Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wind Him Up!

"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere."
Groucho Marx

Here is a 38 second sneak peek video at what Phil will be wearing to a Halloween party. A wind-up Groucho face. To make it move, you have to wind up the nose, which Ella loves doing! Not to be outdone, I had him take this picture of me with a frame of a Groucho face in front of me, thanks to the frame setting on my cell phone.

"A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day."
Proverbs 15:13


Karin said...

The things we do for the grands! Funny!

Anonymous said...

LOL Oh what an adorable photo lol

Dawning Inspiration said...


and thanks for the laugh of that quote..... that's a good one!

SquirrelQueen said...

Phil is going to be a riot at the Halloween party ... as long as he remembers to wind his nose. That is just too cute. I love the shot of you as Groucho Ginny!

Cindy of PEI said...

Yup, this brings back memories. Thanks for the laugh

Lady Jane said...

What a cute video. Still laughing. Yes I do believe Phil will be a hit. Years ago I made Pinnochio and Geppetto costumns for hubby and I, I wish I still had them, lol. They got lent out and who knows where they got from there. Cheers! LJ

Bobbie said...

LOL!!! This is so cute! I love it.

Anonymous said...

love this post thanks for sharing loves from holland...soraya

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love his costume!

Anonymous said...

LOVED it!! That looks like fun! Thanks for sharing!

Chatty Crone said...

That is one of my most favorite Bible verse.

Phil is so cute and so are you.

Little Ella was really putting her effort into turning on his nose!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

well the sneak peak certainly gave me a cheerful heart and then I scrolled down and saw you and got my first LAUGH of the day. i looked at it and thought how did she do this, then i read the cell phone thing. great post, thanks for the smiles... what are you wearing to the Halloween party

Reanaclaire said...

Really very sporting, both of you!! Real fun to be with you allllll...

Mary Bergfeld said...

You guys have entirely too much fun with each other. This could lead to something serious. Carry on :-). Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

That's hilarious.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Looks like you all are having fun! Too cute!

George said...

I love the mask Phil is wearing, and obviously Ella likes it as well. It looks as if you will have a fun Halloween.

Reena said...

That was so cute! I like how she has to put out her tongue to wind it up!

Shug said...

Gorgeous header pic...What kind of tree is that? The colors are beautiful and bright. Isn't it great to have fun times with our kiddos? Looks like you all were having a fun time...Blessings Ginny..
Hugs to ya...

Ann said...

Phil's new look is hilarious. I love the winding the nose up Love the picture of you too

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm jumping back in to answer questions. Some of the houses are still family occupied. Most of them have become hotels or hostels. As to the underground cities, they are all from antiquity and they mirror the small towns and cities of the time in which they were dug out. The maze and levels of the rooms have spaces for trade, spaces for animals,spaces for storage, spaces for worship, spaces for cooking and myriad places for sleeping. The rooms are small, the ceilings are low and they are very dark. They were originally dug for protection. Hope this helps.Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Way back in the 1940's my late mother knew Mrs. Groucho Marx. I think it is so hilarious that you have that wind-up and silly face. Have a great day tomorrow!

Marie said...

Very cute! I've never seen one that winds up. Can't wait to see the Halloween photos!

Joanne said...

Phil is such a great sport! very cute video!
I wish I had a phone that could do that. You guys are so awesome!
Blessings, Joanne

DawnTreader said...

Seems to need frequent winding up! Will he be taking Ella to the party? ;)

Regina said...

Oh this was hilarious..just what I needed tonight!

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