire month is in order. Where's the photo of the cake?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

once again you have photos of something i have never seen. Smoke Bombs, i did not even know you could buy them or that they come in colors. the only ones i see are in those action movies where they throw them in the window to make the bad guys come out. the colors are great and the photos came out perfectly. I have played with sparklers many times, but not in the past 30 years.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I want to know if the jeannie came out of the bottle and if you got your wish??? ;o)

Looks like you had fun!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Hope you get this comment. Blogger is all messed up. I am getting all of my comments by email though---so that is good.

Looks like you had a great time with Ella's family... I'm sure they appreciate all that you and Phil do to help them out --by keeping Ella. Seems like a nice family.

Glad you had a great time...

Stephanie V said...

Did the colors get on you? Your color bombs reminded me of the Indian festival of Holi where they throw colored powders on each other.

Remington said...

Pretty smoke! Hope you get this -- I have had trouble with blogland since last night....

Together We Save said...

How fun!! My girls used to love that when they were younger!!

S. Etole said...

As I read the verse you closed with I thought of the expression, "Holy smokes!" The colored smoke is a nice change from the plain gray ones.

cleffairy said...

Hello there, dropping by from Reanaclaire's blog. I'm somewhat a god daughter to her. hahaha. :D greetings from Malaysia to you.

This entry reminds me of the song 'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes'. :D

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a fun picture of you all having dinner together. Sounds like a fun fourth of July.

pam said...

How fun! Great shots of the smoke bombs!

George said...

It looks as if you had a wonderful day even if the smoke did get in your eyes.

Glenda said...

Love the different colors of smoke! And what a beautiful word picture in the Scripture you chose! Perfect!

Anonymous said...

Oh Now there is nothing like smoke bombs :) I love the bright colors


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