Thursday, October 20, 2011

Harvest Decor

Well, my blog friends have started posting their Fall decorations, so I guess it's time for me to do the same. Some of these I made, and some I bought. This last picture of the wreath; I made from the hand prints of our granddaughter when she was about two. I also made one for spring in pastel Easter colors.

"How can we honor our God with our lives, The God who gives rain in both spring and autumn and maintains the rhythm of the seasons, Who sets aside time each year for harvest and keeps everything running smoothly for us."
Jeremiah 5


Dawning Inspiration said...

Sweet and precious decorations. I love my Autumn decorations ... so hard to actually put them away when the season is over!

SquirrelQueen said...

You've got some really cute decorations Ginny. The little pumpkin frame with the photo of Anne Marie is just adorable.

Reanaclaire said...

Sweet, Ginny.. and your grandchild's craft work is so unqiue! Good idea...

Hootin Anni said...

Love, love, LOVE the pumpkin frame around the sweet little 'kitty'!! That is priceless.

And, is that corn candy and peanuts?!!! That brings back memories of my youth [and it's still a tradition around here]. My dad always had a dish full of corn candy and peanuts. Love the salty sweet combination.

You Autumn decor is stupendous.

Thanks for stopping by to visit.

My post today is: Friday's Fragments

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That pumpkin photo frame is my favorite!

Fred Alton said...

What a creative person you are, Ginny! Love these decorations - and the wonderful provisions that God has made for us all to enjoy.

Annie Jeffries said...

That is a sweet picture of Phil and G'babygirl.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh my, i am sooo bad. i own not one single decoration other than my two little 2 foot Christmas trees and a santa. i have never decorated my house for anything but Christmas. but my mother did. her house was just like yours. i like that pumpkin in the header. really pretty.

Karin said...

Your place looks so good all prettified for the fall season. Can hardly wait now to move and have everything settled so that I can decorate too.

pam said...

I never can decide what season of the year is my favorite but I do love to bring out all the colors of Fall. I love the hand print wreath. Hope you have a good weekend Ginny!

George said...

You've got some beautiful autumn decorations. I really like the 'Little Pumpkin' picture frame and the picture in it.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I love, love, love that new header. You are all set for fall. At the moment my sole tribute is a can of pumpkin pie filling :-). Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

S. Etole said...

Such pretty autumn decorations. Thank you for sharing them with us.

DawnTreader said...

Special fall decorations are not as common here. I've never seen anything like that angel of yours with the autumn leaves for wings for example.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your decorations look fantastic. I'm not ambitious enough to chance decor with each sense also,except for a tree at Christmas,so I love looking at what others do.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Ginny, your fall decor is really cute! I love that little pumpkin frame!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Joanne said...

I love all of your fall decorations! My favorite is the last one. The hand wreath is so pretty and the fact that they are your granddaughter's hands well, that makes it priceless!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have some creative decorations...but I like your granddaughters hand the best

Nature Rambles said...

I love to see autumn decorations and enjoyed going through yours. The "Little Pumpkin" is too cute!! The hand print wreath is such a wonderful idea!

Reena said...

That candy dish is looking mighty inviting!

Rachel Cotterill said...

Very nice :) I've never felt the need to decorate for autumn - but then, I can look outside and see the colours on the trees directly.

FilipBlog said...

Very creative.


Chatty Crone said...

I love the wreath with the small hand prints. And I love the little one in the pumpkin picture! sandie

Ann said...

Love your decorations. I haven't even gotten mine out yet. I thought about doing it last weekend and never got around to it.

photowannabe said...

I guess I'm going to have to break out my Fall decor too.
It doesn't really feel "fallish" here yet. The temp today was 84 with nary a cloud in the sky.
Great shots of your pretty autumn decorations.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I just am crazy for that hands wreath craft project! Wow! Good to have harvest decor that reminds us of God's bountiful care! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

chambrayblue said...

I love that last project.. what a neat idea!!
The picture of your lil' pumpkin is too cute!! Have a beautiful weekend, Ginny.

Regina said...

Ginny this is why this season is one of my favorites..even here we feel the change. In the mountains mores so but its in the air and it gets a bit dryer..besides, memories will always flood back. Love the little pumpkin photo and header!! The wreath is so creative-just perfect for this time of year!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

what are those enlongated corn kernels that's yellow, orange and white? Some sort of sweet?

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