Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Fruit

A couple weeks ago at our deacons meeting, I suggested that our next communion be a summer theme with fruit, and talking about the bounty of summer and the fruit of the spirit. So that's what we did tonight. Funny that so many of my ideas involve food and eating. Our pastor preached a very nice sermon about the summer flowers and tending our gardens, and after that there was foot washing. For those of you not familiar with this, I will be doing a post on it to explain. Those who did not want to participate in foot washing could sit around this prayer alter in my picture. I was back in the church kitchen fixing up this table of munchies and fruit for fellowship afterwards. I guess you could call it the fruit of the spirit.

"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22


Reanaclaire said...

wow..Ginny, communion. yes, we have it here in my church at the beginning of the month.. we go out to the pulpit there to receive our communion from my pastor and elders.. then each friday, we have cell group.. and of course, food will be served after the fellowship..

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Very creative service, Ginny... When I was in church work, we loved doing creative ministry like this... I have participated in a foot washing... It is very humbling...

All of the fruits and goodies look great... AND I loved your prayer altar... Fabulous!!!!

Looks like you had a marvelous day... Thanks be to God.

Anonymous said...

ginny we ought to post and share our head dress :)

SquirrelQueen said...

All the fruit looks delicious, what a wonderful idea you had. After reading the other comments I am curious about RenJac's comment regarding the 'head dress'!

From the Kitchen said...

I know about the foot washing too! One of my best childhood friends belonged to the Church of the Brethren and invited me to communion and foot washing and dinner. We wore delicate little hats. I recall it being very moving and a nice time.

The "fruits of the earth" look delicious. Good idea!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You got a big church kitchen. Ours is very small.

I have not been to a service where there is foot washing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the header is scrumptious. i too want to know about the head dress. we are all waiing. a really creative way to have communion. ours is grape juice and unleavend bread. once the pastor passed out grapes instead of wine. not a fan of that. the very first Lords supper was a true meal, just like this, with fruits and regualar food, so this is perfect

Melanie said...

Everything looks so nice! What a wonderful idea.
Your church has a lovely kitchen!

Remington said...

Sounds nice.

RoeH said...

Sounds wonderful! And it looks so nice and inviting.

Beverly said...

That's lovely, Ginny. I have never participated in a foot washing. I would like to sometime...maybe when I'm there in Waynesboro.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love that verse. I collected rocks from the beach and hand painted the fruits of the season on them one time. I have them in my room on a little saucer with a candle in the middle of them.

Glenda said...

Beautiful header and arrangement on your prayer altar. I've never participated in a foot washing, but I've heard others say what an humbling, meaningful sacrament it is.

Your refreshments look delicious - especially on a hot summer day!

Thanks for all of your kind comments on my blog!

George said...

I think you had a marvelous idea, and it looks as if the church did a wonderful job of making it work. The fruit of the spirit is an excellent communion theme.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Fruit is a deep in-wrought the scriptures and fruit! There is a lot here and I still don't think I eat enough! Food- I agree. The last pineapple I had sadly went into a cake (grin)..The table looks very nice Ginny! Hope you had a nice time of fellowship-

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, I loved that idea. This week in church we had a pastor that covered for our minister and he gave us a sermon on Christmas and how it is Christmas all year long. I also thought that was a good idea! I have never participated in a foot washing. I can't wait to read your post about it.
Have a nice night!
PS I thought it strange that you bought a computer too!!! I love mine. I just got the email to work today! I'm not too smart when it comes to computers!!


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