Thursday, October 6, 2011

And The Award Goes To...

"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
1 Cor. 1:19

On Monday, Ralph Steinman was awarded the Nobel prize in medicine. A cell biologist, Steinman made a big discovery about proteins that can recognize bacteria as it enters the body, and activate a defense in the immune system. I think. All this is a bit much over my head. Anyway, there was just the teeniest little thing wrong. The Noble committee is only supposed to consider living scientists, and  none of them knew that Steinman had died. Oops!!! Steinman had pancreatic cancer and had been using his own discovery to enable him to stay alive longer than predicted. Thrown into confusion, the Nobel committee had an emergency meeting, where it was decided to let the award decision stand. I would think there are quite a few people on this committee who are geniuses. So it somehow makes me feel better to know they can make stupid mistakes just like the rest of us!

"I am determined to be wise-
but this was beyond me
Whatever wisdom may be,
it is far off and most profound-
who can discover it?"
Ecc. 7:23


Reena said...

Love this post and your observation Ginny!

From the Kitchen said...

To err is human! No err in that tree on your header. It is gorgeous. Are the leaves turning nicely? I'll be e-mailing you soon. I thought I already had. Oops, I erred.


Regina said...

So he died of the same thing as Steve Jobs.. so lethal! I suppose he figured he do a little experimenting on himself..might as well? An Aunt of mine died from that and I knew of another guy who did as well..very fast too.
Gosh your header is super gorgeous!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I saw that story, I think he was still alive when nominated but died just after. They really should keep better track of the nominees but then I'm also glad they let it stand.

Love your header shot Ginny, your leaves are way ahead of ours. I am just now starting to see touches of yellow.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

pancreatic cancer how sad, how deadly. I was listening to Steve Job's legacy of death.

Neal said...

Yeah, I read about! Interesting.
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It would've been totally depressing if they hadn't left the award standing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well, now, this makes me feel MUCH better, smart people can be dumb toooo. that last verse should be my motto. I am determined to be wise-
but this was beyond me
Whatever wisdom may be,
it is far off and most profound-
who can discover it?"
Ecc. 7:23 I am repeating the first part now... i hope his discovery helps someone who needs it. this is similar to what Leoniten is going to have at the cancer center.

Kanak said...

In remember reading this. The verse couldn't be more apt. And your header is gorgeous!!

LV said...

Besides him, the world is full of smart people, I do not understand why they have not found something for cancer. Just does not make sense.

Remington said...

Great post and LOVE your golden tree!

Sharon said...

Smart people are not necessarily wise.

Love the golden tree in your header, it's perfection!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Well said,suddenly I feel a lot more 'normal'.I love the look of your blog and the header.

Joanne said...

Yep we are all human and we are fallible. Too bad he died before he won.
Blessings, Joanne

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Pancreatic cancer seems to get a lot of our very intelligent ones....I say this because of Jobs and a few others

LC said...

Luscious tree! Reminds me of candy, maybe a golden caramel?

Lots of truth in your observations and verses.

Anonymous said...

Nobel lost their credibility years ago when they awarded Al Gore a prize for his global warming lie!

God bless and have a Great Weekend! :-)

BTW, thanks for your recent comment on my "Don't Mess With Old People!" post. ~Ron

Ann said...

It does make you feel better when something like that happens. Makes our little life errors seem not so silly after all :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Nice post and your header photo is gorgeous! Have a great weekend.

S. Etole said...

You make me smile, Ginny!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I like the Scripture verses today very much. Have a super good weekend!

Bobbie said...

How sad. Yes, it's nice to know - we all make mistakes. even the best of the best..

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello Ginny, He couldn't save himself. Imagine, the prize was awarded to a dead scientist. So sad. And as you say, God confounds the wise. Love Crystal

George said...

I love your header. I think the Nobel committee has egg on its face.

DawnTreader said...

Oops I actually missed this. I think you're taking a great attitude though instead of arguing about their decision.

Annie Jeffries said...

If this post was on Facebook, I would click "like". LOL

Rose said...

Oh, this makes me feel better, too!

Chatty Crone said...

Guess it shows you even wise people make mistakes! teehee sandie

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