Wednesday, July 21, 2010


You may think you know what these things are, but they have been transformed from something else altogether. These are from an exhibit by artist Brian Jungen called "Strange Comfort". He likes to take everyday objects and transform them so you can still see every part of the origional object, but also see that it is not the same thing any longer, it's now something else. He has made may other things, including totem poles from motorcycle helmets and a whale skeleton from white plastic lawn chairs. I took these pictures from the paper. The first is a tortise shell made from trash dumpsters, and the other two are ritual masks made from Air Jordan running shoes. This man sees not only beauty in common objects, but he sees them totally transformed into other things. Kind of like my friend Sandra over at MADSNAPPER. She looks at icky, ugly things and finds beauty and jewels in them. They become transformed. And one day, so will we, and our artist will be God.

"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." Philippians 3:20


Kilauea Poetry said...

Nifty post..I like this a lot!! Very ingenious and creative. Flesh is so jaded and I guess why we always need to be tweeked to see God's perspective?
I can't wait..feels like skin being shed but maybe worse.
Thanks for your comments and I'll be checking my mail. Have a great evening..

Reanaclaire said...

Very creative man.. didnt realize it is a running shoe.. good post here, Ginny.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Amen!! Very creative - love how people can take things like that and turn them into beauty! So look forward to the day God does that with me!

DawnTreader said...

With the first one I thought it resembled an igloo (obviously not out of ice though). The other two no idea. I could never have guessed they were made out of shoes.

SquirrelQueen said...

I recognized the trash bins but not the shoes. I love his turtle shell but now he needs to find a turtle to fill it. The artist is very creative.

From the Kitchen said...

Very creative! Recycling at it's best.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the toot on my blog. these are really fun and I saw nothing in any of them until I read your post. he sees with different eyes and this is great for recycling and keeping things out of the trash. isn't it wonderful we all walk to a different drummer? makes for a very interesitng world. someday I will be tranformed from old and fat to beautiful YIPEEE

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, That artist just amazes me... I am SO impressed.... I recognized the trash cans ---but had a hard time recognizing the shoes.... Wow--he's marvelous!!!

Love your header... That red is gorgeous... Makes me WISH for Fall --and cooler air... ha

Remington said...

Great artist!

Beverly said...

Clever. I'm glad you identified what the second and third one were made from.

Together We Save said...

Wow - I cold not tell what it once was. Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing.

Scott Law said...

That is very interesting about the transformers. I also really enjoyed your lovely flowers in the previous post. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I hope I can bring some additional beauty into your life as you will mine.

Glenda said...

I appreciate people who can "see" what something can become before the transformation. I'm glad God sees the person we can become with His transforming power!

George said...

These are so wonderful! I really like the tortise shell. This artist has a lot of creativity and talent. Thanks for sharing these with us.


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