Monday, April 4, 2011


The reason for yesterday's pinwheel race video? Our granddaughter Anne Marie's fifth birthday party! It was a pinwheel and kite flying theme. The kids made these little paper kites and hung them on the chandelier, they made paper pinwheels and decorated them, had the pinwheel race, flew kites, and there was Papa John's pizza!! Anne even had cupcakes on her dress. What age do you consider a child not a baby anymore? An adult not a child anymore? The older I get, the older I make these ages. To me now, a baby is anyone under five!! And a child is under twenty one!! Maybe this way, I don't feel so ancient. But all of life flows together, and is gone in the blink of an eye. So we remember the stages, because for some reason they can freeze us in time, if only for a while.

"We live for seventy years or so, ( with luck we might make it to eighty) So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Surprise us with love at daybreak...Let your servants see what you're best at-the ways you rule and bless your children. And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us."

The Message and the NKJV combined, Psalm 90


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh yes,'old' is getting to be a higher number every year,it seems.The children are growing up so fast.Anne is a beautiful birthday girl.

George said...

I used to hear that 30 was old. I now know that someone who is 30 is just a kid.
It looks as if Anne Marie had a wonderful birthday party.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow--what a great birthday party.. Anne Marie is just gorgeous... I love the way they dress her --with all of the bows and frills... SO GIRLY.... Love it!!!!!

A baby is until age 3; A child is from age 3-12; A youth or teen is from age 12-18... An adult is anyone over 18... BUT--when one gets to 68, she can be a child again!!!!!! ha ha


Regina said...

Happy Birthday wishes!! These are cute..and the older I get the younger they look! Is Papa Johns tasty? We don't have one on this Island..don't know about the outer? The cupcakes look good and I really love the Lady bug umbrella and chairs!! Woo Hoo..these time are precious and yes, because they are gone in a blink of an eye! Love the verse-
You posted early..I have to go to your previous one....)

Karin said...

What a fun party! Happy Birthday wishes! Anne Marie is such a pretty girl - a cutie! So glad you're enjoying yourself. What a blessing!

Annie Jeffries said...

Cute cupcakes. Cute lawn furniture. CUTE CUTE little girl.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, happy pictures of Anne Marie's birthday celebration.

Arti said...

She looks like a cute little princess, She is one actually... Happy Birthday Anne and loads of love to you :)

The celebrations are so cute and I am so happy to be a part of it, Loved IT!!

Have a wonderful day :)

Kerrie said...

What a wonderful party! Your granddaughter is so full of joy! Hugs

SquirrelQueen said...

Now that looks like the proper way to party. I love those cute cupcakes with the pinwheels, adorable.

Age is just a number and a state of mind, we are only as old (or as young) as we feel.

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Happy birthday to lovely Anne Marie. When she grows up will always be proud to grandparents!.

pam said...

My problem is that I still think I'm in my 20's. Happy Birthday Anne! I LOVE that amazing it will look flying through the sky.

Reanaclaire said...

5 years old!! she is indeed very blessed to have such loving grandmother and grandfather.. Your Anne is really cute!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy birthday Anne!
I guess under 3 is a baby to me.

LV said...

Thanks for letting us shared in the birthday celebration Sorry I have not been visiting a day or so. I have been without power.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when your blog popped up, i started singing I was a splishing and a splashing, there was a party going on... love the post. hard to believe that sweet little baby from china is now a child of 5, she is so beautiful. looks like a wild and wonderful party and so does your blog today. can you hear me clapping???

From the Kitchen said...

I would have loved to be in attendance! What fun and how clever.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes life is stages, beautiful colors!

Remington said...

So happy! She is beautiful!

Stephanie V said...

Oh, Ginny. I'm sure Anne-Marie tells you all the time thst she is a big girl and not a baby. She's adorable and what a spectacular party she had. Love the pinwheel cupcakes. Pinwheel design is my very favorite for quilting.

Together We Save said...

Oh O love that umbrella!! Such sweet pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What a unique fun and wonderful birthday party! Have an awesome day today!

Linda M. said...

WOW a cupcake party looks like soo mush fun and your granddaughter is just a precious princess. I'm sure she had a special day filled with wonderful memories.

Ann said...

those stages keep changing as the years pass. I saw a young teen driving the other day and though he looked like a baby, what's he doing behind the
Those ladybug chairs are adorable.
Happy 5th Birthday to Ann Marie

Tracy said...

Ginny, I looked back and watched the precious! It is a great theme for a party and would never have considered it but wonderful! Your grandaughter is just a precious little thing and I know you are proud!
It looks like everyone had a marvelous time!

Shug said...

So cute and what a precious theme for a party...Looks like everyone was having a super great time...I don't know...I still consider my 15 year old grandson to be my baby...I just have to know when and where I can do this. In public, he is 15, at Shug's house, he climbs up in my lap!
Happy Birthday Wishes to Anne Marie. She is just precious.

Mary Bergfeld said...

She surely looks like she had a wonderful time. Her Daddy looks as happy as she does. I know he is thrilled she had such a good time. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Deborah said...

I always say a child is under age 27 because that is when the brain stops developing. I have read that several times and heard that on the news. So your very young!
I will talk about my daughter tomorrow
after her results come back. She had a bone scan today and she saw something that has made her very nervous. I am praying that she is well.

Joanne said...

I love the pictures and all the Lady bug themed things! I look at my kids and they are still Babies! My mom still calls my brother a teenager and he's 39 years old! Blessings, Joanne

Bobbie said...

Happy Birthday Anne Marie!! What a beautiful party for a beautiful little girl. It looked like such fun. You're granddaughter has the most wonderful smile!!!

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, I'm just catching up on your posts. I'm so sorry about Lizzy. She was beautiful. What a wonderful post that was, and so nice that Anne Marie could spend the evening with Grandma and Grandpa.

Then there was the video of all the kids running... PRICELESS!!! I love to watch children playing and laughing. Anne Marie was so sweet and having so much fun! So you figured out how to get video on your posts?! Yay!!!

I so enjoy the posts of the little ones. They are blessed to have you and your husband in their lives and visa versa!

Glenda said...

What a fun-filled, colorful party!! The older I get, like you, I stretch out those stages!!

Glenda said...

Me again . . . answering your questions on my blog. The squirrel is a fox squirrel, thus the red belly! Thanks for your encouraging comments!

Chatty Crone said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNE MARIE - she looks so happy and it looks like a wonderful party. Time does go so fast.

So what stage are we in GInny?


srp said...

My baby turns 25 on Easter... but she is still and will always be my baby.

Anonymous said...

Loved going through the celebration pictures. The chairs, the umbrella, the butterfly...and of course the cutest of them all...Anne Marie!

Sorry I haven't been active lately. Too many things to attend to...will blog about that later...

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