Sunday, July 18, 2010

Everything Is Just Peachy

Today we went to a peach orchard and farm market. My husband worked in his grandfather's peach orchard for a few years when he was a teenager, but I had never been to one. There must have been hundreds of peach trees literally dripping with peaches all over the branches and the ground! There were many different kinds, as well. You could pick all you wanted, then bring them in the store and pay by the pound. That is me picking a peach. And no, I did not go up that ladder! I have enough trouble just walking on solid ground nowadays, and hung onto Phil to get through the lumpy orchard ground. This is some of what we saw inside. They had peach donuts and peach ice-cream, as well. My husband ate the donuts in the car. They were good, but here's a priceless fruit that's much better.

"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver." Proverbs 8:17,19


Doris Sturm said...

Oh, how I wish I were out there peaches picking too...I love fresh fruit right off the vine!

I have some peaches that I will most likely bake into a pie, but I got those from the grocery store...

Thanks for visiting me today, Ginny, and to answer your question, my do Gizzy is 12 years old. He'll be 13 on November 1st and he's a Pedigree Pekingese ... only he thinks he's a German Shepherd ;-) He's a little guy with a big attitude and I love him to pieces - my little clown who keeps me entertained and makes me smile every singel day. I love God's creatures great and small...have a lovely week!

Reanaclaire said...

wow..i wish i could have a chance to do that too.. peaching.. lol..
peach donuts? gosh, never tasted that before.. glad u had a good time there, Ginny..

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I would love to go with you when you go next time. It is the fun of picking, not so much eating the fruits.

I added some info on MT Eden: It is the most visited place in Auckland.

Mt Eden volcano at the summit is 196 metres above sea level. It is the highest natural point on the Auckland isthmus. The majestic bowl-like crater is 50 metres deep. The volcano erupted several times resulting in a series of craters, with the last eruption about 15,000 years ago.
To go up, you can take the easy option by going by car or by bus.
Or you can climb up a series of steps and walk up the track. I usually do this, but sorry I don't count the steps. The track can be quite steep at some places.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

There are so many kinds of fudge that I won't know which to choose. Fortunately, I don't have a sweet tooth. i like chocolate only.

Re: The window in the reflection, that is the meme photo for weekend reflection. I don't know who took the photo.

Today, I got a request from the editor of my city's neighbourhood watch magazine. he wanted to use one of my photos of my Church's Christmas celebration in the park.

This would be a great testimony for God.

From the Kitchen said...

Oh those peaches do look delicious! I've been peach picking in Virginia--up around Winchester if I recall correctly. I picked some peaches at the market on Saturday but it's not the same. I would have had a piece of peanut butter fudge!!


DawnTreader said...

Oh that looks lovely. Peaches don't grow in our climate. There will be apples, and pears, and plums - but not for a month or more yet. Swedish ones, I mean. There is of course imported fruit (including peaches) to be bought in the stores.

Melanie said...

Those peaches look delicious!
I'm glad you didn't get on that ladder. I'm happy to see you're out and feeling better.
Have a good week. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Yum! I want a fresh picked peach. I really like the peach holding a peach shot. did you buy home made fudge? or just peaches? looks like a fun place and i would have loved to walk around it with you. did the storms come or did they leave you alone, did you have to drive in thunder and rain?

Remington said...

Yummy! Beth loves peaches!

Together We Save said...

Sounds like a fun day... I just love peaches, so yummy!!

Unknown said...

Peaches! Oh, how I love peaches. I think that ice cream would have been right up my alley! :o)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh---I would love some FRESH right-off-the-tree peaches, Ginny.... YUM!!!!!! Did you try some of that fudge also????? I'd probably choose the peach ice cream in lieu of the donuts and fudge....

Great picture of you, Pretty Lady.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Hi Ginny.
That is my mother in law, Mr. Hip and his mum. the house is not is such a great house though. It is on a little island right next to Rye, N.H. harbor. You must drive over a short causeway to get there. The view of the jetty is what they see out of the window. Wouldn't it be wonderful to live there.

SquirrelQueen said...

Yummy! I love fresh peaches but I haven't picked straight from the tree since I left Georgia.

Hope you took lots of photos from the farmers' market. I have a challenge from last year (The Farmers' Market Challenge )that I am reopening. I will be posting the details tonight.

S. Etole said...

Makes my mouth water to see all that yummy food ...

Many thanks for your prayers, too.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny- this place looks divine! Wow, peaches are so yummy! We actually have pears and apples growing in the mountains but no peaches! Fudge will always remind me of my mom- she loved it..but her other favorite was donuts! I enjoyed these pictures- looks like this was enjoyable! I really hope your doing better! Its in the seeking- with a surpassing reward! How encouraging is that!

George said...

A couple of years ago my daughter and her husband took us to an apple orchard that allowed you to pick your own apples. The store also had all kinds of goodies as well.

ruthinian said...

I love peaches, those are my favorite fruit here but I have not seen a peach tree yet much less been peach picking. I would love to do that someday. And those peach goodies don't just sound good I bet they do taste good too. Lovely photos. Love your smile.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh my - what a "dangerous" place - fresh peaches AND homemade fudge?? oooh yumo! (Although I wouldn't eat them together!)

Glenda said...

Oh, I love anything peach! What a wonderful place to visit and to sample goodies! I'd like to try a peach donut; I've never heard of them!


 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...