"God's love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, His verdicts oceanic. Yet in His largeness nothing gets lost; not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks."
Psalm 36:5,6
Over the weekend, I snapped these pictures of dolls in an antique mall. I tried posting them in order of the oldest, but I'm not sure. The first one says 1884. Whenever I see dolls like this, I wonder about the children who owned them. I think you can tell how much they loved the doll by how worn it is. If that is so, the third doll was greatly loved. I also wonder if the owner were still living, if she ever thinks of her long ago doll, and would buy her back if she could. There are dolls and stuffed animals from my past that I dearly wish I had now, how about you? So here they sit in a modern antique mall, watching everyone walk by, waiting to be loved. Something we will never have to do.
"The One who died for us-who was raised to life for us!-is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in scripture...I'm absolutely convinced that nothing-nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable-absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our master has embraced us."
Romans 8
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All these dolls have such a history. I see from your article that you really love God. We were in Israel last month and visited many places related to the life of Jesus. I have published a 13 series article of these places. It was a super experience.
The dolls are all very interesting and I hope someone will give them a home! Loved the verses you chose to go with this post, Ginny!
All of the dolls are so interesting but the first ones are my favorites. Those could have been handmade for the child by a parent or other relative. I'm sure all these dolls were very much loved by their owners.
I have memories of an old Raggedy Anne doll that got drug around everywhere. I don't think she survived my childhood.
Ginny, I do not own a proper doll during my younger days.. all I had were those paper dolls which I used to draw using cardboard so that they could last longer...
I remember my childhood dolls. My mum also did drawings of some of them in my early photo albums. The memories are enough for me. The few that were still in usable condition when my parents moved house 20 years ago (when I was in my mid 30's) were given away to some charity sale. No regrets. The only toy from early childhood that I still have is a kitten handpuppet.
When I was young, I preferred Teddy bears over dolls because bears were softer to snuggle with and didn't poke you in the ribs with their stiff fingers at night LOL Now I like dolls because you can crochet dressed for them and sit them on the bed for decoration...
NOTE: I think Weezie is a form of Louise, isn't it? Remember the sitcom called "The Jeffersons"? Didn't Mr. Jefferson call his wife Weezie?
Anyway, I've not had time to do any crocheting in the past 2 weeks - with walking 3 times a day, bathing her and making time to be sure Gizzy doesn't feel neglected - all I do is be a slave to my dogs it seems ;-) But I have been enjoying the cool weather and spending time outside is wonderful for all of us. Maybe if you don't mine, we can put the bluebird crochet project on hold and I'll make one when I have time and just send it to you when it's ready without any particular time frame in mind.
Thanks for understanding, Ginny, I appreciate it.
Have a great day. I'm getting ready to pile in the cats into my car (and hope they won't pee on my back seat) so I can drive them to the place where they take them to the Vet's in Florida.
Love you! Doris, Gizzy and Weezie!
I think dolls are so cute. There are so many different ones to look at. These are really cool....thanks for sharing....
I've always loved dolls. I think the same as you Ginny. I always wonder about the dolls past life. I sure do wish I had my clown from when I was 2. I've heard stories that I could go nowhere without it...
Do you like going through antique stores? I love it! So many stories behind all the old stuff.. My thoughts go crazy. lol
i had many dolls and stuffed animals but know that stick in my mind. i did not have favorites. but i did have favorite books that were worn to a frazzle and would love to have them now. two dolls stick out in my mind. one was a bride doll the same height as me, i was 4. we spent christmas here in FL with my grandmother and she surprised me with it. the other one my mother crocheted a dress and put on a 10 inch doll. do you remember the dolls that the dress was spread out in a big circle and the doll in the middle? they were meant to lay on the pillows.
My mom has a really tiny, very old china doll that was her grandmother's. It's so neat. It's still in the original box and everything.
Some of these dolls are ugly. Let's just be honest. But that didn't matter to the owner. The doll was loved anyway. Mmmm. I'm thankful that God's love is not restricted to whether we are pretty or ugly!!! ☺
What fascinating pics, gosh! the dolls are so old. And no doubt that they were loved and looked after well.
And your header is something special.
Have a fabulous week ahead Ginny:)
Great thought that we don't have to wait for love - we have it now and will forever be loved.
It is our doubting that makes us forget that sometimes.
How did you get the trees in the moon - awesome.
WOW, I love your header photo!!!!
I too look at old toys and wonder who played with them. I have a doll from my MIL when she was a child. Its seen better days but she must have loved it to hold onto it. One of these days I will have to make a dress for it.
My ever-more-frail mother and I had a delightful visit by phone this past weekend. We shared memories about . . . the dolls I had as a child! Love this post! But the header was slow loading on my computer, so I am "heading" back (groan, sorry about a lame pun, but lame puns are just one of my serious character flaws) to see what image you are sharing today!
Saw the header. Oh, wow!
Well you know how I feel about dolls :) I was touched by your title...we are all waiting to be loved. Then I saw those sweet dolls in their antique chairs. Lovely.
Sweet post ... some of those dolls probably were loved real hard once upon a time.
I love faceless rag dolls. I made one once when Kris was small. I don't think she understood. LOL
I still have a rag doll that my Dad gave me when I was young. I had a doll that spoke but i don't know whatever happened to it. These pictures and the title of your post is so sweet.
Blessings, Joanne
I like the dolls you found. Just think of the stories they could tell.
I only have one doll left from my childhood. I wasn't really a doll girl, my favorite was a stuffed skunk. (Flower from the story "Bambi")
what a nice selection of dolls. I don't have any of mine but there are times when I wished I would have saved some.
It would be nice to know who had owned and loved those dolls. Thanks for sharing the great photos, Ginny! Wonderful scripture too!
These dolls probably have a story to tell, probably carted everywhere I'd imagine. I kind of like the first ones just cause they look hand made. I still have an Eskimo doll I received on a trip to Alaska when I was young. Enjoyed the words- He is ever present:)
How I wish I had saved my dolls from my childhood! They were much loved! And I'm so thankful for God's unconditional, unchanging love for us!
1884 is so old, it would fetch a lot of money.
My colleague made a calico bear for another who is leaving. She printed our photo and made a waist coat from it.
What a lovely post. I had a doll called Beloved Belinda when I was really small. I'd love to have her now. Ginny, about the donuts. You could get a curtain suspension rod and stretch it in your door frame. That will work well. I hope you've had a great day. Blessings...Mary
Oh how I wish I had a few of my childhood dolls! They were very well loved.
It was so interesting to see these wonderful antique dolls, Ginny! It's so true that the Lords love is always with us.
No, there are no toys I wish I had back. But what I would give to be able to have some of my cats and dogs back...and a couple of horses and a cow or two.
I am an only child and had lots of dolls that I would line up on the studio couch in my playroom. It was from my dolls that I knew I would have a huge family and be such a good mommy when I grew up. "Huge" turned out to be three, lol. I can still remember all their names, what they looked like etc. My beloved grandmother made them clothes. I still have a red velvet cape with hood and red taffeta dress with lace overskirt that my grandmother made for my "bride" doll for Christmas. I gave the doll away but could not bear to give the clothes my grandmother lovingly made. My own girls were more into big baby dolls than the grown up ones. They also did not play dolls as long as I did. My granddaughter was much more a tomboy so I still have the clothes in a drawer. Yes, I look at them every so often and they bring back such beautiful memories of my grandmother. Blessings,
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