Thursday, July 8, 2010

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Last week it was announced that talk show host Larry King is retiring. For those of you who don't know Larry, he has a nightly interview show on the CNN network. He has interviewed presidents, heads of state, famous celebrities, etc. His show has been on for 25 years, and he has conducted over 40,000 interviews. When it gets close to 9 P.M. and people say, "I wonder who Larry has on tonight?", no explanation is needed. All these pictures were snapped by me from our T.V. Larry King's show opener is a big microphone, not pictures or videos of himself. And the big microphone sits on his desk at all times. But he has lost nearly half his audience this year, and is likely stepping down before he gets fired. You see, Larry has become something from another age, and that would be a gentleman. He does not confront celebrities and politicians with accusations and hardball questions, nor does he pry into their lives unduly. He talks slowly and makes them feel at ease, never prying too much. But people no longer want this soft, homey approach. His replacement will likely be an overblown youngster who wants to get answers even though his guests may squirm in embarrasment and stutter helplessly. This new type of interviewer wants to make a name for himself and be the star of the show instead of his guest, though he will say that he just wants answers. But just maybe we don't need all the answers in order to appease someone's ego. Maybe once in a while, it's good to return to a kinder, gentler time.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
Eph. 4:32, 5:1,2


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I guess that Larry King may have been a nice guy, But I never liked him. Part of it is that I don't care for anything on CNN... SO--I guess I shouldn't say anything elso.. He may truly be the last nice guy on that network....???????


SquirrelQueen said...

I have never watched his show on a regular basis but would usually tune in if the guest was of interest to me. Larry King has been on the air for so long that to see him go is like the end of an era.

Reanaclaire said...

oh..i tot larry king is very aggressive in his interviews?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so right, Ginny. that is exactly why he is not as popular as he used to be, now they want some loud mouth that ask a question and then keeps breaking in while the guest tries to talk. I have only seen his show a few times since he comes on after my bedtime, but you are right, he cares about the person not the grime. or tht is what i saw the few times i saw him. some of the new news reporters are like reading those lying magazines that i see at the cash registers, just more gossip and catching people in things no one cares about. i guess i am wrong in that comment, eveidently some people like to read/hear it or it would not be there.

Remington said...

Have never watched him but have heard about him....

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It is a shame to watch gentle manners going out of style. Class is something you can never have to much of.

George said...

Larry King leaving CNN is truly the end of an era.

Stephanie V said...

Since I never watch CNN, Larry King is a cultural icon I know next to nothing about. I'll trust that you're right about reasons for his retirement, Ginny.
In general, old-fashioned manners are just that: old-fashioned. Funny how our world can be better and worse at the same time. Of course, I guess it was better and worse back in the day, too. Just different directions.

Dawning Inspiration said...

No!!!! Not Larry King retiring! Wow... I didn't watch regularly - but there were some interviews that I caught. Loved his low key style. I wish him a happy and long retirement!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny..I'm back..had go with hubby for what seemed like a long shopping run! I'd have to agree a little with Betsy, SQ and Stephanie but I suppose your right about him as well. He wasn't rude or obnoxious though I never watched on a regular basis. Why is it so hard to say goodbye? Anyway, We have our strange computer set up here with various favorite news ect.. via on line vid's and stuff. Mine are slightly different but we'll watch something the other often suggests..haven't had a tv in years? My thoughts..

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