Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Why is it that tax preparing companies dress their people in wacky outfits and send them out to dance on the highways and wave at cars? Even in the wind and rain. Is my thinking supposed to be something like this: "Hey, there is a giant chicken dancing by the street! THAT'S the kind of people I want to do my taxes, let's go right in!" I think not. In looking for a tax preparer, I want someone in a crisp white shirt, wearing glasses, with the serious look of an accountant on his face. No hijinks for me, thanks anyway! Yet every few blocks, we have been running into these costumed dancers. Does this really bring in more customers? And what kind of people would consider this to be a sign of reliability, and why? I feel sorry for the costumed dancers, some look just miserable. I hope they get their taxes done for free.

"God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it. That's why you must live responsibly-not just to avoid punishment but also because it's the right way to live. That's also why you pay taxes-so that an orderly way of life can be maintained. Fulfill your obligations as a citizen. Pay your taxes, pay your bills, respect your leaders."

Romans 13:5,7 The Message


LC said...

Oh I love this! I have lady liberty, usually a guy, and Uncle Sam around here but not the eagle. you are so on target in this post, although I had not thought about whether or not this advertising method was effective. I just enjoyed them and waved when it was good weather and felt sorry for them when it was raining.

Karin said...

That's for sure - these costumes do not make me want to run right down and get my taxes done! For those wearing those costumes, they must really need the money and are willing to work at anything to help with finances at home! Our taxes are done. We get to do what's called income splitting. That meant for us instead of paying taxes, we got a sizable return! Yeah!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gosh Ginny... I don't think I have ever seen that in this area... I guess you all just have too many tax companies all competing with one another... That is hilarious...

I'm like you.. Don't think I'd want to talk to someone dressed in costume when talking about my taxes... ha...

We do our taxes online (Turbo Tax)---and had them done and got a refund in February.

Cute post.. Thanks!!!

Regina said...

It's just sad (lol)-'s a terrible connection to lady liberty?

Joanne said...

I laughed so loudly I scared the Dog! We too have the Statue of liberty waving in the middle of the street! Your take on the whole mysterious use of costumes for TAx season is hilarious! Blessings, Joanne

diane b said...

I agree with you. It is a put off not an incentive. We don't have them here except for selling Pizza. Our Taxes are done at the end of June, the financial year. I have a friend who works for a taxation refund company and she does them for me free.

SquirrelQueen said...

The only one we have around here is Liberty, and I have seen some really strange characters wearing that costume. Any company that has to have someone standing on the street waving at traffic is not a company I want to do my taxes.

We had ours done back in February at the place with the professionals.

Anonymous said...

We have the same folks waving and dancing on the side of the road. It's really quite a distraction while driving!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh, too funny. I always see the liberty guys. My husband is an accountant, but I've never seen him don costume to do taxes ;-)

From the Kitchen said...

No dancing Statue of Liberty for me; however, I feel sorry for those people thinking maybe they are out of work and that is all they can get. It's really kind of demeaning in my opinion.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

there was an article in our newspaper a few months ago that said these people in silly costumes and even people just waving a sign, raises the business they do by 10 to 25 percent, more than enough to pay the min wage for the people with the signs. something about reminding people they need to eat, tax, shop etc. they don't make me do anything, but per the reporters it works. silly America is what i am thinking.
one thing these guys did was give you fodder for fotos and a great post. you did good, i like the dancing guy best. and love the angry header, that is how the word Taxes makes me feel. can you see my grimace?

Reanaclaire said...

yeah Ginny...why is it so? maybe to attract attention?

Reanaclaire said...

yeah Ginny...why is it so? maybe to attract attention?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I feel for these costume workers but I would not have them do my taxes...You make a great point

Remington said...

I think this is so funny....I have never figured out why they do this....

Fred Alton said...

What a thought-provoking and hilariously funny post! I'm still trying to figure out why a tax preparer would want to represent him/herself as a chicken! ☻ Then it does NOT make any sense that they would use a symbol of liberty to remind the taxpayer that he is not free! ☺ But life goes on - and we go on paying out taxes quarterly and try to pay some extra so that "the government" will give us a check which is actually a re-fund ... ☺☻☺

Stephanie V said...

Well, it does make you laugh. But I agree that it may not be the most reliable image for tax prep.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, there are lots of half-smart people out there. In my area anyway, tax preparers are usually a bit off the beaten path and these guys are used to direct folks to the location. I wouldn't want to use the services of concerns that use them to advertise, but there are simple-souls who do use them. As to the guys in the suits - they are paid minimum wage and it keeps them off the dole. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Always something different here on your wonderful blog. Have a great day!

Shug said...

We have them too...right here in East Texas...I thought it was just this one place, but evidently it is nation wide... I agree with you...I don't think all of this is necessary...Passed by the other day and the poor statue of Liberty guy was leaning against a tree..guess he was give out...

Ruth Hiebert said...

No costumed clowns to my taxes,please.I too would want someone who looked professional.

Chatty Crone said...

We have the same thing on every corner! Luckily ours is done and we have already received our refund! How about you?

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have been comparing versions lately. I can't say that the message is a version I really like it does say things in ways I find interesting. I read the message version of romans 12:2 the other day and I liked it. I don't th9ink I could use it in my daily bible reading though.

Bobbie said...

Ha ha!! I'm glad you brought this up, Ginny. This is craziness. Why would this lure me in to have them do my taxes??

Ann said...

they don't do that around here. Kind of silly. My husband always does our taxes.

Tracy said...

I think it is amazing the tactics that the tax agencies use to get business. I love to honk at the people all dressed up and at least acknowledge them.
How fun Ginny...
thinking of you!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My tax man is really greedy. He takes 40 % of what my husband makes.

Annie Jeffries said...

Good question, Ginny. I'm thinking one business started and now they are all on the bandwagon for one thing or another. I must admit, I don't think going to those stores for their services. All I think about, especially during the summer, is how uncomfortable they must be. In bad economic times, people will do just about anything to earn an income.

George said...

We have one tax preparation firm in our area that sends someone out dressed as the Statue of Liberty. I guess they are out there as a reminder that people need to get their taxes done. I can't imagine that they would be very effective advertisements, however.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I've seen the costume dancers too - but can't say that they've gotten me to stop on in. I prefer the business suits!! ;o)

Deborah said...

Ginny, I have a dancing statue of Liberty on our main street! I cracked up when I saw yours. I wave to her everyday. She dances all day, rain, snow, hail or sleet! Kindof like mailman:)

Our Journey said...


srp said...

I always laugh.... LADY Liberty was more often than not a MAN.

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