Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Step AWAY From The Cow

Phil and I spent this evening having some quality time alone with our granddaughter, Anne Marie. We had a blast, and among other things, we went to the new Chik-Fil-A for dinner. They always have a fresh flower on each table. Beautiful, aren't they? The first week they opened, they had these parachuting cows raining down from the ceiling. And it looks like they even put Anne's picture on their placemats! Tonight their cow was there, playing with the kids and posing for pictures with them. "Look!" I told Anne "The big cow, let's go see him and take your picture with him!" But she was very afraid of the cow! She would not get close to the cow even with grandpa holding her. She kept her eye on the cow even while he was outside, just in case he might sneak over and turn up too close. But when we were leaving, we saw the smaller little female cow, with a bow and long eyelashes. Anne was not quite as afraid of her, and agreed to meet her if grandpa held her tightly. But you can see the suspicious look on her face. I did finally find out why she was afraid. She said this to me: "There's someone inside. It's not a real cow." Very smart girl, she doesn't know WHO is inside. We don't speak to strangers, nor do we follow them. Especially when we are four years old.

"He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because thy know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." John 10:3,5


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

great to have a fresh flower in a place like this.

Last night, i watch on TV about the undercover boss, it was White castle last night.

White Castle has not made it to Singapore and New Zealand yet.

Reanaclaire said...

hey..how did they place her face on their placemats? great dining place! got she and he cow too.. lol.. the way she looked at the he-cow, she is a very cautious girl!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Smart indeed I'd say! I can see the look on her face! This looks fun and a little comical- I'm so glad all of you had a blast! Nice photos and verse Ginny-

SquirrelQueen said...

The photo on the placemats really does look a lot like Anne Marie, that is so cool.

I love the expression on her face when looking at the cow, it is priceless. She is a very smart young lady to realize the difference between real and a costume.

DawnTreader said...

You have "he"-cows in America?! ;)
(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Melanie said...

Great pictures!
Chick-fil-a is a favorite place of ours too.
Anne-Marie has a very cautious look on her face! She's so cute. :)

From the Kitchen said...

Very wise little girl!! I've only been to Chick-fil-et a few times because we don't have them locally. Love the flowers. I think they've always done that. And the chicken is delicious!

Great photos!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

very smart lil chic you have for a grand daughter. i wondered how a flower got in the cow post. love he header and the title slays me with laughter. when i saw the title i had no idea what to expect. i was thinking more along what comes OUT of the cow! are you picking up what I am putting down? tee hee mooooooooo

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, That does look like Anne Marie in the placemat.... How CUTE....

I loved that expression her face in that last picture --when Phil was holding her. She definitely was afraid of that old cow, wasn't she????

What a smart little gal.... BUT--since she's your grandchild, I'm NOT surprised...

Great post.. thanks.

S. Etole said...

Smart little girl ... and fun photos.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a sweet story and what a dear child. Thank you for sharing her with us. A few answers to some of your questions. I do less and less outreach to other bloggers these days because it is just getting too hard to do. I always respond to a comment left on my blog. I'm not your anon follower, but I will say that person has wonderful taste. Above all, I want to thank you for your visit to my blog. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

From the Kitchen said...

Ginny: I accidentally answered your question on my blog so check back.

Talked to my S.Draft sister this morning. She was melting!!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Funny how much your grand daughter looks like the other girl.
I love what you said on my word filled Wednesday post today. Your words always inspire me.

Stephanie V said...

Love the cows! What a wise little one your Anne-Marie is. Cows with people inside...like the reverse of the Big Bad Wolf in Grandma's nightie, isn't it? But just as well to stay away from both.

I did find the placemat's message ironic what with all the mispelling on the cow's dress. That little girl does look a lot like A-M.

Glenda said...

Beautiful flower photos!! We love Chick-fil-et, too! Have you ever tried their peach shakes? They are soooo good!

It's great that you get to do so many fun things with your smart and cute little granddaughter! Cherish every moment!

George said...

The picture of Phil holding Anne Marie near the cow is priceless.


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