Friday, July 2, 2010

Not Too Crabby

I was prepared to be crabby on this post, but I'm not. That's because I got good news at my doctor appointment today. I thought I had gained some weight, because it seems like I have to turn sideways and walk like a crab more often to get between tight spaces. But I have lost weight! So what did I do upon hearing this news? Went out to dinner with my two favorite men, my husband and son! Yes, nothing beats celebrating losing weight more than overeating!! I want to live each day to the fullest. I know the bible says it's not good to be gluttonous, but I prefer to call it the joy of life. Perhaps if I had a little less joy of life, I would have more days left to enjoy it. The second picture is our granddaughter, Anne Marie, who is at Myrtle Beach this week really enjoying life and eating crab legs. I don't eat shellfish because I won't eat anything whose eyeballs are on stalks. Plus I feel a kinship with crabs because they have to walk sideways like me. The third picture is my son and I at dinner tonight. I had turned to sit sideways. He is about to dive into a big meal, then play chess with his dad, so he is not crabby. I searched in the bible for gluttony, but found something so much better.

"The righteous eat to their hearts' content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry."
Proverbs 13:25


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hooray, Ginny... I love that scripture!!!!!!! I too love to eat.... I enjoy food!!! What else can I say????? ha ha ha...

Congrats on the weight loss... That is GREAT.... I always dread getting on the scales at the doctor's office.... Luckily, I don't have to go back (to my regular doctor) until November... SO---let's EAT!!!!! ha ha

Great post...

RoeH said...

Great photos! I'm not a crab eater or much of anything from the sea. You're little gal is so cute. Hope you have a great 4th on Sunday. Make the most of it. I kind of like this holiday.

Reanaclaire said...

oh Ginny, your post is so witty.. walking sideways indeed!!! made me smile when i read this..
u r doing fine, as long as u r healthy, sideways or front widening, they dont matter..
keep smiling!!
God Bless!

Kilauea Poetry said...

This was just classic! I kind of picked up on that with you about stuff being too icky- funny, but I draw the line too! I'm happy about your doctors visit, but don't feel bad, I've done the same (terrible)- looks like a terrific evening out and I find that wonderful..the photo of you and your son and them sitting down for chess like that!! Now you might find this brother-in-law is a diver and brings over slipper crab special for my husband. He catches reg crab he then sells (he knows slipper happens to be his favorite). This morning while I had breakfast cereal going, my husband decides to cook it up! Odd timing- but was pretty tasty (he did all the work and kept popping pieces in my mouth. No eyeballs to stare at (lol)..Myrtle beach sounds terrific for her! Are there activities besides water? Great post Ginny- hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th!!

SquirrelQueen said...

With such good news my first choice would to celebrate with a good meal. Those crab legs look yummy but now I want seafood.

From the Kitchen said...

Yum--crab! Not crabby! You are so funny. I think that scripture would be a good one for my refrigerator.

Happy 4th!


Remington said...

Sounds like a fun time! I hope you and your family have a safe and fun
4th! Enjoy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the only thing i eat with eyeballs on stalks are shrimp. no other shell fish for me, because i don't like the taste. i sat here and laughed out loud. i can't ell you how many times i have edged sideways just like you described, but never connected it with walking like a crab, now every time i do it i will think I am crabbing. my mother loved crabbing (catching them) and eating them, she liked them boiled in the shell, in patties and salad. I think the reason i don't like the taste is because when they cooked them they threw the live crabs in the boiling water. I have always been to tender hearted to even think about things like that.

Glenda said...

Yay for losing weight! I'm afraid that won't be the case for me when I visit my doctor soon! I hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th!

S. Etole said...

Great verse to end with ... happy 4th!

George said...

I'm glad you're not too crabby and congratulations on losing weight. I wish I could do that. Anne Marie looks as if she really enjoys crab legs.

DawnTreader said...

I don't like to eat things with eyeballs on stalks either. Or in fact anything that is staring back at me from the plate.

Good news for you that you had lost weight.


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