Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Spark

These two pictures are both the Statue Of Liberty, but with an unusual twist. One is carved from a pumpkin, and the other is made from driftwood. And it's the driftwood one I want to talk about. It was made by artist Adam Morales, who is affectionatly known as The Driftwood Guy. His creations of driftwood have become legendary. He has made animals, birds, Noah's Ark, and hundreds of other pieces. He is working on the Lincoln Memorial, but for two years has been looking for just the right piece of wood for Lincoln's head. He doesn't like to cut the wood, so he needs to find the right shape and size. He goes into the swamp at night and digs around for all his wood. He fashions his art out of only driftwood, screws, and a few plastic eyes. The flag is painted driftwood, while the statue herself is bare natural wood. Both made of wood, this Lady Liberty is the spark of freedom, and the cross is the spark for Christians. We, too, are sparks in this world by using our gifts. When we let our light shine before others, we are, in a way, human sparklers. But sparklers are pretty dim compared to the fire we can put into this world.

"Do not put out the spirit's fire..." 1 thess. 5:19
"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood." John 1:5


Reanaclaire said...

He is very creative, Ginny.. takes a lot of time to do this too.. patience and perseverance..

DawnTreader said...

That is having a very keen eye for what things around us can be used for...

Glennis said...

Such an amazing statue, so much patience, yet it looks so good.
Its nice to be a sparkler!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, this was so original and just creative..I love artsy stuff like this! I also enjoyed the way you put it..your narration and verse! What a talented man too..somehow I kind understand him going through the swamp at night like that! (lol) Hope you had a lovely 4th!

From the Kitchen said...

That statue is something else! Right down to Lady Liberty's right elbow!! I'm wondering why the artist goes into the swamp at night to search for the right wood. Wouldn't it be easier in daylight?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have said this before but will repeat myself. you do find the MOST amazing things, things i have never seen or never would. nothing ordinary for Ginny. amazing driftwood guy and the pumpkin is fantastic. these people are gifted for sure and so are you, gift of gab and gift of sharing.

Glenda said...

Amazing talent and creativity! Your thoughts on letting our light shine - even if it seems to be just a spark - is so true. One little spark can make a difference - and He's always there to fan our flame!

Remington said...

I just love creative people! Great pics!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My---what a creative guy???? Love the pumpkin, the flag and the Statue of Liberty.

Hope he finds just the right piece of wood for Lincoln's head... That is just so neat.

We all need to use our creative genes like that man... Wow!!!!

Stephanie V said...

Love the driftwood sculpture. I think it's amazing that artists can 'see' something in a log or a stone. What a gift that is.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Very interesting!!

Unknown said...

I love driftwood art for a variety of reasons; not the least of which is that it is a classic example of recycling: using "castaways" to make something new and beautiful and poignant.

These are great - and the pumpkin carving is really adorable!

I hope the driftwood guy finds the head he's looking for soon! ;o)

What Karen Sees said...

Very interesting and unusual post for the 4th of July!

George said...

Both of these versions of the Statue of Liberty are really neat. The driftwood artist is truly amazing. Thanks for a wonderful Fourth of July holiday post.

S. Etole said...

Very unusual carvings ... you have shared them well.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

When I climbed up the Statue of Liberty in 1976, it was going up and up and up. Sometimes I pass over ladies in their 50s, (like me now) If I was to climb now, I think it will be my turn to be passed over by youngsters.

Statue of Liberty must be the most famous Icon of USA.

SquirrelQueen said...

The driftwood Lady Liberty is amazing, The Driftwood Guy is very talented. It take real creativity to use found pieces for his art rather than cutting them.

The pumpkin carvings are also very creative.

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