Then they came back to take the newest family additions across.
This little one really looked up to mama and daddy, a good learner.
As I watched, I was amazed at how patiently the parents taught their little ones everything.
Then they came back to take the newest family additions across.
Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...
Love these pics - especially the little babies! Great Bible verse to fit the photos, too. I want to have a teachable spirit . . . and I have so much to learn as a Christian!
Precious, Ginny. What a blessing of a treat :)
Hi Ginny, Aren't Canada Geese just gorgeous? We have them at the lakes around here. I love seeing them teach their babies...I think they are better parents than alot of us humans... How sad is that!!!!
Great pictures....
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ginny - those are precious - and your comments perfect! Love those little fluff balls!
The little ones are so sweet. It is wonderful to see what good parents the geese can be, they take so much time to teach each one. Your photos are fabulous and I love your header shot.
You asked the difference between an ulu and a mezzaluna. They are very similar in shape but usually mezzalunas are used for chopping and dicing vegetables and also for pastry dough. It's the repetitive rocking motion that makes the cuts. The ulu can be used for all of the same things as any knife. They are super sharp but only on one edge, and they also allow you to apply considerable force. I wouldn't do it but they would be perfect for for removing an animal hide.
oh how sweet. These pictures are fantastic Ginny.
Those geese visit here every spring and fall--right beside my house but they have no babies. What sweet (and beautifully captured) little ones!!
Once again you've managed to capture a whole series of pictures and make a wonderful story of it... Love it! :)
camouflaged they are, the little fuzzy ones are my favorite of the day. extraordinary that you were able to get grown up, babies and teens at one time. i have seen babies with parents and teens with parents but never all 3. now i have seen them.
Those babies are so cute. We have some that have decided to live here year-round. I guess they got tired of flying back and forth.
Wonderful pics.
Morning Ginny,Oh wow it is still raining here. We are suppose to get it all day. I just wish it would stop now for a couple of days,and let the ground absorb it all up :( There is water every where.
Hi, I just found your blog thru Renee'. Your pictures are beautiful! Nice to meet you.
This is a great post, Ginny. Mother & Father Goose are good examples to us all. especially when it comes to fostering self-esteem! Love the little one and his reflection.
Hi Ginny..I have always admired these beautiful creatures! I think this particular series of yours is really special! Not sure I mentioned we used to have two geese (male and female), but the female died one night in a lightening storm (she had been sitting on eggs- we tried to save them but no luck? Anyway, we picked up five baby ducks and the male goose ran around the yard like momma and they just followed! Well I love the babies (precious)- so soft and fuzzy! The reflection is terrific as well as first ones- all great images! Hey, thanks for your fun comments on my last post-
I got a kick out of that! I will be back shortly for your L. K. Post...
Hi Ginny, just found your blog through Renee's blog. I love you photos! Beautiful geese and such cute babies too! - and a very good Scripture verse to go with them.
God bless you,
This reminds me of Job 12 where it is said that the birds will teach you ... so much to be learned in observing nature.
These are marvelous pictures of the goose family and the interaction between parent and child. It's too bad some human parents can't be so patient.
Hi Ginny - me again! Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog.
M.E. is what is usually called CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) in the US, and increasingly so over here in the UK too, unfortunately - it's a bad name for it. It is not rare, in fact it is now more common than M.S.
Hope you get back to crafting and card making soon! It's such fun and there's lots of inspiration and help online.
Yes, the old pickup and wheelchair were a joke! Really fun amongst all the new vehicles lol! Certainly attracted attention!
I have been observing geese. The "Aunties" and "Uncles" help to babysit the goslings. Your first photo confirms it, There is often a third adult goose hanging around.
I didn't realize they had more than one brood at a time. I know that bluebirds do that... they stay with the fledglings after they leave the nest for a few weeks. Then they have another brood and sometimes the older ones help out. They are adorable as babies and a bit gangly as teenagers... much like our kids.
Do you have a sign," Geese Crossing" I would love to live down you street just to see these geese and gosling everyday.
I will post you the sign of our Geese crossing at the Auckland Domain.
Thanks for following. I read your posts, I am now your follower too because I like your post..
Hi Ginny, thanks for your comment on my blog about the gold card. Interesting the second one reminded you of India - the Paisley one is more Indian, but I had thought of doing a design called "Mogul's Palace" using one of them! Still thinking about it!
Bless you,
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