Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fly Me To The Moon

We've been so busy lately, I think we may need a little trip to the moon in order to get a rest. So that's where we are headed. It was hard deciding whether to take this helicopter or the plane. It should be a lovely trip, and perhaps I'll bring back some stardust to sprinkle around. See you on Tuesday!

God spoke again to Ahaz. This time he said, "Ask for a sign from your God. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!"
Isaiah 7


Joanne said...

I could use a sprinkle of star dust!
Blessings, Joanne

Arti said...

Haha :) Lovely post. Loved the second shot the most, how you have captured these pics, perfect...
Bring some stardust for me too... Have a fabulous Sunday and enjoy your break Ginny:)
PS - I have replied to your query on my blog.

S. Etole said...

Please sprinkle some stardust in this direction, too!

Marie said...

I love that you caught a plane and a helicopter with the moon. Have a nice break.

Christmas-etc... said...

Love this and love your blog. So happy to have found you!
Please join me at my history blog - I'd love to have you!
PS Have you thought about maybe taking a hot air balloon to the moon? Why not?! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

That is one very busy sky! Have a nice trip, I could use a little of that stardust too.

See you Tuesday Ginny!

DawnTreader said...

Wonderful captures, Ginny!
I wish you a relaxing trip ;)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Have a good trip! ;-) Bring back some moon dust.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

be sure you come back from the moon by tuesday, we will all be waiting to see what you found on that big old round ball. is Phil the pilot of the plane and helicopter? also, send star dust soon

Sharon said...

Nice shots! Have a nice short break!

Ann said...

oh could you pick up an extra bag of stardust for me too :)
whichever mode of transportation you choose, enjoy yourself

Bobbie said...

Beautiful pictures, Ginny. For a minute there I thought you were going to go on a helicopter ride.
I just read your last blog too.. that was so precious!! That granddaughter of yours has the most beautiful smile. She looked to be having a blast laying those bricks. Gary tries to put Marissa to work when she is here, too. She helps him to feed the birds and do some things in the yard. Of course the grandchildren love to help!!

From the Kitchen said...

Have fun and send a postcard! "Sweet Daphne" is a spring green.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Have a wonderful break. SOme stardust would be perfect.:)

Anonymous said...

Send some stardust my way too! What a fun post! And thanks for the chuckle!:)))

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

lol.....happy thanksgiving always make me feel good when I stop by here. I hope I do the same for you. ☺☺

Deborah said...

Busy, that's an understatement!! I love the picture and you know I hum that song all the time and I have it on my Ipod!!

Fred Alton said...

Hi, Ginny! We've been out-of-pocket here for a few days so it's nice to get back here and see you are planning a vacation on the m0on! ☺ It has presented several opportunities for photographers around here the last few days - rising in the sky a good bit before the sun goes down!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You have a talent for taking good pictures! I love the shot of the helicopter against the moon! Have a super day tomorrow!

LC said...

Have agreat trip. And to think, hubby and i settled for an overnighter to New Orleans. No stardust, just powdered sugar on our beignets!

Rose said...

Lorelei woud probably want to go with you.

Regina said...

Oh I like these images Ginny..I wanted to try and get some moon shots but its raining. These are terrific. I know how you feel and do hope you get some rest-

Reena said...

Cute post! And nice pictures ... hope you have some fun.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Bring me back a slice of cheese! LOL! Have a nice trip!

Shug said...

Yes...I think I will take some of that stardust! Great pictures Ginny! love the plane and the helicoptor shots...

Together We Save said...

Those are great pictures!! Oh and I can use some stardust for sure!!

Glenda said...

Nice shots, Ginny! I could use a rest like that, too!!

photowannabe said...

A trip to the moon on gossimer wings....what a way to go.
Really nice post Ginny. Hope things slow down for you.

Lady Jane said...

Please, please bring me some moon dust. Hugs, LJ

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know if flying to the moon would make me less stressed - but it sure would be interesting.

I am with you - some times I want to stop the world and just rest for awhile.


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