Thursday, July 1, 2010

Egg On My Face

The incredible, edible egg. That's the slogan of the egg council, and I agree. Do you eat many eggs, and how do you like them cooked? What size and type do you prefer? I love eggs, the bigger the better. Jumbo are good. I could eat them cooked many ways several times a day. I try to always have at least four dozen on hand. So you can imagine my interest when I read an article a while ago. It talked about farm fresh, free range chickens. It said that chickens laid much better tasting eggs if they were cage free, running around and eating bugs and things like they are supposed to. It went on to say that compared to cage free, farm fresh eggs, regular supermarker eggs tasted like cardboard. Wow! Could it be that eggs can taste even better? I just had to check this out, so I headed for Whole Foods. It was there that I purchased organic, cage free eggs at almost $4.00 a dozen. I know it's way too expensive, but it was for a scientific test, it was not like I would buy them all the time. Back home, we compared them to cheap supermarket eggs. No taste difference!! I couldn't figure this out. Then a few weeks ago, I read an article in the paper. A food writer got her food expert friends together and they did blind taste tests of eggs she had just gathered from her own pet hens, and supermarket eggs. None of them could tell any difference!! So my taste buds have been justified!! Yet people keep saying how much better eggs are from cage free farm fresh hens. Any thoughts? The age old question is "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" But I've known that answer for a long time.

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to it's kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." Genesis 1:21


Heather said...

Our neighbor was raising chickens for a few years and shared fresh eggs with us every week...the difference that was noticeable was the deep, rich color of the yolk and the size. Very large. They really didn't taste any different for me but the size was great and the cost, even better :)

The eggs on the table in the photo...resurrection eggs, aren't they?


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I love eggs---but we try to limit how many we eat per week. Right now, we only have them on Saturday mornings --when George fixes his fabulous omelets. He fixes me a veggie omelet with cheese and he has a meat-lovers omelet.. SO SO GOOD.

But--I love dippin' eggs also... I want them sunny-side up or over-light --with a runny yellow that my toast can soak up.... YUM!!!!!

I also love scrambled eggs and toast and bacon or sausage. When we go to the IHOP or the Shoney's or to Cracker Barrel, I love getting breakfast sometimes other than mornings.

I see no difference in the quality of eggs --and I buy large eggs from Kroger's or Walmart --or Dollar General (wherever I can get them cheaper). I would never pay for organic eggs...

BUT--they say that brown eggs are wonderful... I don't buy them --but might, if they were available around here, and for a good price.

Have a great 4th of July. God Bless America.

Reanaclaire said...

yes, over here in my country, the eggs from those cage free chickens are much more expensive than those reared inside the foundry caged up..
it seems cage free chicken eggs are much more nutritious too.. the yolk is more orangy in color..

Kilauea Poetry said...

I Ginny..Well, I do enjoy eggs but we live here on the islands - supermarket eggs have to be shipped over (regular eggs cost close to about $4.00 but can be found cheaper. Besides, we've noticed they don't taste the same (good like they used to? Is this because of corn or the lack? Grain has really gone up and there is the issue with ethanol? I actually did a google search over a month ago but didn't get anywhere? I'm watching my neighbors chickens beginning tomorrow and she just dropped off a few dozen you say, organic- semi free. Anyway, back in the day we'd go out for breakfast more..but enjoyed it so much! (And they used regular). So comparatively speaking-now, I think neighbors eggs taste way better but maybe that's us? Yours may be fresher? My thoughts...Ella is so cute!!

DawnTreader said...

I never really heard the argument that you should buy those eggs because they taste so much better; only that those hens have a better life, not being treated as just 'machines' to produce our food. If there is a choice where I shop I do usually buy free range ones. I don't eat eggs every day. Sometimes I eat them hard boiled, or I make an omelette, or use them in pies or cakes.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I rarely eat eggs, when I do they have to be very, very firm, no jelly like goo. grosses me out. I like deviled eggs, or egg salad sandwich or an omelet when i do eat them. my hubby eats eggs over easy 3 times a week, so 6 eggs a week is what we use. I could go the rest of my life without eggs and not miss them at all. I agree with DawnTreader, it is the care of the chickens they talk about but i have also heard people say they taste better, thanks for the test Ginny, now we know not to spend that 4.00. I have also heard them say the eggs from cage free are healthier for us, but then THEY said don't eat them it will kill you, then THEY said do eat them, they are good for you, so what THEY said is not what i will listen to but I WILL listen to YOU, Ginny.

Stephanie V said...

I thought it was because of the life the chickens lived (?) in the battery cages. Much nicer to be out running in the fresh air and sunshine. Since I hardly ever eat eggs, I would have to say that I probably could see the difference but not taste it.

Hre in Vancouver, the city has decided that folks can keep chickens in their gardens - with proper red tape applied, of course - so that they can have their farm fresh eggs. Even planning a 'retirement house' for older unwanted chickens. All true!

Remington said...

We don't eat eggs very often. Cute pic! Have a safe and fun fourth!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have never been able to tell the difference either but I bet the chickens know!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hmmmm - I usually buy the free range ones because their expiration date is usually longer!

Together We Save said...

I can't tell and we eat so many I could never afford $4 per dozen.

S. Etole said...

Guess I've heard the same and they usually say it's the yoke. I enjoy them most scrambled.

RoeH said...

I'm not much of an egg person myself, but one day I needed one. We've got a store on the corner called Sprouts ... organic and all that and walked over there to get some eggs. I was amazed at how much better they were when they cooked up and the taste also was different. Maybe there is a difference.

George said...

I don't often eat eggs, but we always had hens and fresh eggs when I was growing up on the farm. I'm not sure I could tell the difference between those eggs and supermarket eggs.

SquirrelQueen said...

It's good to know I'm not the only one who can't taste the difference, an egg taste like an egg. But I do feel sorry for the chickens cooped up in cages.

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