Tuesday, October 25, 2011


"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion."
Henry David Thoreau

Pumpkins of every sort abound all over our city now. No neighborhood or block is immune. I don't know who the dog or little girl are, they came to watch me take pictures of their house, a nice extra. Pumpkins originated in Central America, and here I had been thinking they were native to our country! They used to be recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bites. The largest pumpkin ever weighed 1,140 pounds. They are 90% water, and a member of the gourd family, but I still don't like them, I just can't eat them.

"One of the men went out into the field to get some herbs; he came across a wild vine and picked gourds from it, filling his gunnysack. He brought them back, sliced them up, and put them in a stew, even though no one knew what kind of plant it was. The stew was then served up for the men to eat. They started to eat, and then exclaimed, "Death in the pot, O man of God! Death in the pot! Nobody could eat it."
2 Kings 4


Reanaclaire said...

I guess the dog must be curious at what you were doing.. but the girl had a "take all you want" look.. hahaha... interesting, Ginny!

SquirrelQueen said...

That's quite an assortment of pumpkins at the house with the little girl and dog. They were curious about the lady with the camera.

You found some great Halloween decorations Ginny. I love that pumpkin in your header.

Bobbie said...

Nice pictures Ginny. And I learned a lot about pumpkins. I like Pumpkin pie.. :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh I love that quote! Great pictures.

LC said...

Hmm . . . that scripture passage sort of sounds like my cooking!

Ruth Hiebert said...

We have lots of pumpkins around my town as well. The only way I like them is in a pie with lots of whipped cream on it. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like pumpkin pie, but prefer sweet potato pie over it. that is the prettiest UGLY pumpkin i have ever seen in your header. great shot. i like it lots. you do have a lot in your neighborhood. we only have 1 house in our neighborhood with pumpkins, and theirs are electric. i saw a few fake ones at the nursing home, and Walmart has them stack every where. we have locally grown pumpkins here, Hunsader Farms is a big grower and they have a festival of pumpkins all month. i should drive through neighbor hoods with kids, that is where they will be.

Reena said...

A few houses in our neighbor do those big 2 story blow ups! My house, simply a pumpkin, bale of hay and few plants. I'm pitiful!

Sharon said...

Seems the only pumpkins that I am seeing, are on the blogs this year, I don't get out much because of this bug. That dog has a slightly ghostly look. :)

Marie said...

I love the doggie standing in the door...so cute! Very cute decorations and pumpkins!

Karin said...

When we visited our son in PA in Oct. one year, I couldn't believe how much more pumpkin and halloweeny everything was decorated than when we lived there! Unbelievable! Our daughter made a fantastic pumpkin dessert for Thanksgiving - a layer of pumpkin, a box of yellow cake mix topped with oodles of crushed pecan & almond topping. Wow! And I'm not that partial to pumpkin. My mom used to pickle pumpkin that our dad LOVED! You sure got a bunch of great photos!

Remington said...

Great pumpkins! I love this time of year!

DawnTreader said...

Not half as popular here. Once at my previous apartment I grew a 2 kilo pumpkin on my balcony though :)

Unknown said...

What fun decorations, Ginny! Love your header. What fun for all the wee ones to enjoy at they T&T.

Have a beautiful day ~

George said...

We have a shortage of pumpkins in our area, so there aren't as many about as there have been in years past. Thanks for sharing your pumpkins with us.

Remington said...

HI again! In regards to your question -- I am not certain of the exact amount of time it takes to dry -- but it wasn't long at all! Have fun if you give it a try! We sure did!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed you sharing all the colorful decorations around your town. Very pretty!

FilipBlog said...

Hola, that must be a lot of work. Well done.


Ann said...

A nice assortment of pumpkins although I'm not a fan of those inflatable holiday decorations. I really like the one pumpkin with the owl carved in it. That's really cool

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have a beautiful array of pumpkins!

Chatty Crone said...

That one pumpkin in the header is interesting as well as your quote and I am kind of like him in that.

And you don't eat pumpkin pie???

Oh my . sandie

Shug said...

cute...cute....The big pumpkin on your header is quite different..I guess you could say it has a personality of it's own...I only like pumpkin pie...and pumpkin bread, and pumpkin cupcakes.....so I guess I do like pumpkin....
Blessings Ginny...

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love my pumpkin pie! Cute photos! That's a good quote from
Thoreau, too. Have a great day!

Annie Jeffries said...

What a fun collection of pumpkins. I love all the variety we are seeing these days. And, the creativity of pumpkin carving gets better and better every year. I especially like the stack of little carved pumpkins next to the little girl sitting on the porch.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny! So sorry to learn that you can't enjoy the pumpkin. I love pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, and while visiting in Western Africa found that we could cook and eat the green leaves of the pumpkin. They were much like collard greens to me and very savory.

Rose said...

Someone has some imagination!

Lynn said...

Oh Ginny, you don't like pumpkin? In any form? I love it, pumpkin soup, bread etc. Some good carving ideas on those pumpkins. Using pumpkins to remove freckles?? Never heard that before. I thought Pumpkins came over with the Pilgrims. I am very happy when I came spend much of Oct out of Florida so I can appreciate the Fall colors, decorations and cool weather as we did again this year.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Ginny,

I like to report an anonymous comment that I have been getting on my blogs which is offensive to half the American population. I am not American, and is still very angry with it. I have deleted the comment on my blogs, and I wonder if you have received any. I won't bother to mention the name because that would promote him further.

Anonymous said...

So good to see all these decorations!

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