Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Face To The Sun

"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."

Maori Proverb

The setting sun was huge on the horizon. We had driven to the field where Phil flies his remote control planes. Too much wind there, so no flying? Actually, I was the one who was flying as I took these shots of the sun going down behind the mountains.

"I lift up my eyes to the hills-

where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

the Maker of heaven and earth."

Psalm 121:1


George said...

These are wonderful pictures of a gorgeous sunset. Thanks for the great poem as well.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful sunset and great poem, Ginny. Glad you enjoyed your little ride --even if Phil couldn't fly his planes. It has been windy here.


Karin said...

Those are very interesting photos of the the sunset Ginny! Love those color changes - so pretty!

Chandramouli S said...

Stunning shots and powerful words!

Regina said...

Well, it took me all of today to get back here and I love those gurgle pitchers to death!! I like the shiny red but the lavender, yellow and blue are pretty too..is that your collection (lol). I wish they sold this here..I've never seen one..so I guess I should check around.
Now the field is so lovley with the soft pastels!! I love the sun over the roof like that- wow!! What a picturesque setting and so peaceful.
I enjoyed that little Proverb and verse too~

From the Kitchen said...

While I love seeing the sun set into the Pacific, seeing it set in "my/our" mountains is what I love most!!


Bobbie said...

Once again, beautiful pictures! You must have some camera!!! ( I know you have talent)

Kay said...

I look forward to reading your blog each morning. You capture amazing pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, On today's post I love how you coordinated the header color with the coral pink of the photo. Beautiful pictures. Have a wonderful day today!

Jennifer said...

I wish I could say I take all the great photos on my posts but I also use some from very talented artists that allow images from royalty free sites. I have a card business, a jewelry business, I work in a high school health room and my part-time job evenings and weekends is with low functions mentally retarded adults teaching them living skills. If I have time I do yoga and reiki. I also have two wonderful sons and their wives. As for the stepping out on my own, hmmmm - in Sept. I left a very abusive husband of 11 years after many years of praying about it. I am a Kidney Cancer survivor x 2 years and I decided to save my life. Jennifer

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are a good wife to go to the field with hubby. i don't go with bob, since watching him fly planes bores me to tears. must have been late in the day to be flying since the sun was going down, while you were snapping these gorgeous photos, we were snoozing away, waiting to get up and watch that same sun come UP. no mountains to see it come up out of, just trees. these are wonderful.

Reanaclaire said...

i remember one bible verse.. saying.. settle all differences before the sun sets.. dont let the anger remain in us ... :) this sunset reminds me of this verse.. i

Joanne said...

It takes your breath away! I love the bible quotes you choose at the end of your posts. Beautiful! Blessings, Joanne

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my such beautiful pictures. How can people wonder about God when the sun goes down in such a spectacular way.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I really like that beautiful color.It is somehow softer than many sunsets,I've seen.

Deborah said...

WOW, that's cool!
No Smokes did not get sick,,,that would have been bad :(

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful colors in this shot!

Linda M. said...

Amazing sunset. God is awesome!

Ann said...

A gorgeous sunset. Too bad Phil didn't get to fly his plane but at least you got some great shots

S. Etole said...

what a perfect ending ...

Fred Alton said...

Love your pictures of the sunset, Ginny. I love flying - but with gas so expensive it is difficult to rent the plane and pay for the gas these days. I prefer the Cessna-172, unless the winds are at 20 knots and more.

SquirrelQueen said...

What an incredible sunset Ginny, the sun does look huge. I love all the colors of pink and blue.

Anonymous said...

We're getting wind and rain now. Your sunset pictures are stunning!

Chatty Crone said...

A purple sunset - I'm not sure if I've ever seen one before.

I like those verse in the Psalms.

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