Saturday, October 22, 2011

Orchids For You

"God loved the flowers and invented soil. Man loved the flowers and invented vases."
Variation of a saying by Jacques Deval

Where were we going in my post from yesterday? An orchid show! I try to go every year. There are over 100,000 different kinds of orchids, and they are very ancient plants. Hope you enjoy it and I will see you on Tuesday!

"...grass dries up, flowers droop, God's word goes on and on forever."
1 Peter 1


Karin said...

Ooooooooo! Ahhhhhhhhh! Absolutely gorgeous Ginny! Now if mine would just bloom again!

Kanak said...

Fantastic photos!! I can't wait to see the rest! And the saying...I loved it!!

But I'll come and comment only after a few days as I'll be away visiting my sister in the southern part of India.

Have a great Sunday!

Arti said...

Wow! What bright purple-pinkish colors...
And just loved the new header.
Have a fabulous Sunday Ginny:)

Regina said...

What a lovely header and post! I have luck with most plants but the orchids I've attached trees have way a way better survival rate than others.
So that's where you were headed? Autumn leaves and Orchids.. well see you then:)

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, what a gorgeous orchid. It must have been exciting to see so many beautiful orchids. Hope you will show us more.

Have a great Sunday and Monday.

SquirrelQueen said...

PS, the crocuses on my blog today are autumn crocus. I see them around here every October.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oooooo ahhhhhhh i copied that from Karin since i was saying it while scrolling. beautiful. you would love Selby Gardens here, they have orchids year round, thousands of them, any time you want to see orchids they are there, wish you were here to go with me

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

MY goodness, you sure do get to some wonderful places to take photos of. These are breathtaking flowers.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Isn't that color amazing? I have no luck raising orchids but am most appreciative of the flowers grown by folks whose thumbs are greener than my own. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

DawnTreader said...

An orchid show must be a fantastic experience. I've never been to one. And that colour is my favourite... I wear it a lot! ;) I have three orchid plants, one of them has produced new flowers several times since I got it three years ago. I'm hoping for the other two to make an effort soon but no signs of it yet.

Tracy said...

I love orchids...what I like best about them, being a 'girly-girl' is the ruffly outside :) Very gorgeous Ginny!

Stephanie V said...

Amazing colors!

Ann said...

oh and orchid show sounds like fun. Those are really pretty

Marie said...

Sooo pretty! I bet you took a lot of pics. Looking forward to seeing them. Have a nice Sunday and Monday Ginny.

S. Etole said...

The color is amazing. Hope your week-end is going well.

Chatty Crone said...

Thank you for the trip to the Orchid show and the flowers. Lovely.

And Ginny that first quote is a keeper - God made the soil for the flowers to grow and man made the vase to hold the flowers!

I am going to remember that.


FilipBlog said...

Very nice macro pictures.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Orchids give me a warm fuzzy feeling. My parents, esp Dad grew orchids as a hobby. All the kids remember that.

Shug said...

Ooo La La....gorgeous! Such a beautiful header (as always) and I do really like the color...Love seeing what you come up with every day..great pics..
Have a wonderful Sunday Ginny and Phil

LC said...

Luscious color!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Just jumping back in to answer your question. The pumpkins we use to make jack-o-lanterns are too fibrous to make good eating. The sugar pie pumpkin is the one that's used to make puree for pies and such. Have a great evening, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

LV said...

A most enjoyable showing of the orchids. They are stunning.

Fred Alton said...

One of my favorite flowers, Ginny! Beautiful.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow! These are beautiful, Ginny! And I had no idea that there were so many different kinds! Thanks for sharing.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love to see orchids too, Ginny! They are such exquisite flowers.

PS: Yes, Ingrid Croce still owns and runs Croce's Restaurant in SD. I don't think she ever re-married.

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh, these photos are just dazzling. And breathtaking. Whoa.

Thanks for popping by to visit with me over the weekend. Today's post is:

Macro Halloween Candle Holder...Eerie!!


Reena said...

So beautiful and love your new header!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh thank ya Ginny!!! They are simply beautiful. I can almost smell their aroma through your beautiful photos! :o)

God bless ya sweetie and have an extraordinary day! :o)

Neal said...

Those are gorgeous Ginny. I love orchids.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I have a picture of an orchid cactus to post... from my mom's house. Thanks for the reminder to post it! Hope you are having a fun time!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Oh how fabulous! I just adore that type of Orchid. So lovely! I want you to know that my Internet will be quite spotty for the next couple of weeks while changes are made here. I really love your posts and wanted to let you know. Have a fantastic coming week!

photowannabe said...

Love the amazing varieties of orchids. Beautiful color.
To answer your question...I'm not exactly sure what this metal thing is. I took the picture in the ghost town of Bodie, CA. Its some type of mining equipment that was rusty and degraded.

George said...

These orchids are gorgeous. I would want to attend a show like this as well.

Rose said...

They are beautiful!

nasash said...

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