Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Rose By Any Other Name

When is a rose not a rose, and when is a hibiscus not a hibiscus? When it's the Rose Of Sharon! The hibiscus are in bloom around here, and they are beautiful. See Phil standing by one? This is because I think the bloom is bigger than his head, though he doesn't believe it. But that would be if you spread it out. There are over 200 species of hibiscus, and the rose mallow hibiscus bloom is the largest, 12 inches across. The hibiscus syriacus is referred to as the Rose Of Sharon, a term taken from Song Of Songs 2:1. It is a symbol of the perfect bride. Sharon was one of the largest plains in all Palestine. And in the time of Solomon, it was wild and fertile, with many beautiful flowers. It seems that Solomon's bride was comparing herself to nothing more than these very common and ordinary, though lovely flowers. But then Solomon compared her to a lily among thorns. He seemed to have a way with words. And here they are.

"I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys."

"Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens."


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia, just the single layer petals. I like yours.

I think the rowing should be telecast, but depending if your country is competing. I will find out more and let you know.

Reanaclaire said...

hi Ginny, u made Phil stand there to pose for you? :) that is nice of him.. lol.. anyway, the hibiscus are beautiful no matter what color they are..

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am not successful with growing Zuchinnis, I buy them when they are young, not when they have grown old to be a marrow. My sister has cooked pumpkin and choko shoots. They are delicious if they are young.

I don't know how the Thais eat their shoots as they look quite "mature"

From the Kitchen said...

I love this flower. It was one of my mother's favorites and the blooms really were bigger than her head--and the bush/trees were taller than she was. Don't see them as much around here except in pots.


Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that light pink one. We don't have those flowers here - glad you can share them with us!

pam said...

I actually found a Rose of Sharon that looks more blue than purple...I love getting different colors and this one really is close to periwinkle which I love...I've been dividing it and making a border...such an easy bush to grow.

Remington said...

Beautiful! We have two on our deck. Love them!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

header is spectacular!
I thought it was a hibicus. you forgot to mention the live visitors to your flowers. they are really cute for grass hoppers, but not really good. remember when God sent the plague of them to destory the crops? yikes i would hate to see these by the thousands. love the verses, i had forgotten them. is the phil meauring stick the new hibicus you bought?

Doris Sturm said...

Just beatiful photos!!! We have lots of them blooming around here too now, only I'm afraid the hot sun beating down on them is making them wilt prematurely!

Have a wonderful day and enjoy your glorious blossoms :-)

DawnTreader said...

I had no idea the rose of Sharon was a hibiscus. Now I wonder what those flying things enjoying it are? If the flower is big, it seems to me that those creatures must be huge too???

Betsy Banks Adams said...

All of your hibiscus flowers are gorgeous, Ginny.... I can't choose a favorite... But--the Rose of Sharon is a gorgeous color, isn't it????

Thanks for the education about the name... I had no idea where the Rose of Sharon name came from . Very interesting.

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures of the hibiscus and one good picture of Phil. Thanks for the reminder of where the name comes from.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gin, I Love working with templates :) and make banner to match :)

Regina said...

How nice Ginny! Lovely photos and shades- Phil and the butterflies!! My husband's X's were Rose and Sharon! Serious..I always think of that. I...uh, we've lasted the longest (big fat grin)

SquirrelQueen said...

Hibiscus are such beautiful flowers. I haven't seen any in awhile and had forgotten how big they get. I love the photo of Phil next to the bloom.

Love your close ups of the flowers, especially the ones with the Skippers.

Glenda said...

Beautiful blooms! Hibiscus remind me of my aunt who lived down the road from us during my childhood. She had a huge bush near her front porch.

Unknown said...

These are all very lovely!!!

*waving* Hi Phil!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for directing me to your lovely post with these blooms! It seems we do have so much in common! I look forward to following you to. Have a good evening.


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