Friday, July 16, 2010

The Shield

I bet you're wondering who our little friend here is. Isn't he cute (or not)? I found him crawling on our back door and went to get my camera. This is a Stink Bug, so called because if he fears any harm, he releases a strong bad smell. Putting up a big stink is his defense. There are over 200 different species throughout the world, and they were origionally found in East Asia. These bugs are in Sweden, too, and my friend Monica found one and posted some pictures on her blog today. CLICK HERE to see them. Her blogs are wonderful, whimsical, and have some very pretty views of Sweden. Mr. Stinky is a sturdy bug, and can withstand most pesticides. He almost looks like he's wearing armour, see? Because of this effect, and because of his shape, he is also called Shield Bug. But he is just a pretender to the name, here is our real shield.

"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. " 2 Samuel 22:31

"We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:20,22


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Your header is FABULOUS, Ginny..... Stink Bugs are like Skunks... It's best not to upset them!!!!! ha

Have a good weekend.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a coincidence that you and Monica found the same bug, those little stink bugs do get around. I see more of their green cousins here, they are always hiding on my plants.

I agree with Betsy, your header is beautiful.

From the Kitchen said...

I have messed around with those bugs when I was little and they do stink!!

Hope you have a good weekend!!


ruthi said...

very interesting. i don't wish to be near one and scare the little guy. but i do want to see a real one... from afar. lol. great quotations too.

And about your questions how many blogs I have... i have 5 + 2.

and hubby's which i also manage and which he has nothing to do whatsoever. hahahaha it's only my way of justifying himself whenever he pisses me off. it helps me understand him better when i am thinking for him and saying his point-of-view the way i want it. LOL.

Deborah said...

I love your new header! It is beutiful!!
Stink bugs, I just saw one yesterday at my mothers!
Have a nice weekend Ginny!

George said...

You got a very good picture of your little friend. All I ask is that you keep him up there in Virginia -- we don't want him down here!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

somewhere in my archives I have one similar but he is bright green. i saw monicas and it is also a little different. I prefer the Real Shield but this is a good photo and story. if swatted or stomped on it really stinks.

DawnTreader said...

Hi Ginny, now I'm here to see YOUR bug. ;) It does seem to be the same one. Even if they seem to be common (I got "reports" of it on my blog from Britain and Germany too) I can't get over that we both came across this particular species and took photos of it almost at the same time. Since we're in different parts of the world and there are a few different kinds of bugs on this planet after all...!!! /Monica

Stephanie V said...

Cool know I love 'em all!

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