Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lizzie At Rainbow Bridge

"If cats could talk, they wouldn't." - Nan Porter

"Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later." - Mary Bly

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."

Terry Pratchett

"The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it."

Doug Larson

"A cat is an example of sophistication minus civilization." - Unknown

My son and daughter-in-law's cat Lizzie went to Rainbow Bridge yesterday. She was about thirteen years old, and had been sick and miserable for quite some time. Since our granddaughter is only five, she has never known a time when there was no Lizzie. Lizzie had her quirks and a very unique peresonality, but she was a very sweet natured cat. At night when Anne said her prayers, Lizzie would run down the hall and jump on the bed to pray with her. Anne spent the evening of Lizzie's death with us. She loves to be with her grandma and grandpa, and I think this helped. She never mentioned her cat, and I did not want her to talk about it till she was ready. I only wanted her to have fun now. So we went to Dairy Queen and played video games. You can see that even ordering the ice-cream, she is rather somber. But to a child, there's not much that a visit with the grandparents and a huge sugar fix won't help. I hope she sleeps well, and I hope Lizzie will finally rest in peace. All pictures taken by me except the one with Anne as a baby with Liz, taken by my daughter-in-law.

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Psalm 62:1,2


Arti said...

Another lovely post Ginny... The pics are beautiful as always and the extra quotes that you give today are excellent, loved the second one!!
And Anne is such a sweet girl...
Have a nice day:-)

Cindy Caudle said...

Sorry to here about Lizzie. Your granddaughter will rebound especially when she has the love of her grandma and grandpa.

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw Ginny, so sorry to hear about Lizzie. She sounds like a very special kitty. Lizzie will be have two of my cats, Tasha and Salem, to play with across the bridge.

Anne Marie is so cute, I know she will miss her kitty friend.

diane b said...

Sorry that I haven't been over for a long time. Sometimes blogging gets too much. I noticed that you are following Ann's story too. It is sad for families to lose a loved pet and Grandparents are a good diversion.You have a sweet Ann there too. I guess she has an interesting story too. great shots. I hope all will go well for the little one and Mum and Dad.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to know about Lizzie. No wonder Anne isn't looking her usual self. Thanks for including the baby picture of Anne and the cat. Having a pet for thirteen years...that's lucky.

RoeH said...

Ohhhhhh....I'm so sorry. I love the story of Rainbow Bridge. And I'm sure it's very true.

From the Kitchen said...

We have two wonderful dalmatians waiting in that meadow just before the Rainbow Bridge!! Cooper and Argos. I hope they'll be nice to Lizzie. I absolutely love the idea of that beautiful meadow and bridge. And, I agree that a visit with grandparents can fix just about anything--and it goes both ways.


Melanie said...

So sorry to hear about Lizzie. I'm glad she was able to live a long, happy life.
We've lost our share of pets through the years. It's never fun, but time helps.
Hope you have a wonderful week. :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Losing a pet can be traumatic for a child,but I do believe this is one small step to prepare them for larger losses later in life.I am glad you could spend the evening with her and show her a fun time.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Rest in peace Lizzie. It's so hard to lose a pet.

Ann said...

So sorry to hear about Lizzie. Our furry family members are so hard to lose.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

very sad for your family, the loss of a pet is very painful. i can see Anne is not her normally bright and shining self. you did a great thing for her and i pray she will find peace with coping with the loss of her pet. it will leave a big empty spot in her life. soon she will need a new kittie to play with. in the photo of her as a baby the cat is as big as the baby. 13 years of love is worth it.

Karin said...

What a beautiful Lizzie! She will be missed. So sorry!! I'm sure that Anne was so happy to spend this time with you! I'd never heard of the expression 'at Rainbow Bridge' as a euphemism! It's a lovely thought!

Tracy said...

Oh Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear about Lizzie.
On a brighter note, I remember going for ice cream with my grandparents because they both LOVED ice cream so we were just an excuse because 'perhaps the grandkids would like ice cream!' It was a pure treat and treasure...I have wonderful memoreis so you are building those with Anne~
and thank you for you sweet comment on my photo with Hurricane...I've never thought of myself as beautiful but you know, when people tell me how cute Nicholas is I tell them he's even more beautiful on the inside; and I mean that!
no news yet on the biopsy :(

Lady Jane said...

Lizzie will be happy on Rainbow Bridge. The best cure for a lost pet is a new one!!! And guess what, she has great grandparents.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, That is sad for your children and granddaughter. My prayers for them to have great memories and not be sad long. My late parents were Siamese Cat breeders in California. We had several cats all the time. I can relate to all of this. Have a great Sunday today and an equally wonderful coming week!

srp said...

I have gone through this with Nyssa many, many times now... since we seem to be unable to resist the downtrodden cat or dog. It is never easy and they leave holes in our hearts. I think we remember our long lost pets, even those of our childhood.. long after we forget a lot of other childhood events. So, comfort to Anne and rest for Lizzie.

Chatty Crone said...

Prayers for every one - I am sure that losing a pet - is a serious thing. I hate even thinking about it.

I'm glad she has you and grandpa - sugar - AND ice cream sugar.


Anonymous said...

Lizzie was a beautiful cat and I know she will be missed. I am glad your granddaughter lives close enough to spend extra time with you.

Stephanie V said...

It's hard to lose a member of the family. But you've written a lovely post to look back on.

DawnTreader said...

I never heard Rainbow Bridge used in this sense before. I hope Anne is not too upset.

Shug said...

Blessings for each of you on a day that you experience the loss of Lizzie. So glad that you and Phil were able to spend quality time with Anne and to try to lift her spirits. She is a precious little girl....
Hope your day today is a much happier day...

LC said...

This comes with a prayer for Anne and her parents. And thank you for the Scripture reminder of the great source of comfort and healing.

Joanne said...

Aww I hate it when pets die! They are such a part of a family and it is so sad when they are no longer around. Blessings, Joanne

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I didn't know the term Rainbow's bridge until now, here we have rainbow's end, which is a giant fun park.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Thanks so much for your support for my book. Now I am debating about sending it to a small Christian publisher or a printer.

Regina said...

I'm really sorry! That's how old our gray is now. The previous cat we had (was mine before I met my husband) and he died at 17yrs. My gray has been a scrapper which hasn't added any years to his life! It's difficult to lose a pet that's dear to you. He's winding down now and can't take anymore fights. My tabby persian looked similar to Lizzie but had Autumn coloring (was his name). (Remember the two at Halloween)? That was so sweet about Anne and her joining in with prayers! The rainbow is lovely (we have a Rainbow Falls here). Anyhow, sending you a warm hug-

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I am so sorry to hear your family lost a beloved pet cat. I know how hard that is as I have always had a cat since I was a child and it was hard to lose each one. I hope one day a new cat will grace your lives!

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