Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Let The Hunts Begin!

Here are the Easter egg hunts we had with Anne Marie and Ella, they both had such fun! For my new followers, the black haired Chinese girl is Anne, our granddaughter. To read her short history, CLICK HERE. And Ella is the sweetie with the light brown hair. We have been her part-time caregivers almost since she was born, and though not actually related, she is like a granddaughter to us and we love her dearly. After the hunt, Ella asked us if we would hide the eggs again! So we did. Then when she left at the end of the day, she wanted to keep the eggs here so we could hide them again when she comes back. Here is the best hiding place ever.

"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." Psalm 32:7


Arti said...

Beautiful post Ginny... Both Anne and Ella are such sweeties, you would definitely have had a great time! The quote is also so perfect in relation with the post, have a wonderful week:)

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy seeing these two beautiful girls; what blessings they are!

SquirrelQueen said...

Both Anne Marie and Ella look like they really enjoyed the egg hunt.

I think it is so cute that Ella wanted to hunt them again....and again! The thrill of the hunt is always the best.

Nature Rambles said...

These two angels must've had a wonderful time! I loved going through the pictures of the actual hunt. What a joy to see both of them in your posts!

Doris Sturm said...

I can't get over how mature your grand girls are looking - don't they grow up so quickly? Anne looks especially grown up (at least to me) since I only recently read her story and saw the baby pictures ;-) They both are very pretty and it looks like they had fun.

From the Kitchen said...

I always like to see the beautiful little girls!! Egg hunts were a favorite of mine as a child and then I had the joy of doing them for my children. This was the first year I didn't dye eggs (egg salad later) for Easter and I missed them.


Fred Alton said...

One of the best parts of all holidays is the joy they bring to our children and their children. You have captured the essence of that childhood delight in the pictures here. Very nice.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh what excellent fun! Our egg hunt pics are currently scheduled for Sunday.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are both getting so tall and looking more like little adults than babies now. i can see the joy. holidays are for children, and looks like yours had a wonderful one. Ann Marie could almost sit in her basket, lots of room for eggs. hope those eggs you are saving are nor REAL ones. ha ha.. might have a smell soon if they are.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh such fun, Easter egg hunts! Great memories

Remington said...

What a beautiful post! Love the happy faces!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Both girls are so precious.Hiding eggs is fun,but my hiding place is in God.The best place to be.

Stephanie V said...

Look at those huge baskets! Each little girl could curl up inside one. With the found eggs, of course.

Reanaclaire said...

Ella and Anne are really God sent.. they have each other to play with as well.. the last pic is very cute.. she used the egg as the mic.. hahaha..

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Easter egg hunts for younger kids are so much fun to see the kids participate in. Glad your darlings enjoyed their special hunt. Have a super nice day!

George said...

What fun you've had with both Anne Marie and Ella. I wonder how many times Ella will want you to hide the eggs? Anne Marie looks so pretty in her Easter dress.

Ann said...

They sure had a good Easter didn't they? Looks like they were having a lot of fun. How cute that Ella wanted to leave the eggs to hide again next visit.

Shug said...

Your header picture is so pretty ginny.
looks like the girls were having a wonderful time...These are special memories that a child never forgets...And if you are like me, We don't ever forget these special times with all our little darlings...
Life is Good..

Joanne said...

What a sweet post! And get a load of the size of those baskets!!!! I want to go to your house for Easter next year!!!!LOL Blessings, Joanne

Lynn said...

Hi Ginny, Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming over from Linda's blog to meet me. I am humbled by your precious comments. Thank you. I actually had one of those "tear bottles" long ago. In the church I was in before I lost my hearing, we had a special guest speaker who explained how the women put their tears in the bottles and he was selling little bottles with scriptures inside for his missionary works. I have long since lost that bottle but when I did write that post, I was thinking about that bottle! So yes, we think a lot a like. These two little girls, your granddaughters story brought tears to my eyes. A child is so precious and how HE loves them so. I am your newest follower. Wonderful to get to meet you. You most recent sunset is stunning! Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Hi.) Thank you very much.))
I'm flying tomorrow and the week will not be able to write in my blog ... But 6 I arrive, and will gradually spread posts of my trips to magainam, photos sea photos of buildings. my looks.)

LV said...

That is what makes life worth living. Precious children doing what they enjoy.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your eggs are certainly more beautiful than mine. My husband won't let me eat it. I have to fly to Australia to eat with my brother. His wife, a Caucasian won't eat it either.

My husband says it has too much chemicals. People say, they use horse pee to make it. Not surprising. Did I tell you, my missionary friend back from Ethiopia said she works with the Musi people. They use cow pee in their milk.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Ella and Annie are so beautiful. I never had a Easter Egg hunt, the Roman catholics didn't do it when I was young. My grandpa said his neighbours, the Methodist did it.

Chatty Crone said...

The girls are so cute together - it is nice that they have playmates - do you watch both the girls or just the one? They sure had fun at your house!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

so cute. Our children are all grown now so there was no hunting. But, we had a lovely visit on Easter Sunday.

Mary Bergfeld said...

The girls both look like they had a wonderful time. We also had multiple egg hunts when the children were small. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Tracy said...

They are suggesting you NOT go to sleep? Oh my goodness...that would make me frightened but you will be protected! You know my friend, I am getting much better at living in the moment because you are right; each is a gift!
You grands :) are adorable and it will be fun to watch their friendship develop over the years, won't it?
hugs and prayers for your safety this evening!

Bobbie said...

Wonderful post!! We had bad weather here for the week of Easter, plus with Gracie being post op and trying to keep her from being active, we didn't have a whole lot of traditional Easter fun this year. Anne Marie and Ella are just adorable!!! Thanks for sharing these precious moments...

Deborah said...

They are the cutest little girls!! The egg hunt looked like so much fun!
I love they way you captured them looking so intently at the eggs!

Karin said...

What beautiful little cuties! Glad you all had fun hiding and seeking Easter eggs! Oh, that brings back lovely memories!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Anne is so beautiful! I love her new haircut.

Ella looks so happy and I'm sure she also thinks of you as extra grandparents.

I hope you all had a very joyful Easter, Ginny!

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