Monday, April 25, 2011

Going, Going, Gone

"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." John 14:2,4


Ruth Hiebert said...

Those verses bring so much hope and assurance to me.Beautfiul sunset and a perfect way to end my day.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny when my mom was in hospice - I kept reading and reading and reading Psalm 23 - and she went so peacefully and I know she is up there waiting for me.
A good way to end the night like Ruth said.
Love, sandie

Arti said...

Ginny you are a magician with the camera in your hands, the pics are superb!!
And the verse is so so calming and soothing...
Yes there is a place for everyone up there with the Lord Almighty.
Have a peace filled week ahead:)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Ginny... How can anyone look at a gorgeous sunset and not KNOW that there is a GOD...?????

LOVE your photos--all of them.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

This are beautiful photos.

It is Mothers' day , may be they may sell it as a Mothers' day gift.

Small footprint is an environmental blog which I link to when I do the "Save the world" post. It has nothing to do with my book, but she had a lot of followers. She links back my posts, we are like good friends.

Karin said...

At the rising of the sun and the going down of the same, the Name of the Lord is to be praised! What gorgeous photos!!

SquirrelQueen said...

What an amazing series of photos Ginny, I almost felt like I was standing beside you as it sank in the sky.

I love the simplicity of your last photo, it is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Such a reassuring Bible passage and awesome photos, Ginny.

Regina said...

It's how it is..but yes, so much promise and hope!! Lovely lovely series- thanks!!

Yasmin said...

What a beautiful capture of our lovely sun. Stunning.

From the Kitchen said...

To see a sunset like this is to see God.


RoeH said...

So pretty. As I was leaving Baltimore yesterday morning early and as the plane backed up and started to taxi, I looked out the other window and the east sun coming up was red. And I couldn't get to my camera and I was on the wrong side. :(

Reanaclaire said...

Looking at these pictures continue to remind how awesome our God is...
yes, Jesus said He will prepare rooms for us.. sometimes my cell group like to joke about this.. who is getting a bigger room or a small cubicle.. or someone getting a big bungalow bec he does God's work all the time... just kidding!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with Judy that the last is my favorite, they are all stunning and need no words at all, but the scripture is one of my favorites and says it all. i like the way the sun seems to shine through the earth in some of them, like it is so bright it shines through the edge of the earth. i am thinking you were with Phil while he was flying, right? super shots for sure

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I feel like I was right there!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You gave me a literal picture of the sunset! I love it with the scripture...

LV said...

Loved seeing your sunset going down in different stages. It may be gone, but it will shine again.

Mary Bergfeld said...

How very lovely. I can't think of a more perfect way to end the day. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, That Scripture verse was one of the ones I taught my first graders every year at the Christian school I taught at. I love your pictures of the sunset! Have a super nice day!

Stephanie V said...

Well done. You've captured the sinking sun in a lovely series. It looks so hot and fiery.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

this is so how each pic showed the sun setting more and more. And the verse....perfect

S. Etole said...

the setting of the sun in all its glory ... what a sight!

Lady Jane said...

Stopped in to say hi and glad you had a wonderful Easter. Those pics are wonderful. We had a great Easter. We went out to eat with the family.

Glenda said...

Beautiful sunset . . . beautiful Scriptures!

Ann said...

you always manage to come up with the prettiest sunsets. A lovely post

Anonymous said...

Amazing sunset shots and I liked the verse!

photowannabe said...

What a wonderful promise.
Gorgeous shots too Ginny.

Bobbie said...

Beautiful pictures! I love this scripture.
BTW> Gracie stitches will come out next week, on the 2nd of May. She's doing really well. Thanks for asking. You are so kind and caring, Ginny. I'm blessed to be a follower of your blog.

Fred Alton said...

You have gorgeous sunsets in those mountains! Great pictures, Ginny.

Shug said...

What a beautiful way to write a story! beautiful pictures.
Thanks Ginny for taking the time to capture each of these shots to share with us.

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

sunset is sooo pretty. thanks for sharing. lg Tina

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