Monday, April 11, 2011


God's poet is silence! His song is unspoken,

And yet so profound, so loud, and so far,

It fills you, it thrills you with measures unbroken,

And as soft, and as fair, and as far as a star.

Joaquin Miller

"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose." Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Mark Ellison was in France for his brother's wedding, and he was at dinner with people who spoke no English. Since dinner in France can last over three hours , the silence was very uncomfortable. But they had this delightful fish water pitcher that gurgled when you poured from it, it broke the silence and made everyone smile. He drank a lot of water that night. Returning back home, he determined to replicate the pitcher. And ten years and fifteen molds later, he created The GurglePot. It makes a wonderful wedding gift. I came across these in a gift shop and was enchanted by them, it was there that I read the story. I am so tempted to buy just a little one!! You can hear the sound they make if you go online. Which is your favorite size and color? Does silence make you uncomfortable? A lot of people like some kind of background noise all the time. I think it's comforting in a way.

"In repentance and rest is your salvation,

in quietness and trust is your strength."

Isaiah 30:15


Arti said...

I love silence... It is in those silent moments that you can experience and feel amazing things, a higher power...
And those gurglepots are cute, I love the greenish one... The story is lovely too...
Have a wonderful day Ginny:)

Karin said...

Oh, how I love my silence - no background music, no TV, just undisturbed peace and time to think, ponder, enjoy, and allow the Lord to fill my heart with joy!

What a neat story about the gurgle pot! So cute!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I never liked silence until I became a 'birder'... I used to keep the TV or a radio on in every room of the house... NOW---I love silence ---so that I can hear the birds sing, or watch them come to the feeders...

Your little pitchers are pretty. I would choose the bright YELLOW one.... Reminds me of SPRING.. Yeah!!!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What wonderful photos. The color is magnificent. As to your question - it depends on where I am. There are situations when it makes me very uncomfortable, but most of the time not. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross she's the one who wrote a book on grieving? I read her books a few time that 21 years ago.

These gurgle pots, the colr is so beautiful.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Re: our sky tower, normally you have to pay to go up. I went recently when my uncle treated us to a meal.

SquirrelQueen said...

The pots are so cute and I love all those bright colors.

Silence is good at times but a little uncomfortable at a dinner gathering. I think I would have tried to learn a bit of French before going to the wedding.

Regina said...

I love your post!! This is so uplifting..the quotes are fantastic! The only background noise is the forest sounds on my blog (ha ha)..really, I dislike a lot of noise only because I find it distracting..I'm afraid I won't be in tune or hear something I should but I'm sure it has something to do with my upbringing? I'd love to pick up one of those cute pitchers! What a hilarious yet cute gift it would make!
I'm coming back tomorrow to have a better look (using my phone)~

DawnTreader said...

I can enjoy silence if it is really silent or just sounds of nature; but if there is some kind of human noise in the background I usually prefer to put my own music or something on instead. I'm not so sure I'd find a gurgle pot very helpful even if your story makes me smile. I like the sound of running water though.

Neal said...

I love to be somewhere where there is no man made sounds....just nature. Seems like everything you buy makes a noise. Buy a PC and it makes a noise when you turn in on and turn it off. The first think I do is to shut that off. Get a beeps when you lock and unlock it with the remote.

LC said...

Charming little pitchers and charming story. You do find unique photo subjects and capture them in ways that delight . . . and uplift. And which do I like best? I think I would have to visit that shop and lift, listen and look in person!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What darling little pots - and such a fun history behind them!

From the Kitchen said...

Where did you find this great collection of gurgle jars? I'd like the light aqua one--or possibly the pale yellow-green on the left please. Seriously, is this a shop near you? My sister is coming to visit in late May and I could ask her to bring me one.

I like silence when I'm alone but have a problem when I'm with people and deal with a silence. Sometimes I feel personally responsible for filling in!


Jennifer said...

We have a couple that are hearing impaired and we had a party years ago. For some reason one of our friends grvaitated toward Martin and talked forever to him...blah, blah, blah. Martin looked bored and trapped. Finally our sweet but gabby friend moved on. I went over to Martin to make sure he wasn't bored to death and he held up a finger to wait a moment ...while he turned his hearing aid back on. Ahhh, silence is golden at times. I work in a high school health room of 20000 students and when I drive home - I don't even turn the radio on. Jennifer jensthreegraces stop by sometime!

RoeH said...

I like silence best out in nature. All I want to hear is the wind through the trees and the music of birds in the area. That is where I know best that God is in the area. It brings me to tears.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

this is so beautiful...I love these little colored jars too. Hope your day is the absolute best....I'm going to the woods...

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

How creative, silence! My favorite is the Yellow...

Lady Jane said...

I think I can get too comfortable with silence, lol... Great story Ginny. As usual you make us think.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the black best, the yellow 2nd best. i did go to and listen, it does gurgle and reminds me of a cartoon sound in a children's movie. i love silence. today at just before daybreak, i stood in the back yard and just listened to the silence. the only sounds were the birds, it was so restful and full of peace, my favorite time of the day, before the world wakes up and the noise begins.

Remington said...

Silence is a good thing....makes a great time to reflect....

Reanaclaire said...

The sound of silence is always with me esp in the evenings.. i welcome that actually, after a long day's work..

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I love the early mornin' just as the sun begins to rise here on the Ponderosa. Although it is never quite here there is just a peace before the world begins to become active. There's somethin' about the chirpin' of the birds, the lowin' on the cattle laced in the stillness of nature that pulls me toward our Creator.

Wonderful post Hon, remindin' us all to be still long enough to hear the word of our Father.

God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie! :o)

Kerrie said...

The older I get the more I seek silence...I love the pitchers! Hugs, K

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have a gurgle pitcher. My mother gave me one.

Velvet Over Steel said...

I love this post and that quote!! We need the silence in order to hear God! Esp. after prayer for guidance. So many pray, but don't be still (& silent) long enough to hear his answers and guidance.

Another awesome post, Ginny!!!
Coreen xoxo

George said...

I truly believe that silence is golden, but those pitchers sound fascinating.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, My favorite is that orange one. I do not mind silence at times at all. Once in a while I am in a place with great acoustics and can almost hear my own heartbeat. Imagine that! Have a wonderful day!

Deborah said...

Hi again! I like the light blue one and the dark blue. I seem to like blue when it comes to pottery. Silence is a good thing except for at parties, then I think something is wrong...I like my house with no TV on and I never have it on during dinner and the kids never missed either!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can't pick a favourite color.all together they are lovely.I usually have everything silent in my house,and I like it that way.

pam said...

How fun. I think I've seen these before but did not know the story. I'll have to go listen to the sound....might need one some day. I LOVE fun things. I also LOVE silence at times.

Chatty Crone said...

My second attempt - love the story of the gurgle pot - i like the mint green.

Sometimes silence is golden for me and sometimes it is painful.

Love your quote:"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose." Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Ann said...

What adorable pots those are. It's like a rainbow of gurgles :) I like them all.
As for silence, it all depends. Some times I like it and other times I need at least some kind of noise.

Stephanie V said...

That's dedication to craft. Very cute pots. I love the shape.

Anonymous said...

I love quiet. I often go all day with no tv or music. These gurgle pots are cute and fun. I love the bright green. Thanks for sharing the story. Blogger Shelia @ Note Songs blog has a few of these, I think.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, duck eggs have a larger yolk than chicken eggs and therefore a bit more cholesterol. I think they have a stronger, slightly gamey flavor. Not unpleasant, but surprising. They can be used in cooking but measurement is important. Most recipes call for large eggs. One large egg = about 1/4 cup. A duck egg will be larger and you have to measure to make sure you add no more egg to the recipe than required. I hope this helps. Blessings...Mary

S. Etole said...

I'm all for silence ... what an interesting story.

Bobbie said...

I like the orange ones for some reason... though blue is my favorite color.
To me, silence is golden! There's always so much noise going on around me, and to just hear nothing is awesome.

srp said...

I wonder how he makes it gurgle? I love the silence too.. although my favorite places are rarely silent... with bird calls in the background.

Anonymous said...

Loved the story. And the gurgle pots are lovely!

Doris Sturm said...

When I was young (and restless) Silence was my biggest enemy and I did not like being alone with myself - now, I crave it, I need it, I want it - I can hear God best in the silence, not amongst the shouting and singing and prayers in church, but when I'm all alone with him in Nature that he has created for me - for us - to enjoy!

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