Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Have A Peep

The Intergalactic Peeps Station, inspired by the space shuttle Discovery

The French Peep, inspired by Julia Child's cooking show

The Peep In The Hat, inspired by the book "The Cat In The Hat"

The Royal Wedding: Peepminster Abbey

PeepBob SquarePants

Every year at Easter, The Washington Post has a Peeps contest. The entrants must make a shoebox sized scene from a book, movie, T.V. show, or famous moment in history. And the characters must be made from the sweet marshmallow candy, Peeps! Each year I take pictures (from the newspaper) of my favorites, so here are the 2011 Peeps scenes! I really didn't care much for the ones the adults made, but these made by kids are great! Here is one prize that is the absolute best to win!

"But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:13,14


Anonymous said...

Ginny, it's so interesting to see the displays that come up with associated festivals/seasons. Your Halloween pictures are still fresh in my mind. And your header!!

Yasmin said...

I love your header photo, the duck is so cute! I love your posts because they really keep true to your blogs name. Whenever I read your posts I always feel happy afterwards.

THank you,


HalfCrazy said...

That is a good idea by the Washington Post. And kids were the ones who did this? Cool!

About your comment in my blog, yeah, it is a nice setup, the whole thing. I wish I could show clearer pictures!

SquirrelQueen said...

I forgot all about the Peep contest, I haven't seen anything in our newspaper. I love all the ones you chose Ginny, very cute.

Your header photos is adorable.

The log in my photo today? Enlarge it and you will see just the tail of a squirrel running into the log.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I made a peep box of the creation story for Sunday school long time ago.

Got the books late this afternoon, too late to send to you. Will do it on Sat, as Good Friday is closed for the whole country. You will be fined if you open your shop.

Melanie said...

Those are so cute. Some people can be so creative. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I remember when Peeps only came in yellow. Now the shelf at the grocery store looks like a rainbow. They are fun and the contest is a great idea--for kids!!

Glad you and Phil liked that potato salad.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

Ginny I love this and love that header. You make me smile. Happy Easter.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Those are so cool! We tormented some Peeps this week ourselves - it'll be on my blog Saturday.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when your blog opened i started singing Hang On Snoopy, Hang on.. love love love the hanging peep, we call them biddies, the real little chickens i mean. peeps are the one candy i do not like to eat, mother used to buy them because they were cheap and i would say, don't waste your money, i don't like them. they make better people than candy for sure. first i have seen of the peep contest.
forgot to say, the header photo is good because of the angle you shot from, really good shot

Tracy said...

I love, love LOVE peeps...they are my favorite Easter candy; that and the malted milk eggs.
When I lived in Columbus, Oh, they also did a contest and oh my gosh, it was too funny; you should have seen all the 'Buckeye' peeps :)
Have a blessed Day Ginny!

pam said...

Those are crazy. My family loves to stick toothpicks in them, put two in the microwave opposite each other and turn it's like they are jousting each other. Those things gag me but one of our girls loves them. The other one loves the Cadbury Cream eggs which gag me even more. :o) They got their sweet tooth from their dad. Praying your day is sweet with Him.

Reanaclaire said...

Today is Maundy Thursday, i didnt go to church, maybe tomorrow i will .. Happy Easter, Ginny!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your header is just a delight :-) The Peep contest is a hoot and produced some really novel entries. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Remington said...

Very cool! BTW -- LOVE SpongBob!

Stephanie V said...

All fun...but you header! It's fabulous today! I always look forward to what you put up. This was the best one yet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Would you believe that I have never eaten a "Peep"? I have seen the candies but that is about it. I think it is unique that people would use the "Peeps" in art. Easter is wonderful as it is our Savior's death and resurrection we celebrate. Have a wonderful afternoon! I like the post today - lots of bright and fun pictures and info.

George said...

The kids did a wonderful job with their Peeps scenes. Thanks for sharing them with us again this year.

Chatty Crone said...

I love the header!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness so cute. And where do you get all your intersting info? Love it. You're a peep of mine! Have a very Blessed Easter. sandie

LC said...

Ah, victory . . . as well as construction, is so sweet! And i loved your header photo.

Karin said...

Children's creativity just blesses me too! Lovely scenes - very well done! Love you header!

Ann said...

Those are some really creative peep shows :) Those peeps sure are popular but I for one don't care for them at all. I remember liking them when I was a kid though

Glenda said...

How cute, Ginny! Love, love your header!

I'm pressing on for the prize, too!!
Have a very special Easter!

LV said...

What a darling "peep" post. There are so many different things you can do with them, besides eating. They are much too sweet for me.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are cute peeps! Nice pics too...

Regina said...

Ahh..these are cute and creative.. I enjoy kids art! I'm sure they put a lot of work into this too! Thanks for the peek. I will be back before Easter- so wishing you a wonderful evening instead....)
BTW, (case you didn't read my response) those lizards do get that long- they just looked smaller in the photo. Oh ya, I was referring to the Bromeliad plant too (not the toad) they like to dwell in (lol)- thanks

S. Etole said...

Your banner makes me smile!!!!

Fred Alton said...

So Ginny, what is a peep? Is it a rabbit? Or is it a chicken. I know chickens peep - but I didn't know rabbits do. I don't think I've ever seen the candy called "peeps". I think kids do have the most imaginative minds! ☺

Joanne said...

Awww kids have the greatest imagination! Love the royal wedding!I love your picture at top...makes me smile! Blessings, Joanne

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---after seeing your 2nd Peep post (I'm behind) --I agree. the other set is better... BUT--I love seeing all of the Peeps...

We went to Fall Creek Falls yesterday. Since we have had so much rain, the waterfalls were ROARING.

Happy Easter.

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