Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It's the time of year for hot cross buns! They are traditionally eaten around Good Friday and Easter, with the cross being a symbol of the crucifiction. There are some interesting superstitions about them. Sharing a bun with another person ensures your friendship for the coming year. If you take one on a boat, they will protect you from shipwreck. If you hang them in the kitchen they will protect you from fires and cause all your breads to turn out perfect. You hang a new one each year. If you bake and serve them on Good Friday, they will not spoil or get mouldy during the following year (that's a hard one to swallow). These are fun to read, but I believe that superstitions place our faith in things and happenstance rather than God. But I think that most people have some kind of little superstition whether they realize it or not. Would you walk under a ladder? What are your superstitions?

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Hebrews 12:2


Annie Jeffries said...

Superstition???? The only superstition I have is how unhappy I would be if I didn't EAT these yummies and share them around.

Ginny, they look luscious. Did you make them?

SquirrelQueen said...

Hmm, I suspect it you hang them in your kitchen what you would get would be flies. I think baking and eating is the best use for hot cross buns.

No superstitions, I have no problems walking under ladders (after looking up to make sure no one is going to drop something on my head). And considering I have a black cat I guess I don't worry about her crossing my path which she really likes to do late at night after I turn off the lights and head to bed. :)

HalfCrazy said...

I just had lunch but they look really yummy, I want a bite!

I don't want superstitions but it is interesting to read samples of them. I am more of a "facts" person.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting info and wow, they look delicious!

diane b said...

Love your header and the pics of delicious, mouth watering, hot cross buns. I'm not superstitious but I wouldn't walk under a ladder in case something fell on me.

Arti said...

The buns look so tasty, are they veg or do they contain eggs?? And we have so many superstitions here in india, every person has his or her set!!! I too have many most are related to our religion, so I would not exactly call them superstitions!!!

Melanie said...

Mmmm. Those look delicious!!

I've heard lots of superstitions, but I don't have any! :)

From the Kitchen said...

I like to call my superstitions "idiosyncrasies"! I'd also be eating those buns. Loved hearing all they can do for me in addition to being perfect with my morning coffee!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We made hot cross buns last year. They are a lot of work but they are so delicious!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I remember you mentioned these last year and it was the first time I had heard of them. i have never eaten one and never even seen one, but have read about them in books, as in hot cross buns. wish i had a few of them right now, since the drool is falling on my keyboard. i don't have any superstitions, i know a lot of them, but don't believe in them at all. your header is beautiful, i am thinking it is extreme close up of sunflowers. i love sunflowers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I remember you mentioned these last year and it was the first time I had heard of them. i have never eaten one and never even seen one, but have read about them in books, as in hot cross buns. wish i had a few of them right now, since the drool is falling on my keyboard. i don't have any superstitions, i know a lot of them, but don't believe in them at all. your header is beautiful, i am thinking it is extreme close up of sunflowers. i love sunflowers.

Remington said...

Now I am really hungry....can you see me drooling....that happens sometimes....well, almost all the time....

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny. that look Scrumptious...

Shug said...

I just learned something from your post...Believe it or not, the only Hot Cross Buns that we have ever heard of was in a song. Didn't know they actually existed...
Superstition??? I'm not much into superstition! Interesting though...
have a Great Ginny...Oh, and the buns looked yummy!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I just really love your headers. Love how they jump out at me when I open your blog. I never knew why people eat the cross buns....thanks for this.

Doris Sturm said...

That's torment - I love yeast buns and bread and home baked stuff...I'm the least superstitious person on earth - it's just silliness to me!

OK, Ginny, hand over those buns or else...I'll have to walk to the store and buy some stuff to make my own and by the time I think about that, I'm too tired ;-)

Have a great day! I posted about my clowns today!

Stephanie V said...

Always a favorite.
I don't have any superstitions. Oh wait...I always knock on wood - just in case I jinx something.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yummy beautiful crosses! I cannot think of any suspicions that I have??

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Interesting about the Hot Cross Buns. Not sure I'd want to see if one stays 'fresh' in my kitchen for a year, if I baked it on Good Friday... ha ha

I don't mind walking under ladders --but I don't like it when a black cat crosses the road in front of us...


DawnTreader said...

We don't have those here (not to my knowledge anyway!) I don't think I'm superstitious. Not walking under ladders (if it can be avoided) I see as common sense... ;)

From my childhood I remember "touch wood" - said and done when one feels that one has perhaps sounded too sure of taking something for granted. But that was just a gesture and expression - not something we really believed in. Actually the complete phrase used in Sweden is "pepper, pepper, touch wood" (and knocking on some object made of wood at the same time). So sometimes we just say "pepper, pepper..." (But where the pepper really comes into it, I don't know!)

Ann said...

I just made some of those at work the other day. I have one customer that comes in every year wanting them. She only buys two packs. I have to order in a case of 240 rolls just so that she can get her 12 rolls. Drives me nuts...lol I think next year I'm going to tell her that our warehouse didn't get them in
I don't have any superstitions that I can think of

S. Etole said...

my mother used to bake these ...

you share such interesting tidbits with us

George said...

If those hot cross buns were mine, they wouldn't last long enough to be hung in the kitchen -- I'd have them eaten.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I know these are Easter buns,but not a favourite of mine.I don't believe I have any superstitions,at least I hope not.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I don't conciser myself superstitious and yet I catch myself knockin' on wood and throwin' salt over my shoulder.

The hot cross buns look delicious!!! MMMMMmmmm.........

God bless ya sweeite!

BTW: Happy Easter Giveaway...my place...ya'll come! :o)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have always loved hot cross buns. I am not really superstitious about anything.

LC said...

These traditions are new ones for me. About the superstitions, I am with Diane B on the ladder. Don't want to take a chance of it falling on me or something falling from it on my head!

Joanne said...

I never knew that about hot crossed buns! I don't really have any superstitions...but then again I would not walk under a ladder!

Tracy said...

I don't have superstitions...but I'd be glad to begin one if I could have one of those Hot Cross buns!?


LV said...

I would enjoy having one of those cross buns while giving thanks to the Man above.

Kerrie said...

Yummeee! That was fun reading about the beliefs! I am not superstitious at all. My Dad was born on Friday the 13th! And many good things have happened in my life on the 13th of the month...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Sorry, no superstitions here. I used to enjoy Hot Cross Buns before I became a diabetic. Not the same with sugar substitutes. Oh well. Have a super nice day tomorrow!

Fred Alton said...

Not superstitious here. At least most times, I'm NOT. I still love the Hot Cross Buns at Easter - or anytime of the year. They look sooooo yum!

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh Ginny you blog header picture is awesome - you must have the micro Sandra has. GOrgeous.

And so are the cross buns - yummy.


Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny! They do look good. And now I know all about hot cross buns! Superstitions? Not so much....

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we have Good Friday and Easter Monday off. My friends, tell me that you don't have official public holidays.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we have Good Friday and Easter Monday off. My friends, tell me that you don't have official public holidays.

Regina said...

Some of it is hard to swallow but I'd have no trouble with one of those! I would agree to both the happenstance and all having a little. Does it get passed down you think? Portuguese are famous for it (cough) I should no as I'm married to one and know lots of them!!

srp said...

I think I saw some of these out at the Bergeys dairy and bakery.... I must go and revisit. They had the most yummy cinnamon rolls.... makes me gain five pounds by just looking.

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