Sunday, April 17, 2011

Someone To Watch Over Me

Yesterday was what meteoroligists call a "busy day". There were over 100 tornados. We had a tornado warning here, and it lit about ten minutes away. It had a path four miles long and 300 yards wide, with 95 MPH winds. It left a narrow trail of damage, while things on either side of it were completly untouched. Huge trees were sliced through neatly and snapped like twigs. It traveled so fast in this sleepy little barn-filled town that it was over before most people could even react. And yet not a single person was harmed. Jesus still stood peacefully watching over his cross shaped garden. And perhaps he was watching over more than the garden. I drove through today and this is what I saw. The roads were closed where the worst damage was.

"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men." Psalm 107:28,31


Karin said...

Thankful that no one was hurt! So much devastation - wow! All this climate change is unbelievable, yet none of it surprises our Lord. Hugs!

Cindy Caudle said...

Wow, it is amazing that no one was hurt with all that damage. The Lord was definitely watching over people.

Kanak said...

Despite all that damage to property, I'm glad to know (like the commenters before me) that no one was hurt.

SquirrelQueen said...

One thing I do not miss about living in the south is the tornadoes. I am glad to hear no one was hurt.

Melanie said...

I'm so glad you were safe! Yes, God was watching over you!
We were under a tornado watch too, but thankfully, we didn't get any where we are.
Have a great week! :)

RoeH said...

Wow! We were somewhere looking at a television set that was on and noticed all the tornados that were in the southeast. Incredible.

Bobbie said...

About 13 years ago we had an F4 tornado sweep through our little town and take a lot of houses out. It was remarkable how nobody was harmed. I can remember going through the debris to get to work the next day and was in awe, feeling the presence of God> It was a sight to behold.

This is a great post, Ginny. Glad everyone is okay.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Awful winds. The weather has been so strange lately.

Fred Alton said...

To repeat one of my favorite phrases these days about many different things, "The only real security we have is in the Lord!" Amazing shots of that huge tree that looks like it broke over the top of the house without damaging the house at all!!! Great pics.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorrowful looking photos to me. we watched an hour of devastation from the 229 tornadoes in three days, on CNN yesterday. there was much damage in your state and I am so happy you are untouched. it was heart hurtful to see all the many people without homes and missing friends and family and many deaths.

From the Kitchen said...

I just talked to my sister. She said Cranberry Hills had a lot of damage while their area had almost none. They live directly across from Cranberry Hills. They were without electricity for about twelve hours but that was minor. They were very grateful!


LC said...

I am so glad you and yours are OK as well as those in your town. Prayers for those not so fortunate in other areas.

Am catching up and so enjoyed your post about the mystery photo. The master's voice indeed. I also liked your "non-post" post. It was a welcomed bit of encouragement in a tiny package. As always, good work, Ginny, on making a difference in somebody's daily walk!

Reanaclaire said...

Hey, that is not slight damage, to me, it is quite drastic already.. no one is hurt, right? thank God..

Tracy said...

WOW!!I love the sign you found hanging, 'The Lord is my salvation!" perfect...we do not have school but hopefully the workers can get things up and going in NC...but such destruction and devastation. Unlike your area, we are at 21 death toll and many injured.
take good care!

George said...

I've been watching the damage done by tornadoes in North Carolina. The size of the broken trees in your pictures are amazing. I'm glad no one was hurt in your area.

Remington said...

This weather is certainly scary! We are still waiting to hear from our friends in Raliegh....hope all is okay!

Annie Jeffries said...

Thank you, God, that Ginny and her many neighbors were not harmed. Thank you, God, also for the safety of my friend Deb in North Carolina. We can't understand the how or the why; we simply accept and move forward with your Grace.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Saturday's storms were some of the worst this country has had. Fox News this morning was showing some of the damage in the Raleigh area. UNBELIEVABLE....

Glad you all are okay.. That was much too close for comfort, wasn't it???? Storms scare me to death!

Thanks for sharing. I'll pray for those who have lost so much.

S. Etole said...

So thankful you are safe and that no one was hurt.

Mary Bergfeld said...

My heart aches for those whose homes were in the path of this tornado. A reminder yet again that life can turn on a dome. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Doris Sturm said...

I'm glad you're ok, Ginny. I'm so afraid of Tornadoes. Do you have a shelter/basement? If we had someplace to go, I'd not be so concerned, but as it is, you just have to hop in the bathtub with a cushion over your head and pray!

No, I don't like Tornadoes at all!

p.s. I collect Harlequin clowns. The one you saw is my biggest one, but I have a bunch of little ones on a shelf - I'll photograph them one day and blog about it...I take it you like them too?

Stephanie V said...

These are amazing photos, Ginny. I can't imagine being near a tornado. The damage is so unpredictable.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

oh my goodness! That is terrible damage. I'm so glad to know that where you were was not hit and that all are OK

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, The violent weather is the only thing I really dislike about the South as compared to So. CA. Now, we did have the joke about three seasons: Midslide, Earthquake, and Brush fire. Oh well. So glad nobody was seriously injured. I can relate about downed trees as the huge oak is still sitting across my smashed dock. from 3 weeks ago. Waiting on the insurance adjuster. Have a great day. I will pray for those who have damage.

srp said...

We had the tornado warning here too but it didn't have any touch down, though it was dark when ours came through. Nyssa had called earlier in the day and warned us it was going to be bad. She called the high risk area before the weather service did and told us to batten down the hatches. I moved all the stuff out of the closet under the stairs and had two chairs in there for my parents... the dog and I got in the pantry and the cats simply had to fend for themselves in the back corner of the garage. No damage and only 15 minutes in the closets, but lots and lots of lightening.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Praise God that no one was hurt or killed.Winds can have such a destructive force.I am thankful that God is my refuge in storms.

Regina said...

Wow..95 mph!! Sometimes its just like that where it seems to strike out of the blue..though I suppose you had a little warning going by your previous post. I heard there were over 250!! Gee, glad everyone was ok (God is a refuge)! Thanks for the photos and story..will get back to you:)

Chatty Crone said...

I heard it hit in NC - it got y'all too - oh that looked just terrible - I am so sorry. God was watching over you all. Sorry for the devastation.

Ann said...

thank heavens no one was hurt. I've heard of a lot of deaths recently due to weather.
We had some very strong winds that knocked down some trees and telephone poles but nothing really serious.

Glenda said...

I love the image of Jesus still standing after the storm! So much damage and lives disrupted, but I'm glad no one was hurt.

Together We Save said...

So glad you made it thru the storm ok.... I thought when I first saw the "Windy Hill" that goes for us this year. Lots of storms but just windy all the time. Even today, nice weather but 20 mph winds.

Shug said...

Hi thankful that no one was hurt in your part of the country...Our thoughts and prayers have been with all of you that live in the path that this furious storm traveled...Wow...I would say it was super powerful!
Thanks for sharing the pictures...My heart aches for those that suffered the loss of their loved ones....Blessings!

Kerrie said...

Praising God no one was hurt and thanking Him for His never ending love and protection. Thank you for sharing these terrific imgaes. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are right, but that was 21 years ago.

We had have the hospital advocate, but it took so long. So I gave up. Nothing would bring Andrew back. I should get the books tomorrow or Thursday. I will post it to you.

I told the graphic designer that I like it for Easter. It turned out that she is a Christian.

She just sent me this email.
t is amazing you wrote a book as a testimony. I just read the brief and back cover.

It must be a touching story. Anyway I believe with strong faith with God and follow his way. We never lost.

Heaps Blessings.

Thanks Ginny, you are such a great encouragement.

A blogger commented, No bereavement, no book. This is true. It's God's timing, not mine.

Velvet Over Steel said...

He sure watching over!! So glad that everyone, there at least, is ok! Esp. you and your family, Ginny!! Big Hug to you all!! XOXO

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Were you like Dorothy in the Wizard of oz and hide inside the basement.

When I first saw the tree, I was think of a photo missed opportunity. Some one had chopped down a big tree. This someone was human of course.

Once, in Singapore, we had a wild storm.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we watched on our TV news too.

My husband is a water expert, but any disaster is his interest. He is watching all these all the time.

He tells me to watch esp the Jap Tsunami because he was doing a presentation. I tell him, I am interested in other things.

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