Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mystery Picture

What is this picture here of mine?

Looks kind of like this trumpet vine.

The scalloped edge, the color red

They really do go to my head.

So take a guess if you're inclined

Any thoughts will be just fine.

On my next post there'll be no doubt

For that is when you will find out.


Arti said...

Looks like the part of a gramophone to me... Beautifully put post...
Have a lovely day Ginny:)

Regina said...

What a cute poem Ginny..and WOW..what a stunning header!!! That is just fabulous!! can't help but stare at's hypnotizing.
You know that does remind me of a gramophone too. First I was going to say an old fashioned lamp, but it's facing up? Its not a vase I guess??

DawnTreader said...

Looks like you took that picture from some tricky angle... Some kind of household funnel?

SquirrelQueen said...

The trumpet vines in your header are gorgeous!

Your mystery photo does look a lot like the trumpet vine but I do believe it is the speaker for a newer version of a Victrola or gramophone. I'll bet it sounds great.

Anonymous said...

Maybe part of a hummingbird feeder??

From the Kitchen said...

Is that photo upside down? No matter, I still don't know what it is. I love your header.


Yuni Murharjanti said...

I think that is a phonograph. Is the red paint is still new or still in it original state?. Oh, you just make us curious...xi..xi..xi!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Some sort of record player type thing.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

looks like a giant megaphone....tuplip shape....and I agree with Regina....that

Joanne said...

It sort of looks like the top of an very oldfashioned victrola but I'm sure they didn't come in that shade of pink! :o) Blessings

pam said...

looks like the thingy on top of the old record players.....thingy is the best I can do this morning. Not much sleep happened around here last sleepy. love your header

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I think it is the horn of a gramophone. Have a good day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a plastic tulip. ha ha on that. good job on the poem, no idea what he tulip is on or why so will be waiting with bated breath to find out tomorrow. i agree with gina about the gramophone thing.

Remington said...

Looks like one of those older record player things Beth told me about....

Karin said...

That's a fun poem Ginny! Your lovely pink 'tulip' looks like a part of the old - oops, vintage - gramophone to me - I see the turntable at the bottom. It's been painted a lovely color. Most of the ones I've seen were brass colored.

Your header photo is gorgeous!

Stephanie V said...

I think it's a 'bloom' on your hummingbird feeder.

Your header is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

A big red spittoon for spitting into, especially by users of chewing and dipping tobacco :-)

Mary Bergfeld said...

It looks like the speaker to an old record player. The vines in your header are really gorgeous. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

S. Etole said...

I'm thinking it has something to do with hummingbirds!

Shug said...

Hi Ginny....
I say it is the flower part of the hummingbird feeder.....
I love your header pretty.
Great pictures.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hey you!! I'd guess Hummingbird feeder! ;o)

Chatty Crone said...

A metal tulip? I have no idea are you going to tell us tomorrow? sandie

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I would guess a decoration??

Lady Jane said...

Hummingbird feeder for sure. Very neat poem and it was hard to guess cause of the angle you took it. such fun....

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, it looks like a victrola head thingy to me... But knowing you it probably something totally different! I can't wait to see what it is! Nice post my friend! :)

LC said...

Enjoyed your versifying but don't have a clue about solving the mystery pix. My first thought was gramophone thingy, but those hummingbird feeder guesses sounded good to me too. I give up. Will look forward to the reveal tomorrow!

Ann said...

Love the poem, you are so clever. I think it's a victrola

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That's the horn of the old fashion gramophone?

The one you have to wind up? My grandpa had one.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are right, my grief started the moment I was told that he was dying that first day when he was born. I mourned for that healthy baby I never had.

Throughout the grueling time, Olwyn, my pastor's wife kept reminding me that men and women grieve differently. If I bore that in mind, I could be in the right prospective.

So here we are 32 years married, 21 years bereaved parents. God was the glue that held us together.

Now he (my husband) is the one helping me in the formatting of my book and my 14 year old son.

Ginny Hartzler said...


Yuni Murharjanti said...

Dear beautiful Madam!. I joined blogger since the end of December 2010. The three months of first, I didn't post the articles because I was more interested to learn about HTML and Javascript. My daughter made a blog more earlier than me, and I learned a lot from Intan (my daughter). She has been learning about computer from her father and at her school. I have 3 blogs, two of them wearing Indonesian and Javanese. But both inactive due;
1. Indonesia's interest in reading is still low. They are busy looking for followers as much as possible with almost the same greeting: "Hello...your blog is very nice .... Please visit me back, and don't forget to follow me back..."
2. Blogs that use the Java language is also a little fan. Many Javanese are no longer able to speak Javanese.
Your question on my blog is one source of my inspiration. In the future I will try a lot of talk about my country as objective as possible.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Ginny,

Thanks for asking. I have added from my old blog.

Sorry I was so busy and didn't tell the story. It is now No Tree Hill.

Every tourist to Auckland ask that question: Where is the tree?
I previously blogged about it in my post above.,_New_Zealand

The monument and the one tree were one of Auckland's most obvious landmark. However, the One tree Hill has become None tree Hill. Tourists often ask this question ,"Why is it called One Tree Hill, when there is no tree?"

Until 2000, a radiata pine tree stood next to the obelisk. This tree (one of two pines) had been planted to replace a sacred Māori Totara tree, the tree which had given Maungakiekie its English name. This totara had been cut down by a white settler in 1852 for firewood.

However, in the early 1960s during a jamboree, a group of overseas Boy Scouts cut down one of the two newer pines. The remaining tree was later attacked twice with chainsaws by Māori protesters (partly because it was not a native New Zealand species and thus considered an insult). The first attack happened on 28 October 1994, the anniversary of the 1835 Declaration of Independence.[2] A second attack on the 5th of October 2000[3] left the tree unable to recover and so it was removed due to the risk of it dying and falling down.,-New-Zealand

Kanak said...

Beautiful! Tell us soon....!!!

Reanaclaire said...

Is it a funnel? Just a wild guess.. Ginny, your poem is cute! niCE!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Is it one of those little horn-things they put on children's bikes???? I truly have no idea.

Linda M. said...

Yep, I guess a wind up Victrola. Happy Pink Saturday.

Doris Sturm said...

It's probably part of a hummingbird feeder...

Annie Jeffries said...

Prettiest victrola I've ever seen. It looks like a pretty pink morning glory.

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