Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sweet Frog

After leaving the Cancer Center, we happened to pass a brand new store, Sweet Frog. And this was the grand opening!! Come with me on a tour!! You walk in and grab the size cup you want. Then you go to this wall full of built in frozen yogurt machines in dozens of flavors, like red velvet and caramel. You can put any flavor or combinations of flavors in your bowl. Then on to the toppings, there are dozens of fruits and candies. Help yourself to top your yogurt. Do you see that one topping I snapped? It is called Mochi, I never heard of it before. It is a sweetened sugared rice cake. Tastes like a real soft gumdrop. Then the clerk weighs your cup and you pay.  Entirely self serve!! Isn't the little kids corner cute in the last picture?  Oh, and the name. Phil asked them if they had any frozen frog legs, he loves to tease! But the name stands for Fully Rely On God! Time for my Monday vacation, I will see you on Tuesday and show you the end of this busy day.

"You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you are my God, my fortress, my God on whom I can rely."
Psalm 59:17


Karin said...

Fully Rely on God - that's totally cool! Interesting concept for a yoghurt store - any with extra probiotics? Love the kids corner!! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy!

Regina said...

Karin's comment about the probiotics was funny..I just started a new culture.
Looks as sweet as the colors they picked. Yogurt is so tasty! Did you know Mochi is very popular in the islands? Well, I'm on my mobile so had to zoom in till I realized Sweet Frog was a new yogurt refreshing!

FilipBlog said...

I very special place, I had never heard of it before.


Joanne said...

I love that name! I remember going into a frozen yogurt place like this but it didn't have that cool name. So glad you discovered it and shared it with us!
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

It's fun to discover new places especially when they have goodies like frozen yogurt. I like the self serve idea.

Have a great Sunday and Monday Ginny!

DawnTreader said...

This is something we don't have in Sweden (or at least it's not so common that I've ever come across it). We eat lots of ice cream but I never hear of frozen yoghurt here.

Ann said...

Love what frog stands for. And what a cool idea for a business. It's so cute with all the colors they chose. Looks like a fun place.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as I took the tour, i kept thinking, this is really cool, but where are the frogs. then i got to the last sentence and thought this really IS cool. and yummy

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a fantastic place! I've never heard of it, but there is lots I don't know. Ginny, thanks so much for your continued support of my blog while Bob and I were on holiday. I can't tell you how much it was appreciated. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Judy Royal Glenn said...

Love the meaning of FROG! That is too cool:)

Fred Alton said...

Isn't that great? "Fully Rely On God! = FROG" You have a most interesting and entertaining blog site.

Tanna said...

Fully Relying On God!! Gotta love it!! My grandson LOVES Frog yogurt... well, mostly he loves getting toppings on his yogurt! LOL! blessings ~ Tanna

Sharon said...

Love the name! No place like that around here, I'm sure it will be a hit! Thanks for the tour!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Serve yourself yogurt??? How interesting.. Love the meaning of the name also!!!!! Was it expensive???? Usually places like that are quite pricey.

I'd have a hard time deciding --but mind would have something to do with peanut butter I'm sure... ha

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

One of those is getting ready to open here too. It looks so cute!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The name alone makes me want to visit this shop.Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What a wild-looking decor that place has! I just love the light fixtures. A blast from the past of the early 60's look revived. Have a splendid day!

Marie said...

That name FROG and what is stands for is awesome! I've never heard of it before...hopefully it will catch on and spread! Looks like a fun and yummy place for kids and adults. Have a great Sunday and Monday Ginny!

Annie Jeffries said...

Good morning, Ginny. What a marvelous place. We have the same set-up in town at a place called Brain-Freeze. It's not nearly as visually exciting but the end result, some awesome frozen yogurt and toppings galore, is the same.

Bobbie said...

I have never heard of this place before, but it is super-awesome!! I hope you had a beautiful weekend, Ginny!

Unknown said...

Oh what a place to pass time

Chatty Crone said...

I have to tell you a story - we worked into one - felt overwhelmed and walked out - think we will have to try it again now that I know the scoop. sandie

S. Etole said...

What a fun place to enjoy.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a great name for an ice cream shop! I couldn't imagine what the frog had to do with anything, but now I know...neat!

Kanak said...

Thanks for this lovely tour! What a great yogurt place!

George said...

I really like the way they came up with the name for their store. I have a feeling my bowl would weigh quite a bit by the time I got to the pay station.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hi Ginny.... miss you.
What a great name...and such a cool place. Catching up.... xo

RoeH said...

I want some right now! :)

Reena said...

Catching up! this looks yummy and I love your post on the cancer center. Let's beat this disease!

Short Poems said...

What a beautiful place, amazing shots!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

In hot humid Singapore, I prefer frozen yogurt to ice cream.

The oysters were in muddy waters, 30 years ago, I chiselled some and ate them on the beach. They were rather small and not worthed the work.

Hootin Anni said...

Ha....Ironic that the comment number above me is 31! As in 31 flavors [I guess that's Basking Robin's tho]. Personally I would PREFER frozen yogurt to ice cream any day. Wishing we had one of these establishments here in town.


LC said...

Enjoyed tagging along to this new business with an important message in its name!

photowannabe said...

Great name for the new business. We have several self serve yoghurt shops in our area. One is called Big Spoon. There are too many choices and can get pricey if I give in to my wants, but its so goood.

Deborah said...

Yum, I have been such lousy food lately, this looks good to me!!

Deborah said...

OK, that's weird, we were just commenting on eachother's blog! LOL

Shug said...

What a cute name. We have one of those shops here, but it is called "the Orange Leaf"..if a person is not careful, they can spend a lot on their bowl of yogurt. We now have a card where we can get a discount. Buy one and the second is FREE!

Cindy of PEI said...

I dont' know if I would have asked for frozen frogs legs, probably but would not have guessed FROG. Catchy isn't it? You found a very cool place and to land there on opening day was even better. The pictures of toppings are sweet!

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