Saturday, October 29, 2011


This is what we woke up to today, snow!! As you can see, it broke my pet lilac bush! Since the trees still have their leaves, the weight of the snow on them caused many trees to fall, and this is why our power went out today. All this shortly after we had two eaqrthquakes and several aftershocks. The weather is just plain weird lately, to say it's surprising is an understatement. Guess we don't have to worry about a White Christmas, we've already had a White Halloween!

He orders the snow"Blanket the earth!" and the rain, "Soak the whole countryside!" No one can escape the weather - it's there. And no one can escape from's God's breath that forms the ice, it's God's breath that turns lakes and rivers solid."
Job 37:1


Joanne said...

We have had rain all day and now wet snow is begining to fall YUCK! Ginny it's way too soon for this! The leaves are still on the trees!
going to drown my sorrows in ice cream! LOL!
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, when I saw the news this afternoon I was wondering if the snow was in your area. I hope your power wasn't out for too long.

Earthquakes? I didn't hear about those. You have had a really weird weekend. I hope your Sunday is nice and quiet.

Karin said...

That is unbelievable! Friends of our in Westfield, MA area sent photos of their snow too! Many a year we've had snow by end of October and it didn't melt any more either. I'm sure hoping for another dry week - selfishly I know - for our move on Tuesday! Hope your snow will melt yet and not stay for the season!

FilipBlog said...

Oops it has started. Here in Belgium and The Netherlands it is still ok.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you found a verse i don't remember at all, one I have never heard and it is perfect for today. sorry about your lilac bush and the trees. we are at 58 this morning and that is really unusual for us. the weather is whacky for sure. stay safe and hope the power is back this morning. hot chocolate and a blanket i am thinking. hugs and love from me to you

Hootin Anni said...

Ewwwwwwwww, I have lived in harsh winters most my life, deep deep snows that take forever to disappear. Guess that's why we live in the Deep South now. Take it easy. Be safe if you go out in that weather. It's perfect here....mid 70s for highs and high 40s for lows. My favorite time of year.

Oh....and love the ghost images you've shared below this post too.

Happy Sunday.

Anonymous said...

A White Halloween - hopefully your power was not out very long. Thanks for sharing these photos, Ginny.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, when I saw the pictures in your post I couldn't believe my eyes! The weather is indeed getting weirder.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am still waiting for that first snowfall. It is pretty,but when the leaves are still on the trees it can do so much damage.Stay safe.

Ann said...

That's exactly how it looked yesterday at Wade's daughter's house. It just seems way to early yet to be getting snow. I hope this doesn't mean we are in for an extra long winter

Reanaclaire said...

hey..isnt it a bit too early for snow? it is not even november.. maybe it starts early and ends early too.. what is the world coming to.. it is so different now..

Marie said...

That's a lot of snow! I guess you'll be having a white Halloween!
Hope you're having a lovely Sunday.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh my - an early winter wonderland... thanks for sharing the pics - and praying for the weather to improve!

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny,
My mother lost ALL her huge lilacs at her house. I was sooo sad to see that this morning.. The snow is melting very fast though. She has no power and will be staying with me.
We had about six inches and my mother had a foot!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Jumping back in to answer your question. I'm told I hated to walk. We lived in Boston when I was a toddler and my mother would often hail a cab. I learned from a pro:-). Blessings...Mary

DawnTreader said...

Oh my. That always feels totally wrong, when the snow comes while the leaves are still on the trees. This year we have had a rather mild autumn so far, except a few nights of frost. But no snow.

pam said...

My brother in Colorado got an early snow storm and their poor trees suffered the same fate with all the leaves still it was a VERY wet snow. I love snow but it's a bit early even for me.

Tracy said...

UGH, UGH, and Triple can have the snow for sure; UGH!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow. I'm just not ready for the white stuff, but I know we'll get it here in MO sometime. Ole man winter is a comin'. Sorry about your poor lilac, hopefully it will come back in the spring.
That is a great verse for your post. I didn't remember that one! Take care!

Stephanie V said...

Whoa! That's just wrong! Must be pretty wet snow to break the lilac. Hope it's all melted now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I do not envy you but I do like snow (heck - I hail from Calif. originally and have only been a Tennessean for a couple of years). Hope you have a good and warmer coming week! I am back to blogging tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Ginny, I hope your power is back or will be soon -- and that y'all are protected from the cold. Great photos, including the header weather map and the snow background!! Warm thoughts from Southeast TX. :)

Shug said...

hard to believe....Snow at Halloween...oh my. Hope your trick or treaters still get to get their treats!!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Are your grand daughters thrill to see the snow?

I hope you are not getting a cold winter.

The wild onions have triangular tubes instead of round like spring onions. I have not cooked them, but i saw them for sale in the farmer's market.

George said...

Although your pictures are very nice, I'm glad the snow missed us.

Fred Alton said...

Snow is so beautiful falling - and beautiful layered over the mountains - it brings with it a unique set of challenges such as power out and cold homes! I pray your's has been restored and that you stay safe and warm.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh Ginny - you have had terrible weather there this year and so have the rest of us - odd anyway. Will the kids still go trick or treating?


Rose said...

My, oh,, my--hard to believe. I couldn't believe it when I heard that forecast...

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