Sunday, April 3, 2011

Runnin' Against The Wind

'Well I'm older now and still runnin' against the wind."
Bob Seger

Who are the little girls in my 38 second video, and why are they screaming and running with pinwheels?? The one who falls is my granddaughter, Anne Marie. She falls and trips quite a bit, bless her heart. It is very endearing to me, because it is so much like me. But when she falls, she gets right back up again. I think she will endure the hard knocks of life well. Do you hear the girls screaming and the wind howling?? This is the stuff life is made of, and I am so blessed to still be here to see it. Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you the rest of the story.

"He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. He makes winds his messengers..." Psalm 104


Joanne said...

Oh that dress and bow in her hair is just darling! only kids run and yell with such delight in what they are doing. What a sweet video. Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Now that's what being a kid is all about! They look like they were having so much fun running and squealing!

I love your kite header Ginny, that is a great shot.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I just love the way kids run!

Melanie said...

That was so cute!!
Your granddaughter is adorable, Ginny! I just love watching kids have fun like that!♥

From the Kitchen said...

Carefree and loved--charming!! I have a
"bouquet" of little windmills on my table to remind me of spring.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I love the energy of children.If I had half of that,I would get so much done.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love it i love it i love it. did you take the video? if not who did, who put it on You tube? i knew it was Anne Marie, but kept thinking did Ginny do this? did you? did i say i love it
to bad we adults can't be happy running against the wind. precious video

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

They are so precious. They are certainly having a lot of fun. Just watching them have fun is our fun too!
Hugs, Sue

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is a wonderful video, Ginny! It is so full of the joy of childhood. Is that you in it at the end encouraging the girls to line up and run? You have such a pretty voice. Ann Marie looks so pretty and as you said she bounces right back to running after she fell down. Good for her!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Such a darling and beautiful video. Yes we have to get back up after our falls! Look at the Fun :)

Remington said...

Beth says she wants to do that would be a good one....ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Great pictures of the girls. I really like pinwheels and wind toys a lot. When I was teaching, I had the first grade classes make pinwheels as both an art and science project. This was very well received! Have a fantastically nice day today!

Reanaclaire said...

These kids are precious in God's kingdom.. so wonderful, so carefree in life..

DawnTreader said...

Cute video... And love that kite in the header!

Stephanie V said... how they play. I do remember running against the wind. Something about windy days that make you want to runand run.

Glenda said...

There's just something so uplifting about watching children play in the beautiful outdoors - so carefree and free to be themselves!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

very cute!!

George said...

What a cute video. Ah, to be young again.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute video, Ginny... Love seeing those precious little squeeley girls... With the winds we have here right now, the girls would probably all be picked up and carried up to the sky!!!!! ha ha

Back from vacation --trying to catch up a little!!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Darling. Adorable. Endearing. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Makes my heart BURST with joy.

Chatty Crone said...

Those ARE the days we'll remember - not sure what they were doing or yelling - they were sure cute though.


Ann said...

I recognized Ann Marie right off and she certainly didn't let that little fall ruin her good time. How carefree they all look. It makes me want to go out and run against the wind with a pinwheel

Mary Bergfeld said...

I know I've said it before, but here I a go again - she is a beautiful child and her smile can brighten the darkest of days. I'm so glad she found all of you. The flowers that you asked about are Blue Bells. They are wildflowers - almost weeds, that grow here in the spring. They are beautiful but they definitely heard the command to be fruitful and multiply. They grow at the edge of the woods behind our house. Have a wonderful day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Neal said...

I can remember (barely :) ) when I had that much energy.

Shug said...

How precious....did you see that smile on her face as she takes off from the car. The wind blowing in her face and causing the strands of her hair to gently fall in different directions...I know this will be a video you will always cherish...Enjoyed this post Ginny...

Regina said...

Love it..such a treat for them and yes- good you can witness this! I loved those when I was a kid!! Anne Marie looks adorable Ginny- Seger will always remind me of one of my brothers- I like how you tied the wind in with your post:)

Karin said...

What a beautiful memory you captured in this video! Oh, to be able to be so carefree and run against the wind again! But we had our time and now it is their time! So wonderful to behold and be so carefree in one's spirit! Blessings!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your grand daughter is lucky to be adopted by your family.

In China, she was a Bloody daughter ( as in my book.)

It is aged old tradition, not exactly religion. It still happens.

I was the 3th bloody daughter according to my maternal grand ma.

Mum went on to have a 4th, 5th and 6th daughter.

Each time, grandma sang the same song.

When my Dad paid for me to go to university in Canada, she jokingly said, " You lucky bloody daughter. Back in China , you will be sold off to be someone's slave. You dad is a fool."

Kerrie said...

So fun and sweet!

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