Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Spring Rains

"Anyone who says that sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain."


It has been raining here a LOT. And more forecast in the future. It has rained so much that the animals have gotten out their umbrellas and water gauges, they're no dummies!

"Let us acknowledge the Lord;

let us press on to acknowledge him.

As surely as the sun rises,

he will appear;

he will come to us like the winter rains,

like the spring rains that water the earth."

Hosea 6:3


Regina said...

Well we've been getting rain too and it actually snowed up in the mountains..I didn't see it though. Last night I saw lightening with no thunder..(it was far and I suppose why it snowed) this afternoon we've been hearing the thunder and it's been rainy..nothing to bad yet.
Our ducks and geese use to love the rain. Love the verse-

diane b said...

We know what rain is like too. We've had it all summer and it is still with us. Even humans are growing webbed feet.

Anonymous said...

Such cute rain guages. We've had several heavy rains in the last month and it would have been interesting to have a guage to keep track. Wishing you and Phil a lovely day. We thank you for your continued prayers and are grateful for your friendship.

SquirrelQueen said...

I just keep telling myself that "April showers bring May flowers", but I'm still tired of all the rain. All of the little animals with their umbrellas are so cute.

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny. Hope you're enjoying your rain. Just remember... April showers bring May flowers ;)

Reanaclaire said...

Its raining over here as well, esp in the evenings, thunder and heavy rain ... but then it is cooler when night comes.. good for us to sleep! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love that rooster! And thanks for your wonderful comments on my boys yesterday! Hopefully there will be many more gardening pictures in our future.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am happy to report that our 2 bad storms brought our area 9 inches of rain. we have been in drought for 4 years and now our ponds have water in them. the little guys are so cute in their rain gear. hope you don't get to much. just think what the flowers and trees will do when the sun comes out. shout praises for sure and wave their pretty heads and green arms towards the heavens in joy. hugs ginny

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

The animals are cute! Yes we always need the rain at times??

Remington said...

Rain makes everything seem so fresh and clean! AND I love to dance in the rain!

Ruth Hiebert said...

As much as I want things to dry up now,I do look forward to a good spring rain to wash away all that winter grim.April showers bring May flowers.I like those cute rain gauges.

DawnTreader said...

Had to laugh at your pictures... Wondering how anyone comes up with these designs.

Stephanie V said...

Yeah, rain here. A few rays of sun sneak through.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What a cute post today! Very cheery. Have a wonderful day in spite of weather!

George said...

We've actually had a couple of beautiful, sunny days, but more rain is on the way. I must admit, however, that I have never seen animals as well prepared as the ones you captured. Great pictures.

Annie Jeffries said...

I woke up to rain this morning. I was so surprised. I love wind. I love rain. And I guess, while I'm at it, I love fire (in a fireplace). LOL The sun is trying to come out how. I hope the rain stays around for a while.

Doris Sturm said...

I always liked the rain before, but since living here, I learned to not like it so much anymore, since it's more often than not accompanied by thunder and lightning...there must be a lot of electricity in the air here because even the electrical storms are different than anyplace I've lived before...strange part is that I don't see any lightning rods on people's houses...I don't understand that one.

Anyway, your blue bird with the yellow umbrella is on his way to you. I mailed him from the post office today via Priority mail. Please tell me when he arrives...hope you like him.

Melanie said...

Those little animals are so cute!
What a great verse to go with your pictures. :)

Karin said...

I'm with Ruth and would love some rain to clean everything - even though all our snow has not melted yet!

Cute, cute little statues!

Deborah said...

I love the colorful pictures!
My daughter still has a lot of bone pain in her hips. I think it is from the pregnancy, but after two weeks of taking motrin and it isn't any better, she will have to see an orthopedic Dr.
Have a great night and stay dry!

Tracy said...

Thanks for commenting on my flowers...those lilies are called Asiatic Lilies and I've tried growing them here but it's just too hot. I have to find my other photos because they are exotic as well.
I love the animals and their paraphenalia...sooo sweet, but most of all, I love the verse reminding us that is with us in the rain, the winter and the spring!

LV said...

I wish there was a way you could send some of your rain our way. We are under a drought and many severe grass fires. A lot of property has been destroyed. Those are the cutest rain gauges. I would love having one of them when it rains again.

Ann said...

Believe it or not we actually have sunshine today. It's still not real warm but it was wonderful to see the sun.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I love all of your little rain critters.... The ones with the umbrellas are so cute --but I love the rain gauge ones the best. WE have a rain gauge --but not one THAT fancy!!!!! TOO cute... We are expecting rain tomorrow and Saturday....


Chatty Crone said...

I just read one blog and they are in a drought and asked for rain. I love the top quote - and how true is it? I used to walk home from school in the rain and walk in the gutters and get my feet wet - and then I grew up and stopped it. I miss it.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love these little ducks and I think the rain you've been having is heading our way. They say the temps are going to get really warm and wet. It's ok b/c we're all set to dance in the rain. ☺☺

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....running a little late on catching up with all the post...My sweetie has not been feeling well and I have been busy taking care of him...
I love the quote...Dancing in the rain has brought many a person a lot of happiness...
Love your pictures...

Bossy Betty said...

We are waiting on the rain here! Wish I had these cute gizmos to measure it!

Kerrie said...

They are all adorable! We have been having a good bit of rain on and off and we are glad as it gets very dry in July and August so the more now, the better for the water table. Hugs, K

srp said...

We've had less than you... still, almost an inch and a half in two weeks.

Joanne said...

I missed this post. These gauges are adorable. We have been getting a bit of rain here and there. I just wish we can have a whole day of sunshine. Blessings, Joanne

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