Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three's Company

See these three mallards? They visit us every evening, and like to hang around our bird feeder. They also wait at the back door for me to throw them some food. But notice there are two males and one female. Yet there is no fighting, pecking, or chasing. Thats right, these three are a threesome, they are all settled down as a family! We have lots of mallards around here, but I have never seen any do this, that female must have the charms of Cleopatra! Lately, only the two males have been coming around, so I have to think that the female is somewhere sitting on a nest. Wonder if any of them will demand a paternity test when the eggs hatch? I'll keep you informed if anything else happens.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:26,27


Deborah said...

Hi Ginny! I love your header! The duck feet are awesome. We have a lot of ducks near my home, but I never noticed if they were paired up! I'll have to look. I bought the little pink car when my daughter found out she was having a girl!! She doesn't do much, just sits there! LOL
I found it at Babies R US.
Have a great day!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have never heard of a threesome like that.Usually there is a lot of fighting going on for the right to be with the female.

Anonymous said...

What a cute post! That header photo makes me giggle - really sweet.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

No, I went back about twice shortly after he was born, to give a Thank you gift and to show them Andrew's photos. After that, I couldn't bear to go. 10 years later when we returned from Singapore, I could manage only at the entrance of the ward. When we came back to live in 2006, I thought there wasn't much point going, it was the people I wanted to see, most of the doctors and nurses would have gone. I was just so pleased that nurse Janny was there yesterday.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I grew up rearing ducks for my parents. I really like the duck web photo in your header, what are those black knobs? Just dirt?

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your photos are always so much fun to see, Ginny! I love the duck feet. Maybe the mate of one of the makes is shy?

Thanks for entering my Bertolli giveaway!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, I'm SO behind on my comments this week... We've had terrible storms all day... It's disheartening to say the least. TN and Alabama have lots of damage. Guess we are lucky.

Anyhow--I enjoyed seeing your mallards.... AND-I enjoyed seeing the little ones hunting their eggs.... CUTE!!!!

Nature Rambles said...

Love those feet on your header!! How nice to have these beautiful birds visiting.

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, your header photo is just too cool. Gotta love those little webby feet.

That does seem unusual for two males to be hanging around together this time of the year. But then I was doing some research on mallards last year and they have some rather strange mating habits.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I always love coming to your blog Ginny. I laughed this morning when i saw the duck feet on your header. You always surprise me with what is there and you always surprise me by how you manage to get your posts to match up with scripture.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I always love coming to your blog Ginny. I laughed this morning when i saw the duck feet on your header. You always surprise me with what is there and you always surprise me by how you manage to get your posts to match up with scripture.

RoeH said...

I like ducks. I was sitting on the grass last Sunday at the DC Mall just watching them interact with each other.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking maybe just maybe the third one is a son of the mama and papa duck who refused to leave home. could be they need three to sit on the eggs so have him around to help when the other kids come along. love love love the close up webbed feet in the header. my kind of shot. pieces of things are what i love. hope all is well in your corner of VA and the storms are long gone and the electric is on so you can read comments. i bet you got a lot of email/blogging done during your all night stay up

From the Kitchen said...

Bravo on that header!!


Mary Bergfeld said...

I loved your tale today. I wonder if they'll return to your back door when the babies are big enough. Have a wonderful dat, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, three is a company.. i like going in 3s too.. esp one gang of us can click! Cute Duckies!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hey you - how are you?
Saw your comment on Sandra's blog about the tornados - praying for you all...

Remington said...

So pretty!

Annie Jeffries said...

Your point about the males' non-aggressive behavior is well taken. I noticed that with the mallards at work too. Lady Mallards must like polite daddy ducks for mates. The nicest fellow wins the prize.

Stephanie V said...

Once again, your header is a wonderful greeting. You must live beside a pond to have the ducks so close. Here they only hang out at the lakes or the seaside.

S. Etole said...

I read the comment you left at Sandra's about your storms ... I do hope you are safe.

George said...

I've never seen a Mallard threesome before -- it's very interesting. I'm glad you will keep us posted.

Joanne said...

awesome post! Smart duck! she has two guys to work on the "honey do" list! Great pictures. I love the one at the top. Blessings, Joanne

Ann said...

How fun to have them visit you daily. Nice to hear that they are well behaved while there too :) Amazing that the 2 males are not fighting. Must be that female knows how to keep them in

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Ginny, i will keep your brother in law in my prayers. my sister will have to have a total of 12 treatments. She will start her 5th one on Monday. If all goes well she should start her last one on August 8.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Don't you just love the deep green color of his head?

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

I miss having ducks. They are such characters.

Hugs, Sue

P.S. I tried to respond to your comment you left but my POP account(whatever that is)is not set up right. Just wanted to let you know that I only started taking serious vacations just a few years ago but, like you, I would much rather be at home (a Staycation!). It is not fun when you need a vacation from the vacation. LOL

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I adore your visitors. Each year we have mallards nest on our pond. I think they enjoy their seclusion 'cause they never beckon my back door!

God bless and have a glorious day sweetie!

Shug said...

Good afternoon ginny...You always have the prettiest headers....Always something different and so colorful...
The ducks are too cute...Wish we had some around here...
Hope all my blogging friends are safe from all the heavy storms...
Talk to you soon.

LV said...

Guess mallards are kinda like humans, it it hard to tell who belongs to who. Cute.

Chatty Crone said...

Your pictures are so clear and beautiful and colorful. Mind candy.
A threesome huh - never heard of that myself. Usually don't they fight? Sweet.
Let us know if the family expands.
And yes GOd will take care of us.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I just love this Ginny and your header once again is totally awesome. Your comment on my blog about the scary weather you're having...I just want you to know...I'm praying for you and your family to be safe. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be going through all that wild weather. Stay safe okay.....

Anonymous said...

We better start picking some names for the new baby ducklings. How about naming one of them Webster? :-)

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