Friday, April 29, 2011


Did you watch the royal wedding? I taped it and watched today. Here are some of the hats, I took these pictures from the T.V. Phil sat on the couch beside me, looking on with amused tolerance. Some of his remarks: "Is she wearing that inside out?" "That looks like a hurricane hit it." "Why did they attach a bed sheet to the back of her gown?" But it was something else that interested me. It was so solemn, in fact, too solemn. I never saw one smile or laugh. It really looked more like a funeral. Perhaps their hats were too heavy... Isn't a wedding supposed to be a joyous occasion? Victoria Beckham wore black from head to toe, I wonder about that choice for a spring wedding. As for me, I was smiling, even giggling; at the hats. In the wedding speech, the Lord Bishop Of London said "This is a joyful day!" but to look at their faces you'd never know it.

"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful." Ps.68:3

"Be joyful always ; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess.5:16


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, We didn't watch it--but I did see a few of the highlights on TV today... Loved Kate's dress... Gorgeous!!!!

The hats???? Hilarious... Isn't it amazing what they are using and 'calling' a HAT these days???? Mercy me... I'd be laughing also.

I heard that just the security for that wedding was about 33 million dollars... Gads!!!!

Glad you taped it and enjoyed it.... Didn't Harry bring some comic relief --and make it more joyful?????


Joanne said...

You and I think alike!!! My post for the a to z challenge is on ...hats!!! some of the hats worn at the wedding yesterday! But i have to admit your choices are alot better than mine. Blessings, Joanne

Joanne said...
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Lynn said...

Ginny, I love hats, but.....while I did not see the "wedding", looking at your post, I have to admit my idea of a hat is a very romantic tea room type. Don't know how they keep some of those hats on! I do however, love to see Kate's hats. She has such style. I have my romantic tea room hat, I actually have worn in a tea room and did a blog about it, its on my sidebar. My daughters who are 35 and 37 think I am totally nuts about hats. I have pictures of myself in my early 20's with my hats and heels and gloves! Ahh those were the days, lol.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my, the wedding cake hat might be a bit much. A coupe of the hats are pretty.

I didn't watch the wedding but I have seen a few photos on the internet news.

Yuni Murharjanti said...

.. Hi Ginny! I really enjoyed the royal family wedding. I observe the clothing worn by the guests, church wedding ceremony, the soldiers clothing empire. I was lucky that all television in Indonesia broadcast directly. I've never seen a wedding ceremony in the church. It turned out almost the same as the Islamic marriage ceremony (only kissing the lips that is not done in a Muslim wedding, the bride usually only kiss the hands of the groom and the man kissed the forehead of the bride).

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Hi..Ginny, i am fine. At present is "famine" season in my place. I live in a city of students and in May to July is entering a new school year. Everyone focused on educational affairs. Everyone must save money to pay tuition fees and school supplies. In our society, school for the kids are everything. So the month of May to July is usually a decline in customers who want to make clothes at my efforts. I and husband have to work hard and think even harder to be able to provide for our needs, especially the needs of the children's school. But after July, I could go back a smile, because it will be many orders of school uniforms when the students started school again. And the economic of society can rush again.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am not a formal hat person, I LOL at the flower sitting on top, and the wedding cake.

I watched a little until the exchanged vows.

Ann said...

I didn't watch the wedding. I've heard lots of talk about it though. Those hats are something else. The one in the first picture in my opinion is the dumbest looking thing I've ever

RoeH said...

I wish I'd seen the wedding cake hat. LOL! I think my favorite were Cinderella's dreaded step sisters. (Eugenie/Beatrice) What in heavens name did they THINK they would look like in those ....and I use the term loosley ... hats. Goodness!

Nature Rambles said...

Oh, I was glued to the TV yesterday. I loved every moment of watching the bride...but the hats(?) were a bit too much! Where's the a hat, I mean.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

British are much more solemn than we are, and weddings are solemn affairs, they are more traditional than Americans and the don't show emotions. like no kiss in the church. i watched it live and loved it and really enjoyed the hats. i tryed to figure how they kept them on. the funny thing is i opened your blog and i have CNN on TV and at the same time i looked at Fergies daughters hats, they were showing them on TV and they had five minutes of hats only on the TV and most of them you had captured. they said they are hair picks and they even have to use a special glue, once the hat is on it stays there until you get home, no way to just life them off. they also said in UK they still wear hats to church like we used to. i am so glad we don't, i hated it when i wore hats to church. they give me a headache and these do not look comfy, some of them i wonder how they got it in the car. i took photos but not of the hats, just the ceremony

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Those hats were ridiculous! But then, I'm not a hat person anyhow.

Linda M. said...

Hi Ginny, I love all the photos of the hats. They are amazing and I can't imagine having to wear most of them. I did not watch it at all except for the news clips. I love your husbands comments too. Hugs, Linda

Ruth Hiebert said...

I watched a rerun of the wedding last night,with my sister.We had a good time laughing at some of those ridiculous hats.The question is,how do they stay on the head,double-sided tape? LOL

Karin said...

You have captured some great photos Ginny! I recall the hat to church days - never did like them then, even though I wore one or two - and don't like them now. I'm sure they use the same 'glue' that folks with toupees use, so that the hat won't fall off. Some of the smaller hair decorations they called fascinators! Must have used the old fashioned bobby pins!

Oh, the joy there will be for each child of the king when the King of kings returns in all His glory!

The bride looked lovely, smiling all the time, and totally unpretentious! I only watched clips later - needed my sleep!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Yes, I watched a replay from BBC America. Those hats were a real hoot, weren't they? That is how the British do dress for high church, though. Have a great day!

bj said...

I think it's so funny..the different takes on the wedding. I recorded it and watched every minute of it the next morning....and LOVED every minute.
I really didn't pay that much attention to the crowd..the hats were amazing and especially the ones the younger ladies wore.
I loved when Will mouthed "you look beautiful"..I loved when they glanced at each other with grins playing around their mouths..I loved the double kiss on the balcony..I loved them driving in their car...I just loved the whole thing..OOO, and I thought the Queen looked adorable in her yellow for spring. I saw her smile several times and thought..."Yep, things are finally going to be ok again in the palace." :)))

OOO, I almost forgot why I came over..:))
I read somewhere that you were 62 and had never been on a vacation. Now that has to be a "first time I ever heard that" thing for me. There's so many beautiful places to go and see...maybe you can go on one THIS summer. :)
Come see me sometime...:)

Dawning Inspiration said...

The hats were very amusing... ;o)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I watched it like you (recorded) and these hats are funny to me...

Tracy said...

I did watch it becuase Nicholas woke up early because he was not feeling good. So we sat on the couch and he slept and since I was awake I watched it beginning at 4:30...the hats were remarkable and fun to look at for sure!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I suspect there joy a plenty later in the day and evening. Weren't some of those hats wild? I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

Shug said...

Love this post Ginny....and you know what? I was so impressed with all the hats...Now, I could certainly be a Hat girl...I love wearing flowers, bows and all kinds of things in my hair...
The wedding was beautiful....and we all have to love Harry! He is quite funny..

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Ginny, I was up for the wedding, taped it, and have seen it at least three times so far. Now that everyone in the house has seen it, I can probably delete it.

Yeah, there were some solemn folks there. I guess they were on their very best behavior and it was all a bit stiff.

Kate's dress was beautiful and much more to my taste than Diana's. The hats were wild. The first is a horror. The third woman was the wife of the deputy prime minister. She was a train wreck right down to her shoes. My favorite hat was Victoria Beckham's. Did you know that she is very pregnant. Three boys so far. I sure hope she has a little girl this time around.

I loved all the music; Harry's peek over his shoulder as Kate approached; his whisper to William after he saw her. There was one sweet faced little boy that just melted my heart.

And I'm a parade person. I love watching a good parade and the ride back to the palace was the ultimate parade.

Chatty Crone said...

I never thought about that - I thought maybe they were television shy or snobs - lol. But you're right - it did seem serious.

The hats were wonderfully hilarious. Loved them. Some of them I do feel was like the emperor who wore no clothes - they should have been told how silly they looked.

I had a great time watching it and I pray that William and Kate have a long and happy marriage.

Love the flowers in the header.

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