Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Whirlwind

Last night was a scary night! There were tornado warnings all over our area. The local news and weather on T.V. advised against going to bed unless you had a T.V. in your bedroom or a weather radio. Since we had neither, we didn't go to bed. We watched as one after another tornado came across into our area, our city had about three actual warnings. We are so blessed to be fine, with no damage. This picture of a possible tornado was taken by my friend just a few blocks away. She took it from her bathroom window, and even opened the window to snap it! I asked her why she wasn't running to the basement. She told me that she wasn't afraid with the camera in her hand, all that seemed to matter was getting this shot. She would make an excellent blogger, because I'm sure most of us know the feeling! The rest of the pictures are some damages we saw while driving around today. Stay safe, my friends.

"The Lord is slow to anger and great in power...His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet. " Nahum 1:3


Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness I didn't realize it came that close to you. You were sure lucky. Whew. The weather this year has been nuts - I hope it settles down soon. Glad you and loved ones were safe. Prayers to all that were not. sandie♥

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thatbmust have been scary.I am usually not afraid of bad weather,but really don't like when it comesat night.Glad you were kept from harm.

Arti said...

I was just reading about the same in the newspaper, its 7 in the morning here!!! The worst affected seems to be Alabama...
Take care Ginny, dont get out of the house to soap pics, it is ok if you show two pics less!!!
Have a safe day:)

Arti said...

Sorry read soap as snap

Cindy Caudle said...

So glad that you are ok. I can't believe all the turmoil that is going on in the country. Stay safe.

S. Etole said...

Thankfully you are okay ...

Joanne said...

Oh how scary! So much devastation in the last few days. Prayers are so needed. Thank God that you are ok. stay safe. Blessings, Joanne

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Tornadoes can really do so much damage. I've been watching TV all day today --and it's unbelievable how much damage there has been. SO SAD.

Let's pray for all who lost so much due to the storm. We were some of the lucky ones.


SquirrelQueen said...

I've been following the stories about the storms on the news, the devistation is horrible. I'm glad you and your family are all safe.

Your friend was pretty brave to get a photo of the funnel cloud but I might have done the same thing but the second it looked like it was going to touch down I would have been headed for the basement.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

such scary stuff w/ the weather lately.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh my, i thought my CL sister took that shot and was glad you did not. your neighbor was really brave to do that and nice to let you post it, but it is scary that it was in your neighborhood. i am soooooo glad you are safe and sound. my heart has been hurting as i watch all the storm damage in all the states. i hope it is over for a while. hugs CL

Kerrie said...

Oh my goodness Ginny! Scary! Glad you are okay! Hugs, K

DawnTreader said...

I read about the tornados in my morning paper today. I'm so glad to learn that you're okay!

Reanaclaire said...

yeah, your friend is so brave! but better to be safe than sorry.. terrifying, right.. i would be if i were there..

Remington said...

That is one thing I am VERY afraid of! SCARY!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, I'm so glad you were spared any part in this tragedy. My heart goes out to those whose lives have been affected by it. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

RoeH said...

Wwwwwwww..OW! Hope you got through it in ok condition. I love storms but that may be taking it to a new height.

Stephanie V said...

Such terrible damage for so many people. I'm glad that you two are safe.

Lynn said...

Praise the Lord you are safe. This has been such a horrible month for tornadoes, so much devastion and loss of precious life. I so appreciate your sweet comments on my blog. I love my porch too, thank you. My hubby is waiting....and smiling. He knows I needed time to thank you. So glad we met. Blessings.

Karin said...

I'm so glad you are safe! It is so frightening to have these storms and especially when they intensify at night. Lots of damage done - so sad. Let's keep those in prayer who have suffered loss!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Hi! I linked to your from Betsy's blog...I just had to take a look after your comment about never having had a vacation! Then I saw your post and couldn't stop scrolling through those photos...very scary weather! We got just a little (Delaware)...but just heavy winds and rain off and on for two days! Thanks for the weather pics, and thankfully you are all right!

Fred Alton said...

Wow! Great shot of the whirlwind! We had lots of tornadic activity here also. I heard that 11 people died in our county as there were three "touch-downs". We had huge hailstones but only for a few short minutes here at our house. Several homes were destroyed. We had no power for four hours - but escaped with no known damage here at our house. We had friends down yesterday and fed them as their power stayed off until late last night. So glad to read that you and Phil are safe.

Deborah said...

Your friend should have been in the basement! But great picture and she should be a blogger! LOL
I can't believe all the tornado's . It is absolutely crazy.
Your funny, after I posted my party, I said to myself,,,,I forgot the tea!!
Have a safe day my friend!

Regina said...

This is incredible, I'd be doing the same I'm sure! Your header looks intense! Gee..all those trees just cut in half- amazing the amount of power...but I'm glad your safe! As I understand it the floods are next? Well I love that verse as its also a song too-

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So glad you all are safe and unscathed! I was unable to post comments on Blogger blogs yesterday due to issues between my host WordPress and Blogger. So, I guess all got worked out fine. We in my community, came out of the storms just great. My best friend had family seriously hurt in the Alabama storms and that friend's cousins had their home destroyed. The affected people are in my prayers. Have a wonderful day.

From the Kitchen said...

Oh Ginny, I'm almost afraid to click on the Roanoke Times or the Washington Post these days. So sad to see all the loss of life and devastation. Be safe my friend you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Dawning Inspiration said...

Your friend definitely has a blogger heart! How scary... so glad you are safe. I've been praying for you and those in the "paths."

photowannabe said...

Very scary. I'm glad you are ok. Great pictures of the damage.,
Just remembering that God is our refuge.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Great that you are OK to blog.

Watch news here. Terrible more deaths than our earthquake.

Neal said...

I'm glad that you and your family are safe. I always feel so bad for the people that either lose their home or have a lot of damage.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Amazing photos, Ginny, especially the one your friend took from her bathroom window! I am glad that you had no damage and I hope the others in your area were not physically harmed. I hope the weather turns moreclam soon!

Stay safe!

Ann said...

very scary. Glad to hear that you are safe. There was a tornado that went through the neighborhood I live in back in 1986. I didn't live here at the time but most of my neighbors did and they get easily freaked out when there is a tornado warning

Doris Sturm said...

At least you guys have basements there - here are no basements so if a tornado came through I'd just grab my "Toto" and do like Dorothy!

What good is a tornado warning if there are no basements to hide in? Thankfully we don't get a lot of them here, just warnings and that's upsetting to me enough since the warning doesn't do you any good without a place to hide.

I'm glad you're ok and thank God you have a basement, right?

George said...

I'm glad the tornadoes didn't get any closer to you. The damage caused by these storms is unbelievable.

Melanie said...

I am so glad you were safe, Ginny!
We were also under a tornado warning while we were visiting with family in Covington. Thankfully, we were not hit!
The powerful force of nature is amazing!
I feel so bad for those who have lost homes and loved ones in these terrible storms.
They surely need our prayers.

Lady Jane said...

Love to you and yours Ginny. So glad you are ok. It is so beyond comprehension what you and your neighbors went thru. Blessings L J

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