Friday, April 1, 2011

The Holly And The Lightning

"He loads the clouds with moisture; he scatters his lightening through them. At his direction they swirl around over the face of the whole earth to do whatever he commands them."Job 37:11,12

These are holly trees, aren't they pretty? They say that if your house has holly around it, it will not get struck by lightning. Something about the shape of the leaves. Quite a few people seem to know this, and I found it on the computer, as well. I don't know if it is true. My friend found a bible passage where it suggests that the lightening has to ask God before it strikes anywhere. Wish I could remember where that verse is, perhaps the one at the end of my post? Well, I don't know about that, though it is true that nothing happens unless God lets it. Many years ago, we had a holly bush in the side yard, but we gave it away because it was prickley and hard for Phil to work around. With all this bad weather and storms we have been having, I think I want one again.

"Do you send the lightening bolts on their way? Do they report to you, "Here we are?"


Joanne said...

I have never heard of that about holly and lightning. I must be an odd ball because I love a good lightning storm...only when I am safe indoors! My Kids and I count how long between the light and sound. Pretty pictures! Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

That's a new one for me too, I've never heard anything about holly deflecting lightning.

Holly is so pretty but I have to agree with Phil. We have a small bush out back and it is a pain to work around.

Annie Jeffries said...

I was so surprised to see holly and hollyberries, Ginny. I always associate them with Christmas and never realy think about where the holly comes from. A bush a new about, but not trees. I like that belief of protection against lightning. If we had lots of lightning in our area, I would be surrounding us with holly.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I had never heard of that. My sister's name is Holly because she was born near Christmas. I think I may plant a Holly bush this year. In our climate they do not get to be trees but when I was in Ireland they grew wild in the wood and they were at least 15 feet high

Ruth Hiebert said...

The story is new to me,but the pictures are lovely.I can see that this would be a very prickly bush to work around.It is pretty,though.

Fred Alton said...

I had not heard of lightening being afraid of lightening! ☺ I'd go with Job, and say it strikes at the direction of God.

Ann said...

How interesting. I had never heard about the holly and the lightening. Makes me want to go out and buy a holly bush. Although with my brown thumb, I doubt I could get it to

DawnTreader said...

Never heard that. Not even sure if they grow in our country?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've always liked holly. Except that it's poisonous for pets.

Tracy said...

Ginny, I have never heard that about holly and lightening but if it's true, we are protected...all around us, in our neighborhood and in our town; Holly Glen (our neighborhood) in Holly Springs, much more holly do we need?
Blessings to you this day!

Karin said...

Lovely and interesting post about the holly and the lightening! Cute title!

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

Holly is beautiful. I have never heard of the story about Holly but I can envision it though.

Have a blessed weekend. Sue

RoeH said...

I too love thunder and lightning storms. Although now I worry about the roof when they hit. I love that holly bush/tree. I want one.

pam said...

I've never heard that about Holly. We had some at our old home but they never had the berries...didn't have the right combo or something....male/female plants. Too much for me to keep track of. And I can't think of a scripture that talks about holly like that. Hope your weekend is grand!

S. Etole said...

You share such interesting things with us. What a beautiful plant.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, How interesting! I am fairly new to thunderstorms in this part of the world. We did have some thunderstorms when I briefly lived in East Texas many years ago. Where I lived in Southern Calif. thunderstorms were rare. I like Holly very much and am happy to say that we have a large Holly tree at our home. Have an excellent day today!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we live in the lightning capital of the USA, I hate all things lighting, here in FL are struck and die all year, houses are set on fire, trees are knocked down, unsuspecting non residents walk on the beach during storms and are struck, golfers are hit, and electronics are destroyed by the house full. never heard that about holly. and i beleive God created the weather and the stomrms, but i do not beleive he is up their deciding where each one goes. he made the world and set it free to do its thing, and that is what the weather does.

Stephanie V said...

I've never heard that one, Ginny. We have tons of holly in our world. It grows wild wherever a bird drops a berry. We try to pull it out of parks and wilderness areas because it isn't native. Sure grows like a native, though.
But we can't seem to get one with berries. We have 5 or 6 trees and they are all boys!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Holly is beautiful and lightening is also but??

Smita Srivastava said...

What a great piece of info nvr knew about this fact.

Thanks for visiting my space , really kind of u for the concern. Was off to my parents place , post accident they needed some extra care so i was there to look aftr thm. Hope to catch soon with ur lovely posts that i missed.

Regina said...

Well that's an interesting reminds me of my mom's (my Grandparents)..they had them or I can rememeber my mom describing how they'd pick them together for Christmas decorations. The leaves and the berries are really so unique! We have them growing here in the high mountainous elevations (I did post before once)..feeling rather smug that I could do so in this climate! (ha ha) Of course, we have quite a journey to get there so your lucky to have them close by. But yes- they are gorgeous (your photos and verse are beautiful) they looks so healthy!
Wishing you an enjoyable weekend~

Doris Sturm said...

That's interesting - I never knew that either...I often wondered, though, why the houses here do not have lighting rods because of all the electrical storms we get here. We had them in Germany.

p.s. I fixed the listing to reflect the discounted price for your blue bird if you still want it, Ginny, if not, let me know, so I can change the price back to regular.

Thank you and have a great weekend :-)

From the Kitchen said...

My mother used to wake us up and make us go into the basement when there was a thunderstorm at night. She could have just planted some holly!! No, I don't think she would have believed that actually.


Deborah said...

OHOH, I have holly and our house was hit last year...hmmm, maybe it was just very close by because we did not have a fire, but the alarms went off and our house shook when we were hit by the loud noise and we had to call the fire department!
Have a nice weekend!

LV said...

What an interesting and informative post I have heard a lot about lightening, but never this. If I thought it true, I sure would get me a holly bush, thorns or no thorns.

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....
Very interesting....I asked my husband if he had ever heard this before {We are in the nursery business and Sam grows over 350 thousand trees a year} He had never heard that before. Hey, if he mentioned this to the customers, he might see a huge increase in Holly sells! lol
I DID READ where an acorn at your window will keep lightning out of your house...Old tales are sometimes funny, not sure about true, but funny.
I enjoyed this post and the photos were great!


Yuni Murharjanti said...

Visiting your site is something fun on Sunday. Like coming to school week. I don't want to miss anything you've uploaded. And I was very impressed because you're always in touch with the state of your environment with the Word of God. Not many people are able to capture the grace of God like you.

Reanaclaire said...

Gosh.. coming by here, i know the names that seem alien to me those days.. i learn a lot about nature coming by here. :)

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of the connection either but it's interesting. Your photos are wonderful, Ginny.

Rachel Cotterill said...

Beautiful holly - do you have all those berries at this time of year?

Chatty Crone said...

I haven;t heard that either - but it would not surprise me.

Love your rainbow.


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